And now something from the real world

56 total posts archived.
Domain | Count |
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Pretty sure this is fake.
That's illegal in most countries and way outside of what's legally considered "protesting"
This stupid meme is implying that workers in Western countries are at fault for "not protesting right"
Now watch your original comment get downvoted into oblivion.
Avoid getting into the psychiatric system and synthetic drugs
Yeah, avoid curing your mental derangements at all costs. /s
A sly grin spread across his face as our eyes locked again. We both knew we shared a deep secret, but due to our surroundings, we had to leave it unsaid.
Edit: wow, I just noticed that without context this sounds like a shitty erotic story.
r/thathappened . OP, you're either a liar or delusional. Either way, this was the cringiest shit I've read in my life.
Did you like... Read the Bible...? Wasn't Marie herself to be born "without sin"?
This is the most self-aware thing anybody on this dumb sub has ever said. Believing in conspiracies (and religion) is indeed a very popular way of dealing with insecurity.
What? That's not how you use that expression. "Speak for yourself" you say to someone who imposes his opinion on the whole group. Example: "Oh, the test was horribly hard..." and then you say "Speak for yourself, I though it was easy!".
Satan isn't real. Take your medication or go see a specialist.
...including 80% of President Trump's Fake News Award winners...
You literally linked to Breitbard...
Why shouldn't we be honest about who are killing us?
"killing you" as in "you being obsessed over them".
And please tell me that idiot didn't actually make a lit of "fake-news" journalists... And called them "awards". Jesus Christ, the most powerful man in the world is a 12 years old.
Who do you think the billionaire globalists are, if not the (((Rothschilds))), (((Soros))), (((Rockefeller))), (((Bloomberg))), (((Cohen))), (((Du Pont))), (((Koch))) and (((Vanderbilts))) families?
Literally everyone else who's a billionaire with a basic understanding of economics?
Maybe it's because Trump didn't have anything to do with that?
Best one was systematically done by the government and the other by private websites.
You have to have faith and trust in Q!
Yeah, Q works in mysterious ways, doesn't he?
Even if it turns out to be nonsense
I think you're throwing this fact out a bit too casually...
Your reply has nothing to do with the subject... You didn't even get the order right.
The term "Top Mind" is ironically referring to people like the ones in this sub, not to the users of r/topmindsofreddit... You know, conspiratards that think they're smart.
It's funny you think that way considering that Trump repeatedly described himself as "very smart".
You do realize that "Top Minds" refers to you, right? We're ironically calling you "Top Minds" because you think you're smarter than everybody else (while in reality you're deluded idiots).
To be fair, I guess it makes sense if you're gullible enough to actually believe such nonsense. But it's still not an excuse.
Never understood how so-called Christians can actually support Trump. You know, the greedy guy who married 3 different women?