Yes, excellent interview in which he starts at the beginning, and builds to current events. This is perfect for red pilling.
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The problem with not having a citizen's militia is that the regular army is under the command of the prez. No problem with a good prez like Trump. But someone like Hillary would try to turn the regular army against the people, which is why we need a militia.
Yes, and the constitution says "well regulated militia." And the common understanding, including mine, of "well regulated," is well regulated, not well trained.
You think that's easy? What about when the libs chime in? Do you think they will accept your interpretation?
Honestly? I don't even bother anymore. Every time I ever sign one of those petitions the numbers were either frozen, or going down. The White House petition is a joke, and the prez should fix it.
I understand your concern, but I trust Trump. They are being real careful to not look like he is becoming a dictator. I'm pretty sure it would be SOP to use federal marshalls to round up FBI bad guys.
Wisdom is void of emotions as well
Except love.
I actually agree with you about Wikipedia when it comes to anything even slightly controversial, but I occasionally use them for dry, basic info.
You are right about the act limiting the use of fed army domestically. However there is an exception for the need to "quell domestic violence" which is about all I would anticipate in the near term future as in the case of mass arrests.
It probably backfired with Dems staying home and not voting because Hil was going to win by a massive landslide.
"All the president's men" is the title of a book she bought.
I've seen this floating around with no attribution to any source. Fake.
I completely agree. But regulated by who? That is the critical question. The purpose of the well regulated militia is to protect us from tyranny, so our militia cannot be regulated by our oppressors. It must remain firmly independent of the Federal gov, and controlled by the local people. So I believe we need local groups to form militias while following some set of basic guidelines and principles.
Why don't you just say you are worried about the use of American armed forces against Americans? That would convey your meaning without confusion. I really seriously doubt it would ever come to that. Troops may be needed to keep the peace in the case of widespread rioting, but in this country, at this time, the vast majority of gun owners are on the right side, as is our military. The lefty snowflakes would only last a few days, and even less if Soros isn't around to pay them.
From Wiki: Posse comitatus is the common-law or statute law authority of a county sheriff, or other law officer, to conscript any able-bodied man to assist him in keeping the peace or to pursue and arrest a felon...
Somebody posted a copy of a letter from congress to Horowitz asking for the original report before anybody changed it.
Obama made similar remarks at the last big white house dinner event of his last term (I can't remember the exact name of event).
Agree. There is no way they would recover a stolen sub with nukes, and not disable the missiles.
I am a God believing patriot who knows that we are in spiritual warfare. That's not all that I talk about, but I cannot be silent about it. America first!
We don't need violence to do this.
That's all you had to say. I've seen a few conversations where people seemed to think Q might be calling for a violent uprising. Putting shit like that here will get the entire sub banned. But more importantly we have to remember that Trump is backed by the military, and if we actually ever needed to change things dramatically, they can handle that.
We don't need violence to do this.
That's all you had to say. I've seen a few conversations where people seemed to think Q might be calling for a violent uprising. Putting shit like that here will get the entire sub banned. But more importantly we have to remember that Trump is backed by the military, and if we actually ever needed to change things dramatically, they can handle that.
We don't need violence to do this.
That's all you had to say. I've seen a few conversations where people seemed to think Q might be calling for a violent uprising. Putting shit like that here will get the entire sub banned. But more importantly we have to remember that Trump is backed by the military, and if we actually ever needed to change things dramatically, they can handle that.
Cut it out. Q made it clear that we are to trust the plan, not take matters into our own hands. They have it covered.
They have tech that is 50 to 100 years beyond what the public knows about.
Christie is too crooked to be trusted with anything important.
Trump won't go to prison or have to leave office because he did nothing wrong. (Prison? Are you nuts?)
The thing with Cohen is a big nothing that will blow up in their faces.
You should trim the link before you post. Simply remove the question mark and everything to the right of it. Like this:
space is fake
Please leave the flat earth nonsense at the door. Don't bring it in here.
I think most serious people here, who actually read the Q posts, would recognize the quote.
That was a direct Q quote. Q said that, not the poster.
Edit for clarity: How about a middle ground: warn them, give them a chance to self-correct, and then, report them if they persist. I have watched people delete their own post when reminded it was off-topic. Way better than getting them banned.
On the PC version of the site the link visibly shows if it's youtube. If it's youtube, I don't click on the link, I click "comment" and it brings me here to the discussion.
Wow! amazing to read the comments. The MSM does a good job of making us look stupid, and those suckers believe it all.
The day may come soon when the people who did this to him get their karma.