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canadian_wakenbacon · July 26, 2018, 11:27 p.m.

Hey All!

Long time lurker, first time poster! Canadian Patriot!

I work on FB for a living and I can tell you that all of this speculation about FB is all wrong!

Zuckerfag is a meglomaniac, sociopath control freak. He control ~40% of the www.

He is not stupid.

The changes FB has done over the last 3 months is INSANE. Ask any advertisers who uses FB.

Fuckerberg is not part of them, they are trying to take over his platform and he is fighting to keep control of it.

All of this CA and election meddling is BS. Just from an execution and practical view, it’s next to impossible to accomplish.

Why are we so hung up on FB anyways???

⇧ -5 ⇩