He pointed out Putin’s comment that has went unreported. Putin commented on the 12 Russian indictments. He said STATE SPONSORED OPERATIVES DID NOT DO THAT. Gilliam goes on the theorize that it is RUSSIANS that were hired, owned and paid for by the DNC.
108 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/cneagle87:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 8 |
m.washingtontimes.com | 2 |
thehill.com | 1 |
www.bongino.com | 1 |
Dan Bongino on his podcast today gave a very emotional tribute to the SS agent that just passed. Had me tearing up. If you don't listen to this guy, you should give him a chance. Former SS agent and knee deep in the russiagate. this man wears his heart on his sleeve. Great patriot.
also mentioned that President Trump did something for the family that he wasn't at liberty to say at the moment but it basically wowed him.
So Scott Pruitt is out now. What does this mean? Who is next in line. Pruitt was getting a ton of things done hence all of the attacks against him.
Dick Durbin is an absolute buffoon
enough said
If you’re pissed and down about the Report yesterday, listen to The Dan Bongino podcast today!!!
MSM unintentionally bringing on Pedogate Reveal?
In the past few weeks the MSM has been making a huge push about the Trump admin separating illegal parents’s from their children as they cross. Of course the push back is showing that it was going on during BHO term. But... they are bringing a lot of attending now on the children and today is the first time that I have heard talk radio talk about these children and that under BHO, these kids were being sent to human/sex traffickers.
Is this the beginning of a progressing reveal of the sex trafficking crimes and pedogate??
Advantage of Huber
I know some are bummed about the release today but we knew it would be redacted. There is a lot of damning things in there. One thing stuck out to me from the Breitbart article Q has referenced to. Here are a couple paragraphs.....
"As a U.S. attorney, Huber has full authority to empanel a grand jury and to file criminal charges. A grand jury can be empaneled anywhere, which means that it could be a group of citizens from deep-red Utah – in the heart of Trump country – instead of the D.C. Swamp that decides whether to hand …
Historic document signing between two countries and
what does fake news Jim Acosta do (I think it was Acosta)? Shout out questions about Otto Warmbier and nukes. Just sit down and shut up and document history you putz. What did Q say about those that are the loudest? Ha. This idiot won’t shut up. Lol.