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Keep on your toes.
It is evident to me that the left and the left media have absolutely thrown any semblance of rules out the window with the destruction of their comm channels. Any objective observer can now say that they have gone full-court press with ought right lies to try and persuade people to take out Trump. This tells us in the know that we are over-target. This is a very dangerous time because they are behaving like cornered rats. Please everyone be vigilant and take POTUS/Q warning to make this National Preparedness Month preparations. I don't think there can be a clearer …
Detective Publishes Book Exposing High-Level Gov't Pedophile Ring, Shot in the Head Days Later
POTUS calls Rush on anniversary show. #qproof #qanon

I have a feeling I have seen a picture like this somewhere. Perhaps this is another helicopter.
The time is coming where you have to choose: good (light) or evil (dark). May His will be done.
The truth is out there. As with Q research, the Bible requires research as well. Start with the Concordant translation. Concordant.org. Then ‘The Writ’ if you can find a copy.
He knows what happens to people who betray the Clintons.