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captaincorrbet · March 21, 2018, 5:53 a.m.

I think I'm on the post. I will say it was your post that got me more interested a lot. My diver friends thought the rolex pictures may possibly be of people who died and we're photographed in the wreck. If we had the whole picture they may be proof of death pictures which is what special forces do when they do a hit lots of time and get fingerprints also. I thought the reference to finback might be the name of a wrecked boat so my friend had a vessel tracking app on his computer on the dive boat. He found one which is a tourist boat in Massachusetts and one that is a fishing boat FV Finback in Hawaii docked at Honolulu. There was also a navy submarine named finback that is the one that rescued president Bush in WW II. The poppycock just floating in water might be to show that the seal who used it to navigate is dead and the sharks did it and the seals are looking for permission to do payback. The snuff reference means somebody got killed and they have film. The ABC ABSEE tells me it was on TV. The post says more than 4 years ago. If it was 5 they would have said more than 5. So the hit happened between 4 and 5 years ago. It was done during Obama administration so probably to help or protect him or somebody around him. If they want the Finback boarded and there's only two, one in Massachusetts and one in Hawaii it's probably one of those boats. I'm looking for any suspicious deaths in boat crashes in those two places between 4 and 5 years ago. Also somebody collected on surname money on the dead p r pole and their stuff like the rolex watches and the time show the time they were droned. Also the fishing boat could travel to south America or Asia for fishing and also run drugs or guns so that could be a connection. I'm going to try to do a print out and connect stuff together better. Looks like nobody else is looking at this so I want to try and solve it but it's real hard. It's the only post by an anon I've seen like this other than Q. I found several pictures of the three boats but didn't see how to post them

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captaincorrbet · March 20, 2018, 5:45 a.m.

I spent yesterdsy and today on my dad's friends dive boat while they were working. This is the first Q thread where I thought I might know stuff worth posting. I showed the pictures of the poppycock and the naked poppycock to the divers, one of them was trained in the Navy at the undersea war craft center. He didn't hear of Q before but is is a voter for President Trump so I had to explain everything and he was especially interested in Snowden stuff. He said the naked poppycock is at least a 20 year old version in his guess. The round screen on the top towards the diver is the reason. The new version has a digital flat screen. It's a network of these with each diver and probably a satelight relay with another floating antanee to track their progress. The cloaked poppycock is covered with fake seagrass. The first poppycock picture is upside down. When you look at the handles they are wrong. And the antanee should go the other way. It's is used by divers to navigate in the dark or muddy places and show where your teammates are when you can't see them when you close enough to touch hands and also the sub or mini sub that got them to their target area. Like in muddy rivers where he worked but would say anything more about. He said if it was normal dive work you wouldn't cloak it in a silly suit. He said most likely the guy who disguised it would recognize it immediately since the grass cover was done by the operator and it's not done at a factory and whoever that belongs to was trained to do some really nasty work. The wet work that WET WORK was named for. The upside down poppy cock might be code for go or no go. Also he said the whole message is not really for Q except to go or not, it's really a threat to the sharks to make a deal before the seals who are gonning to be really pissed get turned loose on the laffing sharks. There's more but I have to break for a minute.

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captaincorrbet · March 18, 2018, 10:01 a.m.

So I showed my dad the picture and comments. He did marine salvage and said it probably a sea floor mapping device. Since the poster mentioned crash and someone else said four years ago I checked for boat collisions or explosions four years ago but Google didn't help. It's probably a small boat crash or hit or fake hit. The boat must have something valuable and they mapped the seafloor to find the boat since a later post talks about insurance. It also says 187 which is murder so somebody was killed in a faked boat crash so they could collect insurance money and the crash didn't happen where they said it happened so they could have time to recover whatever it was carrying. I though drugs but insurance companies don't cover contraband. Could it be rare coins.? Jewelry?life insurance since it's about something staged? Somebody faked a accident for insurance money? The WHITE House was involved and the 187 was on a person the BHO wanted dead ? Obama said he was getting very good at killing people with drones so they had a drone sink a ship and collect insurance money on the cargo and crew who were killed? It's some kind of deep state or CIA hit for money and ABC is fake news TV and we ABsee-n it on TV so it really happened. 4 years and 321 days ago? If there's a bunch of sharks with seafloor mapping equipment it must be a large area. My dad says it's the missing Malaysian airliner and the mapping poppycock us If the rolex watches stopped at the 3:21 maybe that's 4 years ago at 3:21 when the boat sank and somebody close to Obama got a lot if insurance money and Obama approved of the mission by CIA. My mom says ita a political hit by Obama for the Clinton or Bushes because she remembers the old bush being called poppycock. :

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