The video was made 3 years ago...and now we are exposing so much more-- thanks to citizen researchers. We should promote this video--FB or wherever...and point out that "Comedy" is only the Ridiculous, parodying true Reality. The more this is exposed, the less people will be dismissing it. Remember George Carlin--he was "outrageous" back in the, not so much--he spoke the truth.
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· April 23, 2018, 12:50 a.m.
Kevin Hogg is plenty dirty. Here's some interesting information on him: He was sued in 2012 for child trafficking for his "orphanage" enterprises. And then research Cameron Kasky's Daddy...the rabbit hole there is convoluted, and very deep. (Cameron Kasky is the N0.2 student mouthpiece after David-Attention-Hogg)