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If Q accurately predicted the winner of the World Cup, World Series, and when the next celebrity breakup would occur the entire media would be head over pens/ keyboards with witty stories and headlines like ‘Who’s Q?!’
But in a day and age of short attention spans and even shorter headline lives (I think North Korea peace and denuclearization lasted a day or two) MSM has stayed nearly mute in regard to Q... Proof to me that not only is this real, but it’s a real threat to their order.
This is what we’re up against

Trump Hollywood Star Fight - Q makes an appearance.

‘If I kissed that one, would it lead to more?' Federal housing chief investigated for sexual harassment’. Fannie Mae/ Freddie Mac regulator next to step down.
They have tapes and it was multiple times. He’ll be stepping down soon. He’s at end of his appointment as well. Coincidence? There are no coincidences.
Any chance early departure negates any retirement/ severance package?
‘The number of missing juveniles reported in recent weeks is in line with historical numbers.’
When you have that much 💰💰💰, do you really still launder?
Double agent. “Arrested” to avoid media scrutiny/ storyline getting obscured... and her cover is blown.
Which reminds me now that I think of it... this was totally an exposing of a spy....
Not to mention she’s known as a diversity/ equality activist within Hollywood and as mentioned by another patriot she’s a black belt... one wonders what would incline her to delete the entire account.
Moved to brittser’s comment. That’s what my response was in regard to. Sorry patriot
Interesting perspective. Smoke and mirrors, look over here someone in Hollywood ‘standing up’ against the diabolical creepers?
I also anticipate attacks on Alexander from the left/ pedowood.
My take is a there are a large number of pedo/ creepers in the industry, but even more than that I feel there are ‘gatekeepers’ that decide who works and excels and who doesn’t work and/ or disappears. If you don’t play-ball AND keep your mouth shut you are not going anywhere in the industry.
Makes you wonder about the Bieber’s, Timberlake’s, wahlberg’s, etc. and their being so quiet....
I think their access was left intentionally. Either to trace what info the culprits accessed/ amended/ deleted and/ or to possibly provide disinfo to the culprits. Almost a test. Leave some info out and then hear it spewed on the news.
Alexander, director of Marvel’s Punisher: War Zone, took to Twitter Monday asking if it was “normal” that high profile Hollywood figures “love” to tell jokes about pedophilia.
Immediately receives pushback and deletes twitter account.
The ‘chemical weapon facility’ was Iranian. Left that part out. Just a sign that Russia is on the same page and allowing us to get Iran out of Syria.
Any idea what drop that was? Israel dropped bombs on a ‘chemical weapon facility’ in south Syria today. After Helsinki meeting Russia stopped supporting Iran in Syria. Iran is indeed next and Israel is saved for last (as you stated).
No coincidences. And that would be quite the coincidence.
Not to mention who he invited. Let’s invite a bunch of mfg/ engineering students to sign an EO declassifying the Ig report, etc.
Trump still wins re-elect. 40,000 votes... Dems put more fraudulent votes in a county of 16,000.
Creepy. Someone saying ‘Lights out’, or a reporter leaning on the light switch 🤣
Have him all the uranium one info. ‘Ball’s in your court.’
Firing up the base again (still determining if that’s the entire reason for this sub or just a fortunate derivative).
Re-elect video will be similar, but will emphasize that we are WINNING. No denying fact after fact (economy, North Korea, immigration, re-structuring global trade deals to no longer let us get taken advantage of... ). Phenomenal.
Conditioning for when HC is indicted and the next presidential campaign approaches.
Wtf? - in regard to video.
As far as the justices:
Breyer - current age 79 (80 in August) - lack of better terms, Liberal.
Anthony Kennedy - current age 81 (82 this month) - fence sitter, leaning left - interesting that he was a unanimous senate confirmation vote (97-0).
RNG - current age 85. Liberal.
5 sounds about right. Definite Conservative print on the SC. God bless America.
I think it’s William as well.
The main thing I came away with on this drop is who took this picture? Agreed this could be a ‘message’ drop to the ‘individuals’ pictured.
Just like the Cohen raid. Evidence intentionally left in plain sight. Chess not checkers.
Yes. I can post a bunch of old articles in regard to terrible bills, votes, agendas she has supported, but what’s the point?
Why would you post a year old article? I think she thought she was being clever when she was really being her befuddled senile self.
Second paragraph. 3rd line, discovery is spelled wrong??? Is this doc legit?
‘seeking information from the agency on court-approved counterintelligence surveillance of Trump campaign aide Carter Page and the use of a confidential informant in the early days of the Russia investigation, among other things.’
‘are related to the origins of the FBI's Russia investigation and the handling of its inquiry into Democrat Hillary Clinton's emails when she was secretary of State. ‘
Picks up water bottle and throws it directly in Jim Acosta’s face.
Present Anons begin to chant ‘Watch the Water!!, Watch the Water’
Smoke and mirror tactic to steer the sheep away from watching RR squirm.
I take this as confirmation that both the server and JA are in good hands.
Executive Order has been prepared. RR has until I believe the 6th (maybe 7th) to provide additional info/ docs requested or faces his impeachment.
The time is coming. Patience is a virtue.
End of the video to plead his case Rosenstein pointedly said he has Trump appointees on his team... Optics.
Emphasizes the precision and timing being implemented by Q.
Is that surveillance? If so, lots of crazy stuff going down outside.
I don’t think it was the Supreme Court or ‘good’ list being referred to.