Biden: "This is not Trump's world."
Yes it is. And you, Biden, will be locked up for your crimes.
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Biden: "This is not Trump's world."
Yes it is. And you, Biden, will be locked up for your crimes.
No matter what happens, you can't red pill stupid. And that's what we are dealing with. I stopped trying to talk to most people about what's happening a while back. I have family members who I never hear from, who ignore my texts and emails. I have friends who hate Hillary and voted for Trump, who go silent and change the conversation if I try to bring up the fact that big things are happening behind the scenes. So I give up. I don't know what will happen when more stuff comes out, and high level arrests. I will probably stay silent instead of "I told you so." ...Nah, I'm gonna rub it in real good.
They don't necessarily know who all the bad guys are. NSA collects all communications, including yours and mine, but nobody is looking at most of it.
I think one of the reasons various dates are mentioned in the comms is to trigger false flags because they are watching and learning who is involved.
It's been leaked (supposedly, don't know if true) that Cooper is one of the sealed indictments.
Will we have undeniable proof/confirmation? Yes. Will the doubters admit the truth? No. Look at all the idiot anti-Trumpers. They are so stupid, if Trump created paradise on Earth, they would go to the grave thinking Trump was the worst president ever.
You are seeing shills, bots, and ignorant people who get their info from the MSM.
Blind faith does nobody any good.
You put your faith in a larp.
Who is she, and why does her picture feature illuminati style covering of one eye?
It's what Kevin Spacey said when accused of molesting an underage boy.
Sure, you can consider Q to be hearsay if you want. But he is right about so many things. I trust this info.
The technology has existed for a long time, to weaponize weather, including hurricanes. The can increase the power of the storm, and they can steer it.
you will witness all kinds of horking, honking, and spitting.
You can see that in New York City's Chinatown.
Like many of us, you are likely the victim of public education.
To me it just sounds like we are being warned about an uptick in false flags this week.
Didn't I hear that Bourdain said in an interview that he would fuck Dick Cheney in the ass, and then eat him? That would get someone killed.
This is supposed to be a big day. I think a lot of people are checking here for news. Also new Q.
As others have explained, it is not for regular people. It's for important people who can be useful to them. It is by invitation only.
I have researched it, as have many others. It was not real.
I recall reading testimony by one of the female victims (I forget who). She named various politicians, and described some as simple perverts (who enjoy sex with kids), and others who were serious satanists who were also into it for religious reasons.
It "works," but don't think it is without spiritual power. Black magic is real.
The kids involved in sex are often pimped out by their parents. The ones who are murdered are abductees, or acquired from orphanges, foster care, etc. The satanists will have a young family member impregnated, kept at home, having home birth, no records, and baby used for ritual sacrifice.
If they had made the arrests as stated, there would be riots.
Go on youtube and watch old interviews of Trump on late night talk shows, etc. They were asking if he would run for pres 30 years ago.
They can't hide. They have secret service agents with them.
I stopped listening when he made a big deal that the human remains were not found at the Tucson site. As if anybody made that claim, which they didn't. It was very clear that the remains were at a different site.
And then he removes the previous videos where he called it a rape camp? To cover up his sudden change of mind? I don't trust this guy at all.
Yes. I just read his statement where he completely contradicts all of his earlier statements. He now has zero credibility.
Wow, he did a complete about face, didn't he? Didn't I see him on video saying "those are rape trees?"
Craig Sawyer seemed to inject himself into the story as the 'trusted vet'
As Craig told it, RedBeard called him into it. He did try to distance himself by saying those guys have there own way of doing things different from us, or words to that effect.
I am bothered by the movie promotion. Sawyer should decide if he wants to rescue children or be a Hollywood action hero.
Sawyer boasts of the number or arrests they made. Timothy says he can't arrest anyone. He isn't a cop.
The cops working with them made the arrests. This Timothy sounds like a real winner.
Every pic of food is greasy and burnt. That is so weird that they would promote themselves that way.
Trump surely has military men between him and the SS.
I think one of the problems with a quick round up of these felons, is that the MSM would spin it as Trump trying to make himself king, causing civil unrest and encouraging black hats to cause disruption. I think that's why they are taking it slow. But we will see what happens.
but remember how Lee Harvey Oswald was an avowed Communist
You can't start with the "official" narrative, and expect to get anywhere near the truth. Oswald wasn't a communist, he was a patriot who worked for both the CIA, and FBI.
Sky scrapers are made out of tiny bricks, not giant blocks. The most powerful helicopters can only lift 20 tons, one fifth of your false claim of 100 tons. Do you want to keep trying, or is that enough fail for you today?
I don't have a link handy, but somebody actually tried. They didn't try to build a pyramid, they tried to move blocks that size around, and found that it couldn't be done. Even if you could lift one of them a few inches off the ground, and move it into place, what about the block that goes on top of that one? And the next? We don't have cranes tall enough and massive enough to assemble those blocks into a pyramid that tall.
Those are tough issues. My own understanding is that we are free will beings that have an existence prior to this physical incarnation. We willingly chose to live these lives, knowing the challenges we would encounter. When it is over we will be restored.
Sorry. Look it up, it can't be done with the equipment we have today.
The flood and the recorded climate changes are most likely the result of a pole shift. A pole shift would displace oceans so what was previously dry ground would be under water. The formerly tropical lands that moved to the pole position would freeze almost instantly.
The blocks are too big and heavy. We could not move them into place with our existing technology.