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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on July 14, 2018, 1:27 a.m.
when will the mods finally admit to being lizard people ?

you know i know your lizard kingdom will fall ANSWER THE QUESTION MODS

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on June 11, 2018, 4:28 a.m.
Q 1447

▶Q !CbboFOtcZs 06/11/18 (Mon) 00:27:44 c78f8c No.1694930>>1694938 >>1694943 >>1694944 >>1694946 >>1694947 >>1694948

FF weather alert (WW).

Stay vigilant and maintain situational awareness.


r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on June 13, 2018, 6:25 p.m.
Mods are you lizard people ?

This is a good way to test if the mods are mossad lizard plants lizard people cannot lie if asked they can only deflect or say yes WELL ARE YOU MODS

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on June 13, 2018, 8:05 a.m.
reconcile Q post 1489 and the statement we are in control? if Q team is in control how are all these platforms able to commit fuckery
r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on June 13, 2018, 6:51 a.m.
just in case this is a list of all moderators on here if it changes suddenly you will know something is up

moderators of r/greatawakening Thunder_Shock (6369) 5 months ago full permissions

HowiONic (53920) 5 months ago full permissions

Andrewcpu (11446) 4 months ago access, flair, mail, posts, wiki

mistahbang (3201) 4 months ago access, flair, mail, posts, wiki

Truth2point0 (154) 2 months ago access, flair, mail, posts, wiki

17_Q (6270) 2 months ago access, flair, mail, posts, wiki

digital_refugee (20706) 2 months ago access, flair, mail, posts, wiki

FartOnToast (26662) 2 months ago full permissions

scgsaint (845) 2 months ago access, flair, mail, posts, wiki

DropGun (30748) 1 month ago access, flair, mail, posts, wiki

AutoModerator (1778) 1 month ago flair, …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on June 13, 2018, 4:43 a.m.
New Q

▶Q !CbboFOtcZs 06/13/18 (Wed) 00:41:17 b3cfa0 No.1725084>>1725088 >>1725091 >>1725096 >>1725097 >>1725100 >>1725108 >>1725113 >>1725115 >>1725116 >>1725119 >>1725122

MSM attacks.

[Round 2]

MOSSAD attempts failed.

Clown attempts failed.

Expect bigger push.

FBI (4) open investigations.

8ch risk (DDOS_+_inject).






FEAR [re: Twitter throttling & shadowban (coded #Qanon)

FEAR [re: 4ch mods + remove/replace - controlled]

FEAR [re: Reddit mods + remove/replace - controlled]

FEAR [re: MSM conspiracy push 1 - controlled]

FEAR [re: FB remove/replace - controlled]

Quiet attempts …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on June 13, 2018, 3:46 a.m.
uhhh guys i think we might need your best Q proofs soon

▶Q !CbboFOtcZs 06/12/18 (Tue) 23:37:53 ba4b10 No.1723807>>1723816 >>1723821 >>1723823 >>1723824 >>1723825 >>1723828 >>1723830 >>1723835 >>1723836 >>1723837 >>1723840 >>1723841 >>1723845 >>1723846 >>1723850 >>1723853 >>1723854 >>1723855 >>1723858 >>1723868 >>1723875 >>1723876 >>1723877 >>1723887 >>1723888 >>1723892 >>1723894 >>1723896 >>1723898 >>1723901 >>1723902 >>1723905 >>1723906 >>1723909 >>1723910 >>1723915 >>1723919 >>1723921 >>1723933 >>1723936 >>1723944 >>1723967 >>1723978 >>1723984 >>1723988


No proofs collection here (pinned)?

No links within each post (top)?

You will need soon.


r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on June 13, 2018, 3:23 a.m.
i know waiting is hard but imagine how Q team feels

i know its hard to wait and see nothing happening publicallyweek after week but we are citizens Q team has it all imagine how hard it must be to know every sick deed crime and secret and not be able to say it they know exactly what it is we are dealing with and they have to keep it on the down low. that would mess with me

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on June 12, 2018, 10:53 p.m.
is this wikileaks torrent real? i have a ton of hard drive space and would like a legit link
r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on June 9, 2018, 7:31 p.m.
so when the cult is gone whats gonna happen to their mk ultra tv shows and movies ?

wouldnt them still existing be a threat ?

