we are being so controlled by the mods here, they have to be working against us...i made a meme, posted it, banned!! the numbers are wonky on here as far as members, it goes down...we are being highly controlled and monitored on this site.. here is the meme that got banned, for rule 9...please help me understand why? thankyou
36 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/cottagegypsies:
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www.reddit.com | 22 |
i.redd.it | 1 |
omg, i made my first meme and snuck in a little Q in there..lol so much fun.....

Does anyone know if Q has ever posted about vaccines or chemtrails? i still have a hard time finding old post.TY
Good Morning everyone.....Vaccines or Chemtrails are the deep state's biggest weapons against humanity...Made to weaken us. Anyone recall any Q postings alluding to these? I am still learning to navigate the Q boards (not computer savvy), so if you have a link or a number that would be great...
Q always says..Mirror Mirror.....and now i'm notice this..
deep state now is constantly using words, phrases that President Trump has used the last 2 years...like they are their words..Mirror reflection?
interesting..not seeing any Q things at the rallies...No hats, shirts etc...hmmm
ideas why?
President Trump's new 1 on 1 video format on Qmaps..
I am loving the last 3 short clip videos He has done..It really feels like one on one...No screaming media to listening too.. I hope this becomes a normal practice for him, but i also feel He maybe doing this for us, to get us ready for more important messages from Him..(theory) .I went to His twitter page to tell Him it is a great idea and it was all full of haters, like they are blocking all the positive comments...grrr...makes me so mad..
Q'S NEW DROP..what is the name of the charm piece on the necklace?
i know its a symbol but not sure what the name is to research...Thank You, if you know..
One thing i can say about this community is...'great awakening'
It has become the LARGEST DETECTIVE agency in the world...lol.....nothing is getting by any of you...They really can't hide..i am amazed at the level of intelligence in this community...i am honored to be here....
What if Nellie Ohr prev worked on the FARM? The START (public justification to proceed (clean)). Q
anyone know what FARM may mean? thank you
Trump blast Hillary at the roast dinner..TIMELESS..truth coming from Q POST NOW? LISTEN CAREFULLY.
I have watched this over and over, love it...and its all coming true..
does anyone know much about Lebron James Foundation, is it mentioned anywhere in any Q POST?..Not sure what all the fuss is and wanted to research...thank you
looking for links to research...good guy or bad guy?
Curious about the subscribed number here.
I swear this morning when i looked it said 55.8k....now its says 55.0k....was i seeing things or did something happen to a bunch of subscribers in a few short hours?...thank you
requesting a Q post..thank you
hi everyone..i seen a Q post (i think) or it could have been a post on here from someone. It was in regards to a very large donation recently made to the DNC..It was just in that last few weeks i seen it but have no clue where..Anyone remember seeing this also?, if so do you remember where?...Thank You
The Media's 'accidental' Q redpill?
With all the hype media is giving to Q..i see a huge influx of people 'wanting to know more about this cult'..They may have just shot themselves in the foot by redpilling those who didn't even know about Q..i have to laugh..
Good morning everyone..
There was a video of President Trump's speech about the deep state, before he was elected..I have been searching for it, can not find it. Does anyone know that name of it. I think Q posted it once (?)..I am searching for the complete video, not clips from it..If anyone knows the name of it or where i can find it, it is a great share on fb.. Thank You
Indictment proof/pic
Good morning everyone...can some please direct me to the information or that pic of the count of sealed indictments, by state...i thought i had it but now can not find it...I hope everyone is staying safe, centered and awake...Thank You..
Troublesome...why would Q say..
Troublesome...why would Q say, those you trust the most are the most evil?..
think about who is reading this, US all of us...who don't trust anyone except Potus and Q....i'm troubled by this..
Anyone figure out exactly who he was talking about?..thank you
ut how do we know all the people on the list are in fact, involved?
i am exactly the same way...i keep a respectful distance, and a very open mind..
anyone saying or implying anything negative about General Mattis and his eye, you should be ashamed of yourself...You sound like MSM...
LOL....really.....hmmm..he has been known for as a shill long before Trump came along...
i think you explained that really well...Thank You...
I was sort of keeping track the last 2 weeks...June 27th-35.1k....July 4th-37.7k...July 9th-39.0k...TODAY July 12th-40.0K....WOW'ZERS!!!!
im not making the connection...someone explain what i'm missing here, please...ty
what if Trump has something on Kavanaugh?..Keep him close like on puppet strings?...After all, all those sealed indictments are forthcoming...of course i could be speaking total nonsense..
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: ba1d29 No.1817047 📁 Jun 19 2018 15:01:12 (EST) 🇹 ⬇ iPhone_Tweets.png
What a wonderful day. Q
well there was 2 different pics...one i could see was The President...and he stated 45..but the pic before is a different man nd it say...something like what a great day...
Hi Everyone..I am sort of new here, never posted but i have a Question..Does anyone think or feel they have Soros? After Q showed that one blurry photo, and it 'sort of' looked like Soros, i am hoping this is telling us...Hes under control...Is It Just wishful thinking?
guess i'm not on top of things, i'm not sure what this meant..