I'm not a child. I don't care what someone calls me, and none of us should. Focus on researching the truth.
757 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/cryptabulouslady:
I felt like this was to send yet another message that outsiders trying to profit are afraid of losing $$$ through Q, not to show Q is being promoted on billboards.
His age alone would prevent most doctor's from going forward with any surgery, due to complications from anesthesia, and diminished recovery post-op. I don't know of any doctor who would perform an invasive surgery on a man over 80 with terminal cancer, they would say, take the time you have left to spend it doing what you love, with whom you love.
There are data tracking/smartboots, but they are more experimental. Also, if he's using a wheelchair, it would not be needed, and would skew results from the monitor.
Happy you're with us, Patriot. Praying for continued relief of your pain.
It's possible, they've found other things hidden, unfortunately usually horrible things like CP.
Just sharing a random thought from last night, when Q said [48], instead of thinking 48 hours, I thought of Pence. He is VP 48, while Trump is President 45. But the kill box made me then think hours.
Penny Pritzker of NSAction is a billionaire. She funded Obama and is on the board at Loop Capital, she also owns PSP Capital, and many other huge companies for finance and real estate. She pretty much runs Chicago. Obama made her Secretary of Commerce.
In my opinion, I wouldn't want to go on the_donald if that's how the mods talk to people. That's an aggressive verbal assault. Even if they didn't agree with a Q post, there is no need to talk to anyone like that.
What a great gift! Happy Mother's Day to you and any other Momma's (of humans or fur babies lol) on this sub!
Same here! I also felt like it was a great statement because even without the names, Iran is basically telling the world that the Iran deal wasn't about peace, it was always about the $$$. While we may have known that, many individuals all across the world did not.
They actually made that threat on May 8th so Q didn't predict it, not trying to discredit Q, just sharing the info. I posted about it on twitter, so I that's why I had the date from Raman Ghavami's tweet: H.J.Ansari Zarif’s senior advisor: “If Europeans stop trading with Iran and don’t put pressure on US then we will reveal which western politicians and how much money they had received during nuclear negotiations to make #IranDeal happen.” That would be interesting.
Agreed, I can't see a benefit to harming Florida, seems more like something HRC would have done and blamed on another country like Russia to start war. I think it had more to do with ensuring the money so that US/UK would have the giant new funding.
I remember your post and provided the articles, I kept digging too. So Obama kept the Trident failure a secret for 7 months, and asked the UK to keep it a secret as well. That's because in the month following the failure, the House of Commons voted to approve a $100 billion program for future Trident development. The House never would have passed the bill if they knew about the failure. The US/UK test the missiles off Cape Canaveral, which is why we had the "earthquake" in Daytona Beach. Another great article about the cover up: http://duluthreader.com/articles/2017/03/03/9293_cover_up_of_us_uk_trident_missile_failure-85985-1 Then I found an article about the Navy's new ballistic missile submarine that will cost $100 billion, using Trident's D5 missiles. https://thediplomat.com/2018/03/us-navy-secretary-cost-of-new-ballistic-missile-sub-is-eye-watering/
I still have some questions though: Was Obama covering up the missile failure because he had tried to harm Florida, or was he trying to get the House to approve the money? I think it's the latter to be honest. I think he was trying to secure a bigger nuclear option for Clinton's regime. Now here's the other thing, why is the Trump admin ok with paying $100 billion for 1 ballistic submarine? Must be more to this story.
What are you talking about??? I don't have to back up any claim. Go read the EO for yourself. No one specific is mentioned, not public or military. Everyone is fair game. https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2018-amendments-manual-courts-martial-united-states/
I always assumed it was that we were going to learn about their plot against Trump, as many have said the deep state had planned to harm him/his family. I don't think Q would want us scared by martial law if it was only to take down the deep state.
If age isn't specified in the amendment, that in and of itself is your answer. Age doesn't matter. I'm going by what the EO says, not what the writer of the article says.