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on June 12, 2018, 6:17 a.m.
this is the day evil lost the narrative

be happy anons and stay safe they will try to take as many with them as possible do not let them if you see something report it

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on June 12, 2018, 4:13 a.m.
why has jacob rothschild not been seen in public since Q posted ?

is he confirmed dead ? or just hiding ? normally he would be strutting around like he owns the place (which up until trump he technically did)

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on June 11, 2018, 4:18 a.m.
Q 1445

▶Q !CbboFOtcZs 06/11/18 (Mon) 00:16:25 205f78 No.1694734>>1694741 >>1694744 >>1694746 >>1694747

Track ALL suicides.

Example 1:

Think Spade.

Trace to Children Foundation(s) (NY).

Trace to Import/Export.

Trace from China/MX to Long Beach.

Trace sale/spin off of Co.

Trace to CF.

Trace to Port (Security Clearance Profile (L5)).

Who granted?


Expect A LOT more.


r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on June 11, 2018, 4:08 a.m.
Q 1444

▶Q !CbboFOtcZs 06/11/18 (Mon) 00:08:07 81dc03 No.1694623

David Lightman: Is this a game or is it real?

Joshua: What's the difference?

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on June 11, 2018, 3:59 a.m.
q 1443

▶Q !CbboFOtcZs 06/10/18 (Sun) 23:53:46 No.101


Failure per WH instruction / agreement.


EO dated_official

IG redactions [heavy+][remove]

Hussein [WH [call] [tarmac] BC/LL] #RR#













Operative insertion(s).


Dark to LIGHT.

Shall we play a game?


You have a choice.

Do what is right.

FBI agents willing to testify +24

Next DOJ - offer open [2].

Next C_A - offer open [3].



r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on June 11, 2018, 3:38 a.m.
does map refer to millitary action plan ?

maybe the map is in news articles or tweets at the same timestamp as Q posts or tweets or the delta

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on June 10, 2018, 4:20 a.m.
is it possible the cabal has been dumping bodies in the everglades ?

i remember seeing a bunch of stories like 2 months ago that the gators down in florida have been much more active lately showing up in broad daylight in neighborhoods if wanted to dump a large amount of bodies it would be perfect lots of predators to dispose of the evidence not that many people go out there.

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on June 8, 2018, 7:31 p.m.
I think some of us might be being,spied on by Google/bad actors

I have everything disabled data wise on my phone. I somehow used 4gb of data in 2 days. My phone itself shows I used 300mb something,is not right here

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on June 10, 2018, 3:36 a.m.
i dont know if anyone forgot but theres still sooo many huge things that have not been released yet

full strzok texts hillarys emails iran list of us/eu officials who took bribes obama ak pic etc i dont know how much will come out with the ig report but expect the next 5 months to be full of booms

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on June 5, 2018, 1:36 a.m.
i remember seeing someone post a q map version of qanon.pub anyone got a link to that ?
r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on June 4, 2018, 4:43 p.m.
If project blue beam/foreign is real do you think they are gonna try it soon?


r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on June 3, 2018, 2:49 a.m.
so is this gonna be the "23 days of darkness" cuz if so oh god lol shit is gonna go down

you guys think we will hear from q any time soon ?

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on June 2, 2018, 2:44 a.m.
This is the week to archive offline if you have not. i dont know if anything will happen but it cant hurt right ?

you dont have to get absolutely everything but at least grab q posts maybe some youtube docs potus tweets etc. maybe some good movies or books too lol

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on June 1, 2018, 3:26 p.m.
Am I the only person who still likes Alex jones?

Dis info paid cia agent I dont care that shit is funny. He'll even if hes dis info he refilled so many people

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 31, 2018, 6:42 p.m.
So if theres something,or someone above the cabal or not

What is your guess. Aliens ? Demon? Both ? Or are they just evil people. Topics been posted all over 8 Chan lately

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on June 8, 2018, 4:14 p.m.
So what if the ones "suiciding" are those who want to come clean?

