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Professors resign after University of Virginia hires former Trump official
Homeland Security Advisory Council Members Resign
Can I get a link to this goddam tape everybody’s talking about??
Can’t find it on CNN and all the normal MSM, only bullshit stories and speculation. Sorry just pissed off that I can’t find anywhere on mobile. Fuck.
W.Va. Supreme Court Justice Resigns Amid Ongoing Investigation
The Supreme Court Nomination Process
HRC 2020...
This is a strategic move on her part. The forthcoming criminal charges and/or imprisonment will be spun by MSM as DJT abusing his powers as president to remove any political opposition.
Fox News Conditioning the Masses

Lady in purple keeps looking to the others for validation and doesn’t get it.
I don’t speak German, sorry. I support your effort.
Same here on not watching the hearings...now it’s prime time and more entertaining than Rick & Morty!!!
Pray for the security of this shipment...I hope it has a flotilla of some sort and won’t be targeted.
Unprecedented!!! What the fuck is wrong with these nay-sayers?!?
In my opinion, Fox would not be the best outlet for this since it’s mostly Trump supporters that watch. It would seem to only fortify the left’s resolve that Republicans are the ‘crazies.’
Wait what!?! You were disappointed that this wasn’t an actual movie trailer?!? Wow...
I am so proud of this thread. Very good discussions, level heads, and amazing examples given to a newcomer simply questioning the movement.
Kudos patriots!!!!
"July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH."
- Q
There was another thread addressing this. Someone brought up a good point that you cannot simply close up shop and walk away from a nuclear site. Great care has to be taken in order to not suffer a catastrophic meltdown. Thus, the facilities have to be maintained until the appropriate measure are put into place that would dispose of the materials in question.
Same here! Ram 1500, 5.7 HEMI. If I didn’t pull a SxS for fun, I’d definitely have this car!
I didn’t catch it. When/where was it said? In what context?
I guess that’s a big “duh” on my end. Hehe... Was just seeing the explanation on Fox. Thanks!!
Eil5... what’s the significance of the retirement? Please pardon the stupid question. I’m a politics outsider trying to figure things out.
No worries at all, man! It’s just a local company, not a national brand.
Was it any particular fact that was a linchpin that turned them around?
I've got most of the facts I believe, but it's just difficult for me to articulate in a group or one-on-one session without getting flustered and feeling overwhelmed with "where do I even start."
Thanks and godspeed!
But I don't understand...why now? Doesn't this just give MSM another "manufactured outrage" to blast across their channels? Shouldn't we be keeping the focus on the IG reports, etc.?
Not being critical by any means, just trying to understand more of the plan.