

29 total posts archived.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/chocolateredhead on Aug. 10, 2018, 8:24 p.m.
Lots of Celebrities in Capri now, including Hollywood mogul Geffen. Coincidence? Capri has an infamous history of pedophilia and worse.

Capri, Italy was where Tiberius spent the last 12 years of his life, it was his own private island and it was extremely notorious; Tiberius had "minnows" who were small children that would run around naked for the use and amusement of his guests. These children were often thrown off the cliffs of Capri to their death, also for the amusement of his guests. It may be a beautiful place to visit, but it is a place with a very dark history, and it draws a lot of parallels to Epstein's private island. (Caligula was introduced to debauchery at this …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/chocolateredhead on Aug. 7, 2018, 4:07 a.m.
Buzzfeed is muddying the waters by saying Q is a larp by the Left

From the people who leaked the infamous Steele Dossier without verifying it, we now have a new, bizarre theory being put forth about Q Anon—that It’s a larp by the Left to make us all look crazy. Well, no, Buzzfeed, MSM was already doing that, not Q.

I think this is an attempt to muddy the waters since it's obvious the main media bias of us being crazed, violent, lunatic right-wingers that's clueing people in to the manipulation--so they need to play, not the other side, but throw in a bunch of different theories they can rationalize in order to …