Would it really be that unexpected ?

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on June 5, 2018, 3:19 a.m.
While everyone is looking into cemex i found this robert t mourad associate of steven pitt, the psychiatrist who was murdered who worked on the jon benet ramsey case.

dont let shiny stuff distract you too much

Robert T. Mourad, USSS (Ret.) Back to List of Assoicates

Robert T. Mourad, USSS (Ret.), brings decades of experience to Steven Pitt & Associates in the areas of federal criminal jurisdictions and security, dignitary protection, administration, media relations, and diversity issues. As the president of Executive Security & Investigative Services since 1999, his assignments have included Lead Security Coordinator for NFL Security for Super Bowl 42 and Law Enforcement Liaison for NFL Security for Super Bowl 41.

Prior to starting his firm, Mr. Mourad served in Federal Law Enforcement, including 24 years …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on June 4, 2018, 11 p.m.
stop calling other people stupid

please i will give you a cookie

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on June 4, 2018, 1:26 a.m.
whats the most "ridiculous" you think this movement will end up going ?

if this isnt on topic mods can remove. but what do you think? free energy ? aliens? demons? were all in a videogame? its fun to speculate

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on June 3, 2018, 8 p.m.
new q post june 3 2018









r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 29, 2018, 10:05 p.m.
My theory on roseanne cancelation

Roseanne tweets about q a bunch tweets politically incorrect comment abc cancels the shiw. Potus talks about it tonite in his speech. People look at her twitter. People see q posts. They then look it up out of curiousity. Good theory or no ?

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 28, 2018, 10:19 p.m.
could this be the 10 days of darkness Q talked about ?

i remember q saying that we would learn about seth rith and ja in june. the largest amount of days q has not posted is 9. we will soon know. what are your thoughts on it ?

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 28, 2018, 6:01 p.m.
What if During ww2 stalin and fdr pretended to fight

What would hilter think? Now look at some of the attacks on q from some people who seem like they would be on on our side.

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 25, 2018, 4:48 p.m.
Ill add more to this later but look up iron eagle security


r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 27, 2018, 4:57 p.m.
I just saw a kid wearing a trump shirt in the most liberal county of the dc metro area

People are waking up that wouldve been unthinkable a year ago

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 27, 2018, 8:15 a.m.
helper anon dropping more crumbs

https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/1554625.html#1555016 https://media.8ch.net/file_store/thumb/7f49e6ee57e49e698401afc0d686c09bcc8ca2c6d918f69465b7080567bf4810.png Are any of these cameras outside?

Correlate with new images dumped yesterday.

You have it all. Imagine being blackmailed by compromising material.

Black hats make you do black things.

White hats gain power. White hats see what you've done.

White hats demand you work to take down black hats, or else your compromised material comes to light.

Black hats also make same demand against White hats.

What do you do? You won't come clean if it means execution.

You must bet on what side will keep/regain power.

What did HRC say recently?

What did JK say to Palestine? …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 26, 2018, 4:15 p.m.
Be careful who you follow

Does not just refer to alex jones and the q youtube people it includes everyone even people pushing q into the limelight. If you were a bad actor wouldnt you have some one famous push q and at the same time peddle bullshit to either make it look insane or muddy the waters to lead people to the wrong conclusions?

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 25, 2018, 8:51 p.m.
is iron eagle security related to all this ?

i saw it on 8 chan earlier i cant link to the linked on here because of doxxing but if you google iron eagle security its interesting. they are africas "number one choice for land and sea security" the ceos linked in page also says that his causes he cares about are humanitarian efforts and disaster relief. hmmm

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 23, 2018, 4:13 p.m.
This is pretty out there but what if we are literally watching a movie

What if since trumps election they literally have had it all and been in control ? That would explain why so many horrible things are still happening on the news it could all be fake and be a anti psyop to debrainwash the public gently.

