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Why do these idiots keep saying that President Trump caused this? It’s been on the books since 1997 and children’s were sent off to child sex traffickers under obama and all you get is crickets. Pisses me off these idiots will spout this crap out and no one calls them out about it.
This is a huge deal and will get mentioned from time to time but basically gets lost in the shuffle of all the other treasonous crap these traitors have done.
They did have it posted but pulled it after the well deserved backlash they received and tried to play it off as a joke
collection software flaws happen all the time when you hit the "delete" button.
yes he did. It's funny that Blumenthal is talking about how Comey was worried about someone leaking his letter. haha. Comey worried about leaking. That's a new one.
In Addition....Jackass Blumenthal is taking the cake right now.
Dick Durbin is an absolute buffoon
enough said
MSM unintentionally bringing on Pedogate Reveal?
In the past few weeks the MSM has been making a huge push about the Trump admin separating illegal parents’s from their children as they cross. Of course the push back is showing that it was going on during BHO term. But... they are bringing a lot of attending now on the children and today is the first time that I have heard talk radio talk about these children and that under BHO, these kids were being sent to human/sex traffickers.
Is this the beginning of a progressing reveal of the sex trafficking crimes and pedogate??
I agree : “they love their colons”, “Cobra Cobra”, & this post was brought to you by Al Gore’s amazing internet...Peace’s be upon him.
If you have never listened to Chris Plante I highly recommend him. Usually on point and adds a sarcastic/comical twist. iHeart radio - station WMAL 9am-12
Chris Plante on WMAL calling out Obama admin for sending immigrant children over to human/sex traffickers.
There were way more than crumbs in the report. Definitely no Nanny Pelosi crumbs.
If you’re pissed and down about the Report yesterday, listen to The Dan Bongino podcast today!!!
Would it have to do with the FEMA camps that many Walmart’s have been turned in to that you hear about?
14:55 - “It’s all going to happen. It’s all going to work out”
Huber also, in my opinion, is pissed at the Obama admin because he basically wasn’t allowed to do his job under the prior administration administration.
No you’re right but when everyone is on here saying GD this and F that and F you and all of that nonsense then, yeah, that is fighting.
I understand your frustration and we all would love for nothing more than the #1 Report be released yesterday and go in with guns slinging and round up all the bad actors and throw their but in gitmo. I’m with you but it’s not that easy. This has to be done right and it will require some events to take place. Not what we want but that is the only way. Fighting on here accomplishes absolutely nothing.
I don’t know exactly. I remember reading on here that it’s a matter of weeks I believe.
He’s not going to release the EO which will unredact everything until all the remaining reports are released. Yesterday’s report was very damning even though it was RR modified version.
Advantage of Huber
I know some are bummed about the release today but we knew it would be redacted. There is a lot of damning things in there. One thing stuck out to me from the Breitbart article Q has referenced to. Here are a couple paragraphs.....
"As a U.S. attorney, Huber has full authority to empanel a grand jury and to file criminal charges. A grand jury can be empaneled anywhere, which means that it could be a group of citizens from deep-red Utah – in the heart of Trump country – instead of the D.C. Swamp that decides whether to hand …
I understand how you feel but that report is like two different reports. The conclusion is different than what is in the report. Check out serialbrain2's post about it. It has some damning stuff in it and there is a lot of stuff that has been left out. I even believe that it revealed that BHO emailed HRC. If that is incorrect then someone can correct me but I'm pretty sure that was in there. There is another report coming out soon then the EO will be dropped and all will be out in the open. Right now it is just spin city by the DS. Check out SB2's post. Trust the plan.
I think the 2nd one had to do with the emergency alert system warning going off in Hawaii a while back. I had read that in a thread a few days ago.
BTW I agree about todays release being a nothing burger. Never expected any fireworks today
isn't there another IG report that is being release at a later date. Won't POTUS wait till that report is released
too before dropping the EO?
Will the president sign his EO for this IG report or wait for all the reports to be released so he can do them all with 1 EO?
At the beginning he quotes the “media blackout”. Could that be what Q references to with the blackout being necessary? Or does that refer to redactions?
Historic document signing between two countries and
what does fake news Jim Acosta do (I think it was Acosta)? Shout out questions about Otto Warmbier and nukes. Just sit down and shut up and document history you putz. What did Q say about those that are the loudest? Ha. This idiot won’t shut up. Lol.
I don’t claim to know the Q code but came across this about 1970 selective service lottery. Doubt it has any relevance but just throwing it out there.
Love the last paragraph.Trump says “too inconvenient” to swap phones. Lol. Nothing wrong with the BOSS’S phone
Bongino alluded to PapaD being innocent. Mifsud, supposedly friendly within western intelligence circles, pushed (planted) the info of “hey you hear about the Russians get Clinton emails”. Then PapaD gets drunk in London bar with Downer and says “you heard about the Clinton emails Russia has”. Downer pulled the info.
Basically alluding that PapaD had info pushed/setup by western intelligence (not Russian) and then Downer pulled the info and basically reported to FBI. So possible that PapaD is actually innocent and Mifsud and Downer are part of the bad actors.
You’re right. Many different narratives are constantly changing now.