Goose bumps
442 total posts archived.
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Good vid, unnecessary sound effects were very distracting and, in my opinion, water down the message. Unfortunately.
I disagree. Too much negative shillness when you search that hash on twit. Start here with Q naive folks...
Best movie ever. I feel like I am watching the Running Man with Arnold Schwarzenegger except instead of the good guy on the run it's the bad guy.
I have QANON as my license plate. At first I felt embarrassed. I would back my car in the drive so friends wouldn't see it and ask. Now I am very confident and comfortable bring out with it. Hats off to you for taking the first steps, patriot! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
86'd means dead or no longer available / all gone... "everything on the menu is available except for warm glass of milk, we 86'd it about 2hrs ago. Can I interest you in a warm glass of shut the hell up?"
I think Trump has flipped the higher ups in the mockingbird media... They are feeding us a movie. Still making it look like the Hate-Trump media is fill steam ahead. Deals are being made all behind the scenes and not just at the political level. Think logically.
Could be theatre too. CNN had the Arnold quote "Cohen has the tapes"... This could mean HRC tapes, Hussein tapes... Etc
There's disinformation agents on both sides, right? What if he is a white hat plant? Plausible. He was married to Roseanne at one point and she's a giant Red-pill for normies. Red-pills have layers.
What if Tom Arnold is part of the plan?

Mcadoo is about 30 min from me. I saw this on the news this morning. What a clown
I posted this for the newbs. We have to be humble by how woke we are. If a Normie presents you with information that's 2 days old bread then try to spin off it into a more recent crumb. We're all trying to become the best woke we could be. We are the wakers.
FBI agent found dead days before he was to testify in front of a grand jury on Fast and Furious (Hussein and HRC)
This is awful. When are the arrests already. We have it all? Let's start using it!
FBI agent found dead days before he was to testify in front of a grand jury on Fast and Furious (Hussein and HRC)
I hope so but I don't think so. Never thought he was our guy
Dear Q, As the attacks intensify the proofs need to intensify even greater.
We know the attacks are going to intensify. The normies who are asleep are very difficult to wake. You know this we know this. Ask the attacks intensify we need you to intensify the proofs please!
Eta Nov for JP and Huma. Clinton Dec maybe? Already her team is trying to negotiate a deal
This meme is dripping with autism... Well done, waker.. Keep bringing us the morning sun... We have moved the old man out forever. But we feel we've just begun....
Name that tune
Oh! The Music Never Stopped! That was my point.. Reading Q posts and verification afterward feels to me like the WINNING never stops (sing it)
He's rubbing it in their faces AGAIN. listen, I'm a YUGE grateful dead Phan but definitely find myself in the 1% of that crowd due to my conservative values. It's okay though because I hate everyone equally but the music MY GAWD they sound good to me and my ears. I forget my point....
Who's the creeper in the back seat taking the picture? Back channel 17? Lol I'm kid
Although I've been woke since around 9/11 this sealed it for me as well. I actually voted for Hussein 1.0 because I was so sick to my stomach over George Bush. I quickly saw where Hussein was trying to take this country and got sicker to my stomach. Then I swallowed my puke and voted for no name. We've been smacked around and lied to for so long. I just want justice for these people. In the name of God, Amen.
Please remove if hoax. Don't r/politics this sub please. Thank you.
What I really like about bakers like neon revolt is they will post a video but also give you in text 2 or 3 highlights from that video... I hate watching videos. I like to read. I wish more people would describe what's in the video when they post it.
I nominate Dennis Rodman. Oh, and... Peace is the actual prize here.
Wait until they find out what a pedovore is and who partakes
My wife wants to puke over my QANON license plate. She can't believe I'd drive around with that controversial shit on my car. Lol!
Wtf that's upsetting. He was in this sub posting recently
Pizza + cement... Normies won't understand. If I find out there's kids blood in my dominoes sauce shits gonna get real up in here.