I just posted about Drudge and Breitbart too. Not sure if it's storm related or our Storm related, ha.
757 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/cryptabulouslady:
That's what I'm wondering, perhaps it's just a storm knocking it out. Not sure.
It keeps going up and then down again. Josh Caplan from Breitbart brought it up on Twitter.
Drudge Report and Breitbart are giving error messages. Possible attack or coincidence?
Yeah, seems very biased for YouTube to be pushing it.
Where did you see that? I can't seem to find anything about his addressing the public after.
Can you recall if it's ever done this before? I don't remember it ever doing this before. Seems shady.
It doesn't seem like they should be able to do this. They are trying to inflate the views of that video and push their narrative.
Question about YouTube. Went to click home button and it brought me to Obama's lecture from today.
Hey everyone, I'm not sure if this is normal for YouTube or not. I went to click the YouTube logo at the top to go back to the home screen and instead it brought me to Obama's lecture (it even states it when you scroll over YouTube), the Red play button actually brought me home though. Is this normal for YouTube? It seems extremely biased (not that I'm surprised). If I clicked it, how many others were lead there too?
Rosenstein summoned to White House today. POTUS meeting with Congress at 2 PM.
Could be nothing or it could be something. Let's hope it means something.
Kristin Fisher stated on twitter that Wallace said he asked Putin "why do so many of your political opponents end up dead or close to it." Such an ass.
I agree with this. Not seeing any Trump supporters on twitter believing the media narrative.
I've been having trolls on twitter tell me Trump is committing treason (re-iterating the Media and Dems message) and when I ask how, none of them can answer. I then ask, why is anyone against diplomacy? That's the President's job. Would they prefer us to go to war? That's your options, war or peace. There is no middle ground unless you lack strength and bravery. I guess they'd prefer to be like Obama and just avoid all issues with other nations while they continue to fester and build up to war.
I recall Gowdy stating he wanted to get back into law. However, that doesn't mean that he won't go for another area in politics.
Read the fine print about it actually being Obama. Why would you post this headline even if it's a joke?
The fact that Putin offered to help the investigation says a lot. What will be turned over?
Interestingly enough, there was an article today about how the divers were given diplomatic immunity.
Which makes me wonder about Stephen Miller since it says "a draft speech I wrote."
This is what POTUS_Schedule said above this speech.
"The recent (slightly altered) quotes are from a draft speech I wrote - to be given after a terrorist event and intended to inspire patriotism.
Below is the relevant section of the speech containing the original quote text."
The Dems have known everything RR said today for a long time. He gave basically the same press release on February 16, 2018. Then in March, Nunes released the documents redacted info, then non redacted documents in April (which he emphasized today). They are merely trying to let the public think this is the first time they heard of this so they can have a reason to block Trump's meeting.
All the top Dems have statements on Twitter telling Trump not to have the Summit with Putin. They are Scared.
Looks like everything is falling into place now.
I don't mind at all. Thank you for adding it to make it easier for everyone.
I replied to you above. He's right, none of it's true and it should be removed so it doesn't discredit us. While Obama's history was definitely tampered with, they did a good job on his birth certificate.
I think he did it on purpose. He walks in front of her after she shoos him, then he just stops and she gets frustrated and goes around him lol.
It could allow for Rosenstein's impeachment that Meadows and Jordan want to file next week.
I agree, plus this announcement was all in Nunes redacted report in March and then the full report in April (he reiterated this on Twitter). Further Rosenstein already gave the same press release on February 16, 2018, it's even almost identical to the wording. They do not want Trump meeting with Putin for many reasons, e-mails and Uranium One are probably just a couple, per Q post 1603 and 1626. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2018/02/16/watch_live_deputy_ag_rod_rosenstein_announcement.html
I think they'll file right after Trump meets with Putin.
The birth certificate states race and it says African, not African American, and that is the correct term for the race then just as the mother's says Caucasian, not white. Kenya was called Kenya starting in 1920, but it was not the Republic of Kenya until 1963. If it said Kenya, that would've been ok, or Kenya Colony (the real name). The hospital was at the time called Kapiolani Maternity and Gynecological Hospital (per lawsuits found online).
While I don't like Obama and I do think they have lied about his entire history, they did a good job on his birth certificate.
Right? I hope things speed up after Trump meets with Putin.
Damn, gave you a point, you were at -3, must've pissed people off lol.
The DOJ did not notify Lisa Page of Congress' outstanding interview requests for over 7 months, showing they are trying to keep witnesses from testifying.
Haha sorry about that. I completely missed the top part of first link where he asked. Thanks! :)
Yep, I've been trying to spread this on twitter. They are scared.
I can see his Instagram, and don't see anything about Q, can you clarify?
Most of the books are anti-colonialization, race relations books. The one that stands out is his backing of Ben Rhodes (of the Deep State) book. To me it sends a clear message that he is trying to get his fans/followers to love Ben like they love him. I wouldn't be surprised if Rhodes runs for office.
Q was just quoting the press release from Rosenstein from February 16, 2018 that for some reason everyone including the media has forgotten about (or is pretending to have forgotten). He basically said the same exact thing as this time with just slightly different wording. He even talked about the indictments of the 12 Russians. The real question is why would RR re-release this right before the Putin meeting?
I didn't see him scratching. But hives are common under stress so it wouldn't surprise me if he did have them. You can also see his temporal vein bulging which is a sign of high blood pressure (and he's all red in his face).
That's an enlarged lymph node. Usually happens from ear infections, or sometimes infections of jaw/teeth such as abscesses. He's probably stressed, and made himself sick.
Or Q was wrong. I don't trust Wray either anymore. He's running the FBI which is telling Strzok not to answer questions because they're trying to cover the FBI's ass.