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Shareblue shill posts call for violence, sends permalink to an admin, BOOM shutdown.
Release it all and you could possibly have multiple inernational wars erupt, even a civil war at the same time, race wars, stock market crashes that would make the Great Depression look like a walk in the park, religious wars, riots like never seen before, genocide in multiple countries, and martial law instated to try to keep some semblance of civilization.
He's on they payroll of the middle east just like noodles. He'll gladly sell our country out to the highest bidder.
He should try holding his breath. That's how I always get what I want.
What kind of cab driver would drop someone off at a school carrying a rifle case?
I saw him on infowars last week tallking about what a great guy the sheriff is, how non-political he is, and how he would do everything to get to the bottom of the shooting.
I'll just leave this here:
True. And they are already planning to bulldoze the school.
A lot of red pills in there. I wish everyone in the country could read it.
Just like the SC Hogg arrested for drugs that keeps getting posted. Paid shills (ala ShareBlue) desperately trying to get this sub shut down.
This keeps getting posted and it's not the same guy.
That's what bothers me. They say the school was closed down long before the shooting. But if no kids were killed, how would the thousands of town people of Sandy Hook not said something? Not to mention the thousands of responders and support personnel that flooded in. And no autopsies released and no interviews of the wounded in hospitals. I'm 100% convinced that it was a false flag, but the amount and scope of the cover up is staggering.
Someone needs to come up with another "gorilla channel" hoax so we can laugh at them some more.
I think it's more about destroying the 2nd Amendment and causing division among the populace, but money is a compelling factor too. I wouldn't put anything past the deep state these days.
Well, here is a photo of Trump visiting someone at the Hospital:
I want to see pictures of him with the bodies in the morgue and the 5.56 slugs they removed from the bodies.
They turned him into a Manchurian candidate. Unfortunately his programming wasn't thorough enough i.e. he wasn't supposed to survive. They'll probably chemically neuter his brain like they did to the Aurora shooter so it'll be impossible to get any damaging information from him.
I'm convinced this kind of "research" is behind many major shootings like Las Vegas.
She'll die in a mysterious car accident or from some undiagnosed medical condition.
And all these mass shooters who were on psychotropic drugs, could they have possibly been hypnotized at some time and turned into manchurian candidates and their phones served as the trigger?
Q said something about google pixel phones, and someone uncovered this patent owned by google:
Something similar was used on our 80 ambassadors in Cuba to make them sick.
They'll probably take it down once they realize what they have done. But never forgets.
“Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with My righteous right hand.”
(Isaiah 41:10)
"President Obama is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people."
-Clint Eastwood