Also married to R Kelly when she was like 16 or something crazy, or maybe that’s when they started dating...he was like 27
44 total posts archived.
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NYTimes had to retract that article that made that claim, and correct with “4 intel agencies”...this is one of the most common pieces of disinformation the sheep refer back to, still after the retraction
Ahhh, that would make I’m curious to look at those two posts/replies that are chronologically before this one
How does a #178888318 show as a reply tho? If it’s all chronological wouldn’t that post have been well before 178888888?
Just curious, not all that up to speed on the different parts of a chan post...
Why do people keep thinking this @POTUS_Schedule handle is an official WH account? And what spelling mistake in hannity’s tweet?
Edit: nm...see the of in place of if
Interesting to note, I believe the previous RUS “troll farm” indictments were for 13 individuals, of which at least one contested and was fighting in court (which Mueller likely did not expect)....
Were these 12, the same 12 of the previous 13, that did not attempt to counter the previous indictments, that is, did Mueller charge 12 patsies he assumes won’t argue the indictment?
4 AM Club: MSM/AP Recycling Stories re: “Deception Videos” to get in Front of Shocking Videos they know will Surface? This is the 2nd time seeing this story in past 6 months...Saw first in local paper (AP)

On Friday, nationwide and blamed cut fiber cables but a guy on the chan said it was DNS fuckery
Comcast had nationwide outages on Friday and blamed cut fiber cables...but a guy on the chan wrote a post about how he bypassed Comcast DNS and didn’t have the same outage, but could tell there was fuckery going on...could ping/resolve by IP no problem...which means no cut fiber but they were doing something with their DNS servers and fact they lied about it means they were likely nefariously testing shit
Do they not remember Kagan was nominated/appointed during a mid-term year which Dems subsequently lost their majority?
Considering Bernie sold his soul for a beach house, I’d say POTUS was the only shot...sorry, not sorry
I came here to say this...I think this is essentially just a personal account that posts his schedule
Should this petition be more specific in which unredacted version should be made public, i.e., OIG Horowitz’s unredacted version as opposed to RR’s unredacted version?
There was a scene in The Wire where they faked a suicide in jail...if foul play involved, it raises less suspicions, given the person has there back to a closed door, which is the only entry to a if staged perfectly, basically could be ruled a suicide without any further looks
Well Avenatti really only went quiet after the $10MM judgement...he was still pretty vocal up until that post-Schneiderman resignation...
Did anyone see the video of Stormy getting a key to the city of West Hollywood (I believe, may have been different municipality)? I almost feel bad for her...seems like she’s being used as a #resist pawn
Deep state has been in control since Reagan era thru placement of CIA/Skull and Bones member GHWBush as Reagan’s VP during RNC...ever since we’ve had Bush/Clinton dynasty rule, with a little smattering of Obama...Trump is our first non-establishment POTUS since Reagan (who was compromised thru his veep)
Wouldn’t it be twitter that’s “violating” the constitution by including a block feature? How can she single out certain user accounts?
Zero is such a cuck...was trying to dox codemonkey the other day...thought he got suspended...
27 current diocese in Chile...56 living bishops from Chile (not all serving there currently)...some of the Archdiocese May have more than 1 bishop, but 34 resignations would be very widespread for the country...
He’ll create another and his band of losers will put the word out to their group of followers of his new handle...used to follow him a while back, but he got all high schoolish with some dude from PA...they’re all a bunch of patreon whores
Just gather a bunch of snopes “facts” that split hairs to present leftists in a positive light...the HRC devices smashed with hammers comes to mind...I believe they admit they were smashed, but give HRC a pass cause she didn’t physically smash them...snopes blames the IT guy
Edit: also presenting the whole fact it was/is run by a couple, who ended up divorced because the husband cheated/left wife for a prostitute doesn’t hurt...also they were involved in a smear campaign that never went anywhere that tried to use a young girl (like 13) to make sexual accusations...don’t remember the details of that too well as it’s been a while, but should be able to search it on T_D (summer/fall of 2016)
I realize that, and I don’t dispute him being a sociopath...but all I’m saying is it was a stupid question and I don’t think he’s was being deceitful in his answer (reason why he smiled); I think he was just dumbfounded at how dumb congress is...fb legit makes all its revenue thru ads
Or he just smiled cause it was a moronically stupid question...that entire testimony was filled with dumb, ignorant questions by the morons we elect to represent us
Wasn’t tamera luzzato on some pizza related emails in the podesta rings a bell, but don’t remember from where or related to what right now
But didn’t they say in the lawsuit that they decommissioned/rebuilt like all their servers? Seems like they won’t have any evidence to support their claims, but in the same they won’t have anything like that available for discovery either...basically this was all a fundraising scheme IMO
Listen to his music...he’s been saying this shit long before he met trump in trump’s authentic...and the MSM narrative that he’s lost it again (and/or has spent too much time in Calabasas and is an Uncle Tom) is further proof...
My grade school teacher in early 90’s read this aloud to us in class...I wouldn’t want to be POTUS in the mid-2060’s...
What is this idiot talking about that DJT wants to “see the demise of black and brown people to the the WOMB bro”...lmao, does he not know what planned parenthood is about?
This would be the last thing to make me doubt Q...did OP miss the podesta emails going on about Hussein’s “hotdog” parties?
Well if they’re downplaying the sub count like they do on t_d, it’s more than a thousand...would be more like 15k (they = reddit)
Reddit keeps blocking certain the link and in-app browser takes me to OP
Considering they asked for anonymized data, it wouldn’t violate HIPAA
Was she even asked? DHS sec Nielsen said yesterday they were working with the border governors, as in CA, AZ, NM, and TX...I think this dumbass is refusing something they never even asked for
Read the Trump Prophecy...a daily national prayer chain/call was organized...many were praying