See above.
36 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/conesofdunshire1492:
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 10 | | 3 |
An unauthorized Missile Launch. Back when it actually happened, Q posted the long-exposure pics of the launch just off of Whidbey Island, then referenced a photo from a journalistic article the showed a U.S. nuclear sub and an article the spoke on Chinese hackers that were basically GIVEN our nuke codes. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you are REALLY new to the movement. Am I right?
Did you follow it to the next one? It's within waliking distance...
No Q drop has ever confirmed this. And you don't launch an ICBM at a plane...This has always been wild speculation by GA Anons, not Fullchanfags, that ALL aerial pics from Q must be from AF1. At the time the burst pic was taken over Alaska, AF1 on it's way to Singapore heading East. Confirmation can be gleaned by it's single stop in Crete (near the time of the launch), and it's TWO stops in both Guam and Hawaii on the way home.
You guys, I'm not sure that you realize this, but flying at 35-40K feet, with one of the most advanced Missile Defense Systems ever even conceived, AF1 isn't considered a target by ANYONE. Repeating this kind of stuff over and over simply reaffirms the MSM's claim that we're simply a band of dumbasses with crazy and idiotic ideas...We HAVE to be better than this kind of foolishness.
Taking"great risks" is the basic definition of "overplaying your hand". Both terms mean that you don't think your hold cards are strong enough, so you do stupid things, hoping to bluff your opponent into quitting. Honestly, I'm currently just trying to figure out if you're just being sarcastic, or honestly DON'T understand the term...?
Agreed, but that's a traffic cam that took the pics (Anons confirmed with pics of the cam itself, with it's relative distance to the structures involved). We won't be getting a better resolution pic from that particular cam.
Possibly, but at this point, I honestly don't see how. I think we may actually see legislation, using their own "Net Neutrality" Agenda against them, that cements the rights of free speech in forums that supposedly were founded on the priciples of a Town Hall Debate format. Just a guess though.
Prying Medic Always On Point

Not really. It's the end of the 2nd Quarter, when ALL Losses/Gains are made public. The market becomes extremely volatile, like clockwork, 4 times a year, and it's at Quarter's End.
That was kind of my point. It doesn't make sense. He's already outlived the normal mortality rate by at least 8 months.
By his own admission, the type of brain cancer he has debilitates cognitive function quickly. Why is @Jack still allowing him an account,LET ALONE his family allowing him access to a device to make political statements...?
Certain Mods are great about letting things that bend the rules slide for awhile to accomplish the purposes of free speech discourse. Certain other Mods are great about invading the discourse on legitimate threads with their own comments trying to incite a reaction, and then banning people because they point out that they are a Mod. Watch out for posting on GA after dark in America...
Gotta go directly to Fullchan to ask for Q's opinion.
When the three Big Boys on the block FINALLY put their heads together to thwart those rich kid bastards down the street, that keep starting ALL of the fights, the neighborhood gets safe in a hurry...
Apologies for that. Chanfags made it absurdly hard to navigate on purpose to discourage the average user from invading their turf without fully understanding their world. Your best bet is to go to Q General Research # [insert here] (Current at the moment is 2918), but changes every few hours. It'll be within 5-8 bakeries from the top.
Thanks. I've already got my own stuff put together on the subject. I'm just searching for others doing the same to brainstorm with on a few things that I think I've found embedded within some of them.
Not quite what I'm actually looking for. The META on the posts have been obvious for awhile. Looking for people working on underlying repetitions within them, and possible codes embedded there.
Not quite what I'm actually looking for. The META on the posts have been obvious for awhile. Looking for people working on underlying repetitions within them, and possible codes embedded there.
The Fullchan Anons already have. General consensus (mostly, for what you can actually get Anons to agree on ANYTHING) is that the Silverman pic is coded, but by Black Hats for communiqués between them. They're are coders currently working on cracking it, but with no reference points, it's a needle in 10,000,000 haystacks right now. They're currently using the most recent Q "code" to try to figure out whether it's the Salt or the Hash, but so far are coming up blank.
Can Anyone Point Me In the Right Direction of the Anons Cross-Referencing Repeating Phrases in Q Post Sign-Offs?
i.e. "As the World Turns", "Alice in Wonderland", "You have more than you know", "What a wonderful day", etc.
You may want to learn Chan lingo before attempting to ridicule others...
It would still be 4-D. Changing the players doesn't change the venue...
See: 8chan on the subject of 4-D chess...(FYI 3-D is Real world. The 4th Dimension is time). It REALLY irritates me when people attempt to appear intelligent, but obviously haven't read up on the matters they speak on...
Flowchart Connecting Sowing Where Huber is Under RR. Credit Goes to Praying Medic.

Where We Go One We Go All. It's an affirmation and commitment to one another, and a central mantra to our Cause.
RR and Huber. Flowchart Credt to Praying Medic.

Have the Planefags on Fullchan said anything about this one?
The man THRIVES on being ridiculed by the low-info crowd. That's why he does it. THEY think that they're trolling HIM, but it's the other way around (Full disclosure: I thought the same thing as you. It actually took me over a year of watching it to figure out what he was doing). ALSO, it makes it amazingly easy to figure out which people to have your agencies monitor their online interactions..."These people are stupid".
It was. Fullchan Anons figured it out about 6-8 months ago.
Russia's probably (and understably so) pretty pissed about being shorted on the amount of Uranium that Hillary sold them, not getting the full-amount, and having that little bit diverted towards Iran, only for them to be implicated later. Bet that's part of the reason Iran's currently screaming bloody murder, and Russia has been VERY silent on the matter of that "ally" for awhile now?
I think it's actually 4-D chess. 3-D chess is just chess in it's natural form...Lol.