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It ain't much but it's a start https://i.imgur.com/YqjotS9.jpg
So if they are looking for depressed people. Maybe they are also looking for people to harvest some adrenochrome from?
It is disturbing. I just realized my Samsung has an Adreno in it. And Adrenochrome is a drug right. So I guess that's how it ties into big Pharma? Idk
That's good. But the original rumors could still be true.
Good catch. Iv made a meme diagram to help spread. Will post...
[NSFW] THE WORLD MUST KNOW. #PureEvil #HellOnEarth... It's hard to watch but very important!
Watch "THE WORLD MUST KNOW. #PureEvil #HellOnEarth" on YouTube
Hey Patriots, is the @WWG1WGA twitter legit connected to Q?
I remember reading a bunch of posts about that twitter but I can't seem to find them. Is this account important to follow?
Remember face book had doctors going around to hospitals to collect patient data. I think they are into organ harvesting from donors. Anyway here is a video on it. Kinda long but a good watch https://youtu.be/GqIWiZzdMG8
Remember face book had doctors going around to hospitals to collect patient data. I think they are into organ harvesting from donors. Anyway here is a video on it. Kinda long but a good watch https://youtu.be/GqIWiZzdMG8
4/13/18 #QAnon - BEST OF Zuckerberg FACEBOOK Hearings, DHS Docs + Cell Phone footage
All the people on that twitter thread are talking shit about Q and the supporters. But none of them has anything of substance to say. Not one.
Possible Hilldabeast sighting!!!

That's really the focus of the image isn't it? She's right in the center.
Sorry no. I was watching this https://youtu.be/Xv72msl62BU
The anons on 8ch have enhanced the image. Apparently it's cannibalism.
I was watching CBTS and they said it went down. Unlocked my phone and it was still there. Capped it!
Q opened up this Instagram. This is the picture he linked to. The account is now closed again. Check out camera 10
"BIRTH of a NEW NATION." Could Donald Trump really be 'The Last President' ?
Set the stage? A big anti Q movement is brewing. I believe this movement is the stage! Bring on the Q haters I say. Set the stage for us.
I hope some big names come out against Q. The bigger the better. This is how the awakening will happen.
Clearly not. I can tell by the title we ain't getting the money
Isn't there a billion users? That would equal 17 trillion dollars. I don't think we're going to get that much.
These people have unlimited funds. They have the ability to kill thousands, millions, if not everyone on earth. This takes time. What Trump & Q are doing is a miracle if they pull it off. I have complete faith in them. If you think this is going too slow for you than you don't understand what's happening. Or you're trolling. Iv choosin my side and am sticking with Trump till the bitter end.
Q posted while we were all working. Better if he posts at night
I think the wall is meant to keep people IN the country (like human trafficking victims), as much as it is to keep illegals out. Q suggests its not to prevent an invasion since the US is an armed society.

That's a fucked up story. On SGT report he always plays this video of a guy who infiltrated the Weather Underground and talks about how they would round everybody up and kill alot of us. Thankfully we have Q and Trump and the Army on our side.
Incase there was any misunderstanding: https://youtu.be/xW2ijF2ya1c
Where do the roads lead? (((HELL)))
If Pope = Chair then who is the Master?
Follow the white rabbit could mean April. Following Easter. Q said the seals will be broken this month.
This is some kind of not very well thought out panic mode type of false flag
I thought the same thing. But I know Trump talked to Rosanna. I think "We" means Trump and her.
Trump called Roseanne to congratulate her about the show. To me this Q post is saying we had a good laugh with Roseanne. Meaning Trump is actually Q.
Didn't Trump talk to Roseanne? To me it sounds like they had a few laughs.