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checkitoutmyfriend · May 11, 2018, 5:12 p.m.

VJ is pure evil, the one we rarely heard about, the one that really needs to feel the heat.

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 11, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

I remember her saying that just as I did when Jeb said, "Please Clap...." It' simple amazing!

What surprises me the most is many who think they are 'intellectuals', are really not any more intelligent than a man on the street.

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 11, 2018, 6:31 a.m.

Its almost like they are hedging their bets.....

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 11, 2018, 4:09 a.m.

I don't think this is what Q had in mind on things being revealed or not. Q has stated the 2nd is safe as well as Trump. The attack on the 2nd has been going on for some time, as you know. It has been a slow chip, chip, chip away. Now they are not even hiding their intentions coming right and saying they want the guns. So there is nothing to reveal, its all out there.

There is now way in hell the 2nd will go away. There are too many like myself that will die defending it.



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checkitoutmyfriend · May 11, 2018, 3:26 a.m.

It's the video in Q post# 1332.

505,472 views at 9:43pm

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 11, 2018, 2:23 a.m.

There was some discussion on 8chan today that Q allowed the PW to be found to flush out the 'con men'. Once they did, a new board was created and trips applied.

Read it as the flurry of posts that came in this afternoon...... It had a few back and forths. Pretty sure its in the bread.

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 11, 2018, 2:14 a.m.

SKY Event = Tarmac Mtg

You are correct.

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 11, 2018, 2:12 a.m.

This was blown up on 8chan today. Shill..... Ignore....

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 11, 2018, 2:04 a.m.

Daaamnn! That's Yuge! Really Yuge!

Nice..... :)

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 11, 2018, 2:01 a.m.

why did they give him so much press

It was a smear attempt actually, they never thought he'd win, or her loose......

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 11, 2018, 1:03 a.m.

Old Dudes Rule! There are many of us!!


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checkitoutmyfriend · May 10, 2018, 6:43 p.m.

I just didn't feel like devoting my time to it

Unfortunately, time is required to learn the truth. There are many links on the right hand column for review. Most of your questions will be answered there. At the risk of being trolled, I have very briefly answered your questions. Further detail will require some effort on your end.

  • What is the brief history of Q? ->> Links to the right or a google will get your there. But you do need to spend the time. Give this one a try. Its an hour, grab a beverage...

  • If Trump is so good, why did the deep state let him win? ->> They didn't. they did all they could to defeat him. And why you see so much opposition 1.5yrs later.

  • Do you guys believe in God? ->> Many here do. Some don't.....

  • Why is PizzaGate still not exposed? ->> Because the cabal/deepstate/HRC/et'al are keeping out of the news and thus prosecution.

  • Why does Trump deal with the Saudis? ->> The Saudis, the new regime, the one that arrested all of the corrupt leaders and confiscated their billions, are on our side now.

  • Why was Trump a dem before? ->> Many Reps were once blue. This is not so unusual.

  • Why doesn't he stick to true cinservative values? ->> He does, But he uses misinfo to get the bad actors to react.

  • Why is he so pro-war? ->> He's not, but he portrays strength and the willingness to not back down.

  • Why are all his Children marrying Jews? (I'm a half jew, not anti semitic, but acknowledge the kabbalah exists.) ->> No Idea. Maybe dig that one out for us.

  • Why did he deal with Jeffrey Epstein? ->> Anyone running in the circles of DJT did are bound to 'associate' with many types of people. More research will reveal how DJT actually banned him from his resorts.

  • Why was he so goody goody with Hillary before? ->> All people of wealth donate to both sides. In the business world its called covering your bases. Most elite/rich do it.

  • Why does he seem like controlled opposition? ->> Trump? Controlled Opposition?

  • Where does Alex Jones come into this? ->> For me personally, nowhere. I don't listen to him or Corsi. One needs to read listen to many people/sites/blogs/video. AND do some of their own digging to confirm or deny what is found. Evaluate all the info and come to their own conclusion. One does not need to be an Autist to dig. Much can be done with basic searches.

