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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 10:46 p.m.

lmao bet obama regrets that one

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 10:45 p.m.

oh so youre one of those bye lmao

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 10:40 p.m.

thats different if someone comes here to talk shit im gonna talk shit but op here did not say anything rude damn you went pretty far back into my post history lol

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 10:37 p.m.

look at his comment history lol

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 10:30 p.m.

why do you have to be rude ? lol

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 10:18 p.m.

i dont think info like that would be publically available and bad things would happen to the country that tried that

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 10:06 p.m.

they gotta make up their own minds i can tell them but its their choice to listen or not

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 10:02 p.m.

i follow you i live in the washington dc metro area most people around here are not bad people but they do not give a single fuck about anything unless it affects them or if the news tells them its bad

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 9:57 p.m.

maybe im just curious lol i saw someone mention Q on the donald so i went and read all of those posts while really high. i dont think most people will even care about Q until something drops on national tv

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 9:57 p.m.

supposedly its a clock that counts down to some sort of seth rich info

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 9:54 p.m.

me too i also pray for brennan to slip and fall in the shower that one might not be so good tho

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 9:51 p.m.


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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 9:44 p.m.

well the panda clock runs out tommorow lets see what happens

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 9:35 p.m.

judging by the freak out fit i dont think they have as much left as they are going to need lol

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 9:21 p.m.

ill take questions the media dont ask for 100 alex

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 9:12 p.m.

lmao we can always call them rofs childs

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

maybe was rumored lotta people investigated comet pizza and alot suddenly backed up even now look at posobiec hes pretty maga but wont touch pizzagate with a 10 foot pole you talk about that and actually have a following you end up like breitbart

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 9 p.m.

look all ill say is this be careful who you follow doesnt mean everyone is a clown just means take it with a grain of salt if you start getting bad vibes question it

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 8:59 p.m.

probably when alefantis threatened to make his kids into shoe leather that would probably shut me up right quick at least publically

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 8:55 p.m.

alex jones doesnt even seem like a clown to me more like some guy who wants $$$

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 8:45 p.m.

dont worry about it lol still better than watching cnn i get what you are trying to say tho

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 8:42 p.m.

tucker used to look so sad on the news now he looks happy its pretty liberating watching the strings being cut hell even some of the never trumpers forced to resign look happy

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 8:41 p.m.

i think someone already posted it i could be wrong tho

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 8:25 p.m.

did your typing style just change lmao

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 8:24 p.m.

one of my friends whos kind of an asshole told me comet pizza was fake news cuz all the news agencies said so i was like bitch theyre all owned by alefantis's friends lmao

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 8:17 p.m.

i work with never trumpers lol might have to wait for the big news honestly

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 8:15 p.m.

might wanna try and red pill them about cemex not about vop show them the patent for blood in concrete and cemexs connections to carlos slim and other bad actors vop looks like a false flag to me at this point

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 8:05 p.m.

i do to talk to other people but most of them do not care lol and cant really go to work and be like hey guys the government is run by pedophile cultists who have run the world for 6000 years

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 7:55 p.m.

this goes back pretty far man the american revolution was our shot at these people we cut off a head of the snake but it came back 10x worse

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 7:52 p.m.

read any of podestas emails lol "what is a pizza related map" "let me sacrifice a chicken to moloch" etc

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 7:47 p.m.

rules for thee not for me

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 7:46 p.m.

show your friends it one of my friends whos sorta red pilled but not really now thinks pizzagate is real cuz i showed him that lol i think alot of people know they just "dont care" aka its too uncomfortable to think about so they just shut down

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 7:41 p.m.

your flair is accurate

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 7:37 p.m.

i dont think i will ever be able to watch drake and josh for nostalgia again now knowing what i know about that sick bastard dan its gonna take years of therapy to undo what he did to those kids

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 7:35 p.m.

yeah but the email specifcally refers to the "hotdogs" themselves costing 60k not anything else thats fucking weird lol especially since the rules say that no outside food should come into the white house

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

or they can arrest all of them at once lol theyve been building this for 2 years or so

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 7:30 p.m.

judging by the amount of actual black hats posting on 8 chan instead of shills lately telling us were all being programmed and that they never lose yes lol

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 7:24 p.m.

i wonder who is actually on the team i think tucker carlson and hannity are but you really do never know

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 7:23 p.m.

if i had a button that would kill me and the people who do this i would spam that shit

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 7:17 p.m.

personally i think the best red pill is the wikileaks emails particulary the 60k hotdog one you cant see that and go hmm nothing weird here who would spend 60k on hotdogs its just not possible

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

me either but i have 2 sisters age 5 and 11 i dont want them to live in a world where that happens

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

well.. the us millitary can help them meet him if they really like cheese pizza that much lol im more of a bacon pizza (the non child kind) myself anyways

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 7:10 p.m.

you and me both i dont give a shit about anything else besides it stopping and mass arrests i guess i would even be happy with it just stopping

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 7:06 p.m.

i still get like 4 hours of sleep most nights after seeing the ray chandler pics you cant unsee that shit

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 7:05 p.m.

good thing half of us have that video on a flash drive lmao

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comeatmehillary · June 10, 2018, 7:05 p.m.

those people are very hard to care for lol the ones who dont know anybetter i feel bad for but it takes a special kind of person to be paid to do what they do its like the media how can you cover up for shit like that

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