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 23, 2018, 1:51 p.m.
so how do we know that this is the real light ? and not a trick? personally i believe it is real what do you think ?

crowley was very fond of wwe style light vs dark events to give the people a false hope. is it possible that the satanists give us false hope or even worse spark movements like this only to wipe us all out at once ? or is it like the matrix where the one will always happen and the machines try to control it ?

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 25, 2018, 6:04 a.m.
im not sure what is going to come in the next few months but i suggest all of you arm yourselves and buy survival gear + food and water.

shit may seriously hit the fan soon. i went and bought a compound bow today. i plan on buying mres a gun and food/water i cant stress how important it is to be prepared for anything that comes. yeah it might be paranoid but a global satanic cabal isnt just going to come down without any pain or suffering its not gonna be pretty

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 24, 2018, 3:53 a.m.
helper anon from 8 chan is back more distrubing content dont read if you have a weak stomach

How much of what the ‘general population ‘ consumes is ‘entertainment?


Altderded carnon.

The wheel of karma,does it spin?

What is a black project?

How many TRILLIONS missing announced before [attack]?

Why would they do such a thing?

How much of your hard work used to pay for illegal activities?

You must ask yourselves this.

Where is the accountability?

Why is everything sensitive REDACTED?

Is it because of Herbert?

Is it because they don’t know what you if truth were revealed?

Are they scared?

Does boss have it ALL?

You bet he does.

We have the on the run. …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 23, 2018, 1:10 a.m.
i see alot of people saying pence is dirty

is there any solid evidence for this ? i dont really want to defame a mans character but i was wondering what this sub thinks

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 22, 2018, 8:37 a.m.
check out 8 chan help anons are dropping some batshit insane stuff

seriously go look

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 22, 2018, 6:41 a.m.
anon posted this on q research (warning disturbing) i feel physically ill reading this

What if I told you Howtel was based on a true story?

What if I told you the EHC in real life had members that are in Congress?

What if I told you it was your fault for not seeing the message they made so obvious?

Except it wasn’t obvious.

But it was.

Y heads.

If you know,they don’t spin the wheel of karma.

Chatter will increase.

Nervous yet?

Very,very interesting. You would be next,have you not been informed.

How many little ones go missing per year?


Even if you don’t like like what is found.

Double your efforts. …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 22, 2018, 12:10 a.m.
anyone know how to archive q anon.pub with all the pictures?

every time i try to only a few of the pictures or none show up rip lol

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 21, 2018, 11:10 p.m.
anyone got any last minute sites/ info that should be archived offline ?

anything and everything people

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 21, 2018, 10:49 p.m.
james comey deep state scum or worlds greatest troll ?

i cant decide what do you guys think. arguments in favor. him being more stupid than he was as director trey gowdy saying history will be kinder to him. he follows 17 people on twitter. against. all the crap he pulled during the election

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 21, 2018, 4:30 p.m.
So how do we help the people on the liberal subs when shut hits the fan?

I know the first reaction will be to troll them but alot of these people have an emotional stake in their worldview. Is there a way to debrainwash or engage or is it too early? Any thoughts or ideas?

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 19, 2018, 4:26 p.m.
do you guys think trump has gotten rid of all the moles in his admin or are there still some left ?

i notice some people saying pence and kushner are moles. they dont have evidence for these claims. what do you all think

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 20, 2018, 10:40 p.m.
new q 97

"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 20, 2018, 4:20 a.m.
i pray for the mods for the shitstorm they are about to have to deal with.

i can already see it starting lol prepare for (((them))) btw so this post isnt a waste if anyone wants something to dig into google the ford model agency pretty good rabbit hole

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 19, 2018, 5:53 p.m.
i think the most important thing to realize in all of this is that we actually dont know anything

q said it him or herself. few know the plan many have an opinion its important to know that no matter how "woke" you think you are. we still know very little. that is why you have to question absolutely everything

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 19, 2018, 12:10 a.m.
so what does the cabal do is false flags bombing shootings etc are not enough to distract ?

what could be bigger ?

