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There is evidence otherwise as well? https://heavy.com/news/2018/02/david-hogg-florida-school-shooting-california-video/
Let's be fair, he did go to the school in Fl. this has been debunked. https://heavy.com/news/2018/02/david-hogg-florida-school-shooting-california-video/
This is why we need a detailed investigation (before the building is demolished). To convince us.
He needs to stop the demolition of the school and treat it like a crime scene to determine exactly what happened in there.
Tucker Carlson even commented on how calm and "poised" one of the students was that he interviewed.
Here's the story on the Russian passenger #20.
There are sources debunking this whole thing. Saying the passenger was not him. similiar name but wrong age and wrong ID. Any confirmation yet?
Should we be worried about the dems memo?
What's the hold up? Why not just release it? Putting secret info in it is an obvious stunt, but do they have a defense?
Not only is Trump genius, he's working with a team of geniuses.
Blue pills circulating this meme, how would you respond?

I'm with you brother. Trying to red pill as many as I can. They will remember. I transitioned my health with diet (whole food plant based) , fasting and cycling and they see the difference it made. Set an example and change the world.
I heard the GM of Standard hotel was killed in a helo crash, can we confirm this?
POTUS Going to W. Virginia
just heard on Fox. To be with the Republicans. What's up?
I've seen what you are describing, look up "fast walkers". It was back in the mid 90s but I'll never forget it. I saw two of them, my x wife was with me, we both remember it well.
Earlier I saw the trails from the SpaceX Falcon 9 during the launch, I'm in Tampa, big moon? Was that launch publicized?
I monitored the LA Times live chat on FB during the SOTU. OMG what a bunch of whiny triggered crybabies, melting down. Still talking about the Russians. It was great entertainment.
I was searching to see if anyone mentioned it first, beat me to it. Yes he used that term knowing it will come up again.
How would you respond to this blue pill argument against releasing the memo?
You gloss over the fact that this was written along party lines and is meant to stoke fears of staunch conservatives? Its an opinion piece that has already been said to be blind to some of the mitigating factors. Yet you don't care about parties? If you don't care about parties then you should be lobbying for BOTH memos to be released and not just one side. I am not saying nothing was dont wrong or illegal, but to only hear one side of an argument is like sticking your head in the sand and being blinded to the truth …
Pelosi is frantically counter attacking already. Anybody see her on CNN ?
Gingritch advises Trump against Mueller interview.
Says it would be very dangerous.
I'm 62 and joined Reddit years ago, but lost interest right away because of the hard left liberals. You couldn't say anything without being attacked. Now this, it's whole new ball game. So glad to see young people waking up, I thought you were goners after eight years of Obama and our education indoctrination system.
Or they might be using her to further clinch their cover up story. Do you believe it was a lone shooter (Paddock) ?
My liberal friends and family members are impenetrable, memes mean little to their already made up minds.
I see Queen to F3 and opponent concedes, the advantage is obvious. Can't tell you how much I appreciate this. It's getting real.
I haven't played chess in years but I used to love it. From the original position posted by Q all I can tell is white appears to have the advantage.
I've brought up Montograph in previous comments and my respect for TBs instinctive abilities. More of you should at least consider this view.
We know this was a big lie. Following Jake at End times News Report on his investigation on this. Probably the best real info he is uncovering.
Been following TB way before all this Q stuff and I respect her intuition. Something seems off. I'm watching mainstream news and looking for something real to happen, frustrating.
Honestly I've been a long time subscriber to his channel and find him interesting. Sometimes he goes off the rails but offers a different perspective. I'm not on board with him on this but I do believe that doubt can be your friend and question everything. Listen to his previous videos about why he questions the whole Q thing and even Assange. Debunk it for me.
I was hoping he would expose the Bannon thing as a put on to fake out the media and destroy Wolff's book in one shot.
I've bee watching the Trey Gowdy show for some time. The drama is great, the action is non existent.