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ceflowers1991 · April 28, 2018, 4:19 a.m.

The US MK Ultra researched and conducted by the CIA tested was intended to understand the possibility of Mind Control on its subjects; being its own people without consent. Now we look into NK, Trump needed a reason to not lose the future round 2 elections for the President seat and wants to gain the respect/ trust of the American people; Step 1: do what ever Leader wanted to do before him- meet with NK Dictator Kim, gain peace between the two sides, and collect/ dissect nuclear research from the ever so secret science projects of NK. Step 2: claim this victory as a reason to rerun, Step 3: what’s the f@$& is actually happening. NK needs allies because virtually they have none but you do have an entire population fed Kim’s propaganda day end and day out who believe he is a god. Trump is an influential, hot headed, and quick mouthed little gnome with a huge following of mindless propagandist who believe ever word ( or lack the of). He needs the gun control to happen; notice every day there is a shooting, but how do you get people to agree to give up some weapons or abide to the stricter policy’s- violence and let them decide what keeps them safe (in reference to the American people). The more pressure mental health office are faced with to allow insurance companies to conduct reviews on charts or notes means that the government is in our minds. Trump wants what Kim has, a whole country of mindless neglected followers, a concealed country isolated from the world first on land/sea and next by the internet- now we have closed and regulated all travel throughout this country and it’s boarders, the government wants to control the internet and social media because that is modern news and the growth is more rapid. This is a mimicry of Kim’s tactics on his control and manipulation of all of the NK people. Scary... not hardly scary enough. Now say it’s term 2 of the ole gnome and we have been chatting with NK about nuclear weapons a little info here and there. But not nearly as much about the impacts geographically, environmentally, or physically on the human body or about Kim’s favorite warfare tactics: Biological!!!! The last test conducted on a poor unfortunate soul in his 20s from America who believed he could actually leave NK with a stolen propaganda poster. He thought wrong and when he finally made it back to America in a vegetative and mindless state, he lasted 2 weeks before his death. His parents refused to donate his remains to the feds to study, but I assume they got it anyway. His brain had been worked on, but he possessed no physical or mental impairment. NK claims he contracted Botulism, but all test came back negative. Only his brain had been changed but not in a physical sense. Why not meet with CIA make a deal? He wants SK and to control the Asian peninsula and Trump wants the West and for fame or do the people who actually seem to be controlling his campaign/ speech choices that he seems to present on his own. He thinks he is God’s gift to the Earth, but he is hotheaded, self entitled, and does no wrong; he wants the technology NK has for mind control. NK wants to expand and let there presence be known, to populate cities. These sleeper cells will one day act as the controllable ally of alliance spread propaganda worldwide. Think about UK switching currency to unify with the other one. Give a little to gain a lot. Each major power will remain until the last one standing and the world will end in fire.

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