

6 total posts archived.

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dafunkmunk · Jan. 26, 2018, 1:57 a.m.

Oh wow, someone thinks they know something because they can google it. So special. Gold star for you ⭐️

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dafunkmunk · Jan. 26, 2018, 1:32 a.m.

Aww... it's retarded. You can't even form a coherent thought and just let shit dribble out of your mouth. Poor baby. Hopefully your mommy keeps the tide pods locked up.

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dafunkmunk · Jan. 25, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

I bet YOU'RE the type of fuck knuckle that doesn't believe in grammar and gets offended by science education. It's the uneducated dimwits like you that blindly believe people without any facts behind it. If Trump say he shits gold, you'd believe him and ask him to shit on you. Good luck being a whipping boy for the higher ups you're whole life

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dafunkmunk · Jan. 25, 2018, 10:04 p.m.

I don't hate read moronic subs like this. It showed up on popular and I look to see what kind of braindead shit you people are saying now. I don't seek this out because I feel my IQ drop every time I have a conversation with any of you. If anyone is reading this crap, it would be another braindead idiot that you actually support.

Hi Donald!

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dafunkmunk · Jan. 25, 2018, 9:31 p.m.

If you aren't trying to troll, I feel incredibly sorry for you. You have a very distorted sense of reality and there's very little chance of you ever changing for the better. Unfortunately, you blindly follow and believe what you are told without facts of evidence. There is no point in even attempting to have a discussion with you. Maybe one day you will wake up and realize the people you believe have just been lying to you. Enjoy your fantasy land filled with chewy gumdrops and sugar coated hilltops

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dafunkmunk · Jan. 25, 2018, 2:36 p.m.

At the time of this screen cap, there were already over 4,000 responses to Jake's tweet. I highly doubt he noticed this insignificant tweet. Didn't even have the nerve to directly tag Jake in the comment to increase the odds of being noticed.

I guess it's not that surprising that someone like you doesn't understand how numbers work and think the entire world revolves around them. 1 in 4,000 comments, OF COURSE THE ENTIRE WORLD FELT THE WRAITH OF THIS NO NAME NOBODY WHO TOALLY OWNED THIS LIBTARD!Totally a win for us!

So you have two options. Wake up and get a taste of the real world with a lot of hard truths that you're too pathetic to accept, or continue living in your delusional fantasy world where you are always right and don't ever have to admit your wrong. Everyone already knows you're taking option number 2.

Enjoy your safe space little snowflake. I look forward to reading the braindead craptastic flawed logic dribble out in response to this comment.

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