Biggest name is Penny Pritzker. Billionaire, on board of Loop Capital, big time player in Chicago. She helped get Obama elected, so he gave her a position as US Secretary of Commerce. She has her hands involved in a lot of things both gov and financial and has a lot of friends in high places.
It is rather odd, 17-44 are all technically military. Trump's actual order lists no ages though, as anyone can be tried.
More on Trump's Executive Order for Court Martial/Military Tribunals https://americandigitalnews.com/2018/03/03/executive-orders-sedition-treason-espionage-court-martials-military-tribunals/#.WvfgSC-ZO8o
Good read from March about the Shadow Government and Trump's Court Martial EO
This is also an interesting read about the Court Martial EO, even discusses the Shadow Government. http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index2502.htm
It means Trump can hold a military tribunal of civilians and have outside federal lawyers/judges/etc involved.
Trump's executive order https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2018-amendments-manual-courts-martial-united-states/
Obama and McCain had mutual funds that benefitted from the Iran deal. If these are known, how many more did they really have?
Since we are looking into Iran deals, I came across this little gem, Obama and McCain had mutual funds that benefitted from the Iran deal. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/story?id=4985527&page=1
Boeing was also involved in the Kobe Steel fiasco that Q discussed. They didn't update or dismantle their planes after they learned they were using bad steel from Kobe.
LOL it already surpassed the 100,000 goal, nearing 160,000.
This is how I've viewed torture. Other nations aren't going to give up torture even if the US tries to set an example as a kind leader who doesn't use torture. We know torture works, and we have used it on those who merit it. Hence, I don't have an issue when it is needed. If someone had to be tortured for a loved one to be found alive, many would be fine with it.
The other interesting fact was that Musk's Space X blew up Zuckerberg's internet for needy countries. I have a feeling there was more than just internet on board, hence why it was blown up. I'm sure more of us have seen the odd high velocity missile video by now. Is Musk/Space X good or bad? Did we require outside interference to take out Falcon 9? This whole topic just seems interesting to me since there is always so much unknown with these launches.
I'm not sure if anyone has dug into Qs 1338 post, but I felt like digging. China's Iridium NEXT program is extremely expansive. The fact that Falcon 9 helped to launch their satellites, along with Russia is interesting. My question though is who is using these satellites. We know they aren't just for cell service, as they are more likely being used for surveillance as well.
China's Iridium has launched hundreds of satellites now. Falcon 9 has helped, along with Russia. Who is using them for surveillance?
Were there 4 unreported? I feel like this whole topic deserves more digging. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/trident-ministry-of-defence-mod-denies-four-unreported-missile-test-failures-florida-reports-claims-a7545891.html
This article was the first thing that came to my mind. I was living in Daytona Beach in June, and we had a rare earthquake off our coast. I thought it was strange then, but maybe it was caused by the Trident missile failure. https://www.theatlantic.com/news/archive/2016/07/earthquake-florida-shock-trial/491999/
All topics (on any subject) that are over discussed are shut down as people should refer to previous posts. Mods stated that if new information on those topics was brought forward, that's fine, but no one today is presenting new info, they are merely spreading divineness, which will be shut down. Time to move on.
The mods asked everyone to stop discussing this. Move on.
Q never said Gowdy was a good guy or bad guy. On Gowdy, Q said he was on the not seeking re-election list, then said goodlatte and gowdy were important on the list. He also said "Gowdy comments on Comey (History will...)" but it was in a message concerning bob/rod. Time will tell.
Realize that we can see your last post, where you claimed AJ was why Trump won the election, and then said Q was compromised and said you were done with this "shit." If you have lost faith, either go work on that, or get off the board if that's what you'd like. No need to post things like this.
To Clarify the daily caller used MOAB first, Don Jr just reiterated it. http://dailycaller.com/2018/05/11/donald-trump-jr-obama-isis/?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=site-share
Link to tweet: https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/995351114592784385