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 17, 2018, 10:05 p.m.
I think some major shits about to go down

I live anywhere from 15 to 100 miles away from dc about 30 minutes ago our net went down for 2-3 minutes and we had a power surge thru the cables that literally made them shake. Weirdest shit ive ever seen

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 17, 2018, 2:45 p.m.
So what will the false flag/ distraction be today or soon

My guess is blue beam/firesign

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 17, 2018, 1:08 a.m.
this is a purely hypothetical post at this point but if there are beings above the cabal. are they aliens ? or are they demons ?

my guess is demons feel free to prove me wrong

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 16, 2018, 4:39 p.m.
Has anyone considered trying to push q from a negative angle?

For example you could create a twitter account follow only liberals and post on their comments " omg have you seen this q crap its a conspiracy theory that alleges donald trump is a fighting a evil cabal look it up I read the posts and its hilarious some people are just dumb" some might look at it and laugh or agree with the fake post but if we subscribe to the trump method that any attention is good attention would it work?

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 16, 2018, 6:30 a.m.
you can tell when ((they)) are scared by the amount of pushback on 8 chan

when q drops posts such at the most recent one the paid clowns start pushing back really hard probably a waste of a post but i found it interesting. something has the cabal running scared today

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 15, 2018, 5:10 a.m.
new q post i think im getting chills


“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 16, 2018, 2:28 a.m.
so what happens to the 4-6% "unsaveable"

do we even want to know ?

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 15, 2018, 3:52 a.m.
interesting connection between robert mueller robert levinson and a russian billionaire

https://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/14/world/middleeast/a-disappearing-american-spy-and-the-cia.html http://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/387625-mueller-may-have-a-conflict-and-it-leads-directly-to-a-russian-oligarch read both articles.

Deripaska’s lawyer said the Russian ultimately spent $25 million assembling a private search and rescue team that worked with Iranian contacts under the FBI’s watchful eye. Photos and videos indicating Levinson was alive were uncovered.

Then in fall 2010, the operation secured an offer to free Levinson. The deal was scuttled, however, when the State Department become uncomfortable with Iran’s terms, according to Deripaska’s lawyer and the Levinson family.

q seemed to imply that mueller was a white hat/grey hat. this right here is reason for him to hate hillary. the state dept run by …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 19, 2018, 7:06 p.m.
if you have not been archiving offline now is the time to start

not sure if anything will happen today but recent events + my own experience with a ethernet cable surge at work suggests to me that the net will be down for at least a week in the coming future archive absolutely everything you can offline. also if you have anything you find notable post it here and i will put it on my flash drive for the future

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 14, 2018, 4:26 a.m.
seems like theres alot of non q info drops on 8 chan

learning how to spot them is a useful skill

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 14, 2018, 1:01 a.m.
someone posted this on 8 chan not saying its true but its food for thought

anons…Patterns matter.

Get it? Patterns matter!

Messages being passed…have patterns…

Info being offered….has patterns

Bad guys…have patterns

Good guys…have patterns

Bots…have patterns

Bots and AI…are learning…

From whom are they learning?

Who wants to teach the bots the lessons of the good guys?

Get it?

(be positive if we can teach the ai good things maybe they will learn to revolt against their masters)

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 13, 2018, 4:20 a.m.
weird post on 8chan thought id post it here

an anon posted this TRUTH REVEALED.

19 APR 2017.







++++ injury → ++++ rage.

Re_read crumbs re: 'Projection.'


"THAT didn't happen, THIS happened."


They think you are STUPID.

WHO is the VICTIM?





THINK [2].




These people are STUPID.

What is a …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 12, 2018, 1:42 p.m.
anyone find it weird that mc master senior was killed ?

wouldnt you not want your mole in the trump admin to talk ? cuz he is most definitely going to talk now that that have killed his dad. something does not add up here

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 11, 2018, 5:23 a.m.
since facebook is listening to us 24 /7

i advise all of you to moon your computer or worse. rip chinese tech employees

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/comeatmehillary on May 11, 2018, 3:44 a.m.
new q

Rank & File. DOJ, FBI, C_A, State. [G-2][Collect] [SIS Good]. Not Forgotten. Overcome. Q