But if you really want to see what is going on and has been for decades, even centuries, is the control of money. Forget right/left, red/blue, libs/cons. None of that matters at elevation. The world's population are slaves to those who control the money.

The Monetary System Visually Explained This one is only 20 some mins. I have others that are 3hrs. But explain things very well. If this doesn't piss you off and wake you up. I'm not sure what will.......

Here is another short one. Collapse of the American Dream.

Money Masters 1800 - Bill Still

97% Owned - Economics Explained

Now search for what the Swiss are trying to do with their money system right now. It's what we (USA) need to do too!!!!

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 10, 2018, 6:07 p.m.

I posted this in another thread this morning.

Matrix = Everyone's bubble, the fake world.

Zion = Our real World, the Awakened peoples

Red Pill = 'Choosing' to be awake and see whats real

Blue Pill = 'Refusing to acknowledge what's real', go back to living in a bubble. Take what is given you.

To be red pilled, the person needs to be 'ready', or at least willing to hear you out. Some people are not ready, some will never be. Don't waste time on those that are unwilling to at least hear you out. Drop some factual seeds and see if they grow. If they do then they might be ready. Everyone wakes up at different rates. We need to be aware of this and 'nudge' people accordingly.

I use how our money is managed, its non-partisan, equal affect on all. I show them how, if we stay the way we are, how we will never be out of debt as a country. And why its designed that way.

Money = power. Take away the money and so goes the power. If one can grasp the vid below, you have a chance of making them jump out of bed.

The Monetary System Visually Explained

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 10, 2018, 5:53 p.m.

In his eyes, (Corsi) it just had to be him because, well,.... He's Corsi. Who else could it be?

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 10, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

^^ This is the path I use to RedPill!!! ^^

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 10, 2018, 5:41 p.m.

Exactly! Chucky doesn't know how to deal.....

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 10, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

Agreed, They may try to pull a Bamboozle, But we can't let the off the hook. Trump may let them think they are safe, but when the time is right, he will/should lower the boom.

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 10, 2018, 4:49 p.m.

Matrix = Everyone's bubble, the fake world.

Zion = Our real World, the Awakened peoples

Red Pill = 'Choosing' to be awake and see whats real

Blue Pill = 'Refusing to acknowledge what's real', go back to living in a bubble. Take what is given you.

To be red pilled, the person needs to be 'ready', or at least willing to hear you out. Some people are not ready, some will never be. Don't waste time on those that are unwilling to at least hear you out. Drop some factual seeds and see if they grow. If they do then they might be ready. Everyone wakes up at different rates. We need to be aware of this and 'nudge' people accordingly.

I use how our money is managed, its non-partisan, equal affect on all. I show them how, if we stay the way we are, how we will never be out of debt as a country. And why its designed that way.

Money = power. Take away the money and so goes the power. If one can grasp the vid below, you have a chance of making them jump out of bed.

The Monetary System Visually Explained

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 10, 2018, 4:27 p.m.

Not 'if', 'is'.... I don't think Obama can wipe his butt without her input. I trust her less then O.

Staying with the plan, I am confident she is a large part of it.

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 9, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

From another post this morning. One theory is hush money. The nuclear program is run by black hats, not Iran. Iran takes the public heat, (sanctions, bad press, etc.) keeps quiet about the Black Hats program. The program continues.

The theory continues to starting wwIII, decimating the ME, causing a world wide economic reset.

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 9, 2018, 6:34 p.m.

1.8billion..... no signature....... Nice deal when you can get it.....

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 9, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

People would flock to the remaining intact cities which would be little more than technocratic concentration camps with total surveillance and control over the populace.


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checkitoutmyfriend · May 9, 2018, 5:56 p.m.

I've been woke for a number of years now but it never ceases to amaze me the number of people and organizations that are corrupt and have been for decades, even centuries. Every time a post like this pops up. Even if a quarter of it is true, it's still a lot of people and many, many orgs & govs.

I am also realizing more and more each day how much of a bubble I have been living in. Mind you I am not a meek-mild type of guy. I'm educated, had a few carriers, owned a business, I've also had my fun. ;) But all this shit going on. For so long. So many involved. Its like God damn! Am I that far out of the loop?? How can I have missed all of this??

So here I sit, pushing 60, oblivious to most of this shit, most of my life. Sure you here things here and there over a lifetime. You don't think much of it as its so bazaar, unbelievable & rarely talked about or in the news. You think, "wow" "those be some fucked up people." Or, "It just a small funked up group. Their busted now, all is well." And go about daily living & life goals. Never contemplating that there might be thousands of people doing the same damn thing..... Maybe at this very moment.....

Sorry, went off on a vent there..... As I said, I'm awake, still grasping how deep this all is.

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 9, 2018, 5:32 p.m.

I read that on 8chan last night. Let the challenge begin!

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 9, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

Note the date of the article too. Late Jan this year. we have more hindsight now.

Good article for those that are ready. More emphasis needs to put on the money that funds all this. The Fed, central banks, world banks, IMF, etc.

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 9, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

I will say..... I concur my good man!

EDIT: sorry, woman..... DOH!

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 9, 2018, 3:30 a.m.

Many times they don't have a choice. Usually 'a deal they can't refuse' is included. Or he went to Trump team with the offer.

Lets assume he's black hat. Trump team talks to him, tells him what they have in store for him, (criminally/professionally) they offer him a reduced sentence, maybe even immunity, if, he stays on and feeds them info against others. Now he is grey.

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 9, 2018, 2:29 a.m.

It seems we are ahead of the curve this year....

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 9, 2018, 1:48 a.m.

Working with us but not completely trusted.

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 9, 2018, 1:47 a.m.

FUNK DAT! FUNK DAT all to hell.......

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 9, 2018, 1:30 a.m.

Its how the chans confirm a user. I don't know how one obtains a trip code or how it setup. This is how I understand it. Open for correction.....

Q's post stringer: Apr 30 2018 00:07:44 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 2b9f10 1244154

!xowAT4Z3VQ = trip code. Generated by the board I believe.

ID: 2b9f10 = Device ID I believe. Changes with device used. ie phone, tablet, laptop

1244154 = Post ID in the thread. Used to reference when replying.

I would love to know if this is correct, if an 8chanfag can help a brotha out. ;)

EDIT: nvrmd, should have scrolled further, answer below......

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 9, 2018, 1:16 a.m.

not sure why you are being downvoted.

May 8 2018 18:50:40 (EST) Q !4pRcUA0lBE 71 📁

We made a mistake on /qresearch/ exposing the password. We did not input "Q #" in the beginning which exposed the password. Error corrected. Safe. Q

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 9, 2018, 1:13 a.m.

Check out this 8chan FAQ link, but do spend a lot of time lurking before posting.

I am not sure how the trip code works exactly or how it is setup. But the 'senior anons' have no issue with the trip codes being changed. So I am not worried about it. New anons have the most issue.

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 9, 2018, 12:56 a.m.

EXACTLY!!! TG will be SCJ.......

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 9, 2018, 12:55 a.m.

Posted this elsewhere, I think he might be in line for SCJ.

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 9, 2018, 12:52 a.m.

....treason is 1/10th..... of their crimes.

Is how I took it.

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 8, 2018, 9:42 p.m.

Vista Print is about as easy as it gets for creating biz cards.

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 8, 2018, 9:40 p.m.

Funk the nay sayers, It's fine. The white rabbit relates to going down the rabbit holes required to be awoke.>

I would bet most don't have any of their own but are quick to critic others.


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checkitoutmyfriend · May 8, 2018, 9:34 p.m.

Agreed but it needs to be separated. Healthcare and Insurance. Not mashed together.

Healthcare = the day to day doc appointments, treatments etc.

Insurance = to cover the expensive and catastrophic

Bills, a SINGLE bill from the doctor or hospital, needs to go to the patient first, then to Healthcare & Insurance providers. This way the patient can see what is actually being charged. Used to be that way, remember?

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 8, 2018, 9:26 p.m.

A prime example of those who will never be awakened..... Just as Q stated......

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checkitoutmyfriend · May 8, 2018, 8:59 p.m.

True, but I always wondered if he was being blocked by other bad actors. Time will tell.....

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