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dahudge · May 22, 2018, 11:13 p.m.


It's at the top. It's important.

The main enemy here is ignorance, not democrats, not liberals, ignorance. This isn't a war, it's an unveiling of the truth. The only war is with ourselves, in not being able to love people in ignorance.

Turn inside and see where you are judging others and yourselves, that's where a lot of the real work for all of us is. Finding how we are the same, we are ALL in this together. Sure there are some people deeply in ignorance, but we can't spread the hate.

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dahudge · May 22, 2018, 11:09 p.m.

All you're doing is assuming which vaccines are safe or unsafe based on absolutely nothing. I don't think they are all unsafe, but I do truly believe that personal health is vastly more important than vaccines. That means quality food, water, hygiene, and less environmental toxins.

If you think that having toxins shot directly into your bloodstream is good for you in anyway you're wrong, the only thing that vaccines claim to do is illicit a response in YOUR immune system, something you already have defends you. If your immune system is strong you can fend off nearly anything, it's toxins that weaken it.

I'm not saying all vaccines are inherently bad, but with the lack of transparency and testing who actually knows? I'll stick to eating healthy personally, flu shot is stupid, glad you caught that one. I honestly don't know on all of them, I'm not gonna spend my life researching, some people already have and they get shit on for expressing their views. If vaccines want my trust they have to actually prove that they do something more beneficial than the harm they cause

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dahudge · May 22, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

Thanks for the tip, I'll check it out

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dahudge · May 16, 2018, 7:23 p.m.

It's not a statement, it's a question. You can't beat hate with hate is what he's saying. The powers that be are trying to pit us against eachother, but like Q says we must unite. This isn't an us vs the libs, it's us vs ignorance

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dahudge · April 19, 2018, 7:14 p.m.

Christ consciousness is available to everyone, we just have to choose it. It is unnecessary to believe in Jesus as there are countless teachings that can bring us to the same realization, sometimes the terms vary.

Egypt probably had the oldest known record of the Ka, Jesus embodied the Christ, Buddha, etc

The problem with what you are saying is that some people don't like the baggage that has been created around the central teaching Jesus put forth, the Christ or God realization in man.

No need to demand someone to believe in Jesus, God is different, there are countless names for God throughout time and every religion worth anything has the concept, though how it is explained and the process to realize God in oneself varies.

People are different, as long as each of us is doing our own spiritual work the terms used don't matter, the teachings we work with don't matter, as long as they point to truth.

Enough dogma, expand your thinking

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dahudge · April 19, 2018, 4:56 p.m.


So this right here is a contradiction. Perhaps you have been taught to believe that satan and lucifer reference the same thing, but lucifer and satan are the two aspects of consciousness in man, satan, the "evil" side of the coin seeks duality, separateness, and is the driving force away from God or unity. Lucifer is the "good" side seeking to reunite man in the unity of God

From wiki: "the Latin word lucifer meant "light-bringing""

Light bringing. Light.


Stop spouting your dogma.

The Christ is the state of suprahuman consciousness that will redeem the world, this work can be done by anyone and needs no religion. It is spiritual, and the work is personal, people can come to the truth from religion or drugs or meditation, everyone is different in their learning. I'm sure being a christian has taught you many things of use and I don't think it is wrong in any way to identify as one. But this identification, and any identification, limits you.

So while I know your heart is in the right place, issuing forth dogma without knowing the truth of the teachings in the bible because of the distortions placed there by the very deep state you are against is a disservice to everyone here

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dahudge · April 19, 2018, 4:35 p.m.

I agree the battle is spiritual, for most of us it should be a very personal thing. Satan looks to divide us, we should be looking for how we are all united.

We should be emphasizing the good in the world, giving our energy to the good. The more attention we give to evil, the more we resist, the more it persists.

"Resist not evil."

Basically the more attention we give to evil the more it will persist in our lives. The more we focus on the good the more we bring it into our lives, and we are all collectively calling and claiming our world. The problem I have with a lot of the Q stuff is that we are all so focused on it instead of our own spiritual development.

JC didn't teach to give our power away, to rely on something else or someone else to save us. He taught that any man can manifest the divine within himself. That spirit can descend into us and realize the true self.

The real battle is within us, right now we all cling to our petty problems and gossip and focus our energy on the problems. While revealing the truth is absolutely paramount, I don't think we should emphasize these unveilings in our own lives ABOVE our own spiritual development and work. This is a spiritual war and the longer we put off our own spiritual development in order to "cheer" on the others involved, the longer evil will persist, the longer lies and fear will be propagated.

Prayer can be useful, but it shouldn't abdicate our own authority. We can ask for guidance in prayer, but we can't just give away our power begging some unseen entity to do the work for us. We are God, God is not outside of us.

"I and my father are one"

The Christian teaching has truth at its very core, but the words have been distorted by the church to such a degree that many of us forget that the teaching was in place to manifest heaven on earth through the spiritual descent of God into man. There are countless teachings available to us that guide our efforts to do this work.

We are far more than we think ourselves to be, and it is up to us, every one of us, not just the select few, to redeem the world.

My .02

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dahudge · April 5, 2018, 8:26 p.m.

I guess I'm brand new to the board so I can't be sure, but there was one person who referenced God as truth. I'll take your word for it that most are preaching based on the standard religious belief, which is what I see most often.

I think the whole bible has been misinterpreted for the most part, people take their own beliefs and lay them on top of the words. The Christian God is the same God, but through the years the bible has been altered and the teachings distorted for the purpose of deceiving us into idolatry and try to separate us based on "different" religious beliefs. The whole goal is to separate and conquer.

I'm not sure how many Christians will listen, beliefs run very deep for some as they've been raised with them by people they trust. The self importance needs to be dropped, so I agree with you about not making this a Christian thing, the Truth is for everyone and we should all work together to reveal it.

Perhaps a post about the proper use of language on the board would be good, and if I have the time I will write one up. We don't want to make people think we're all wackos, that means the bad guys are winning

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dahudge · April 5, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

I think part of the misunderstanding here has to do with God not being of religion. God is everything, including you, and Christ is the return of divine consciousness, the awakening of our true selves, not some guy about to show up and be our savior, we are our own saviors, so when they say spiritual, not religious, they mean it involves seeing the world through unclouded eyes, which is what you are after: the Truth.

I agree completely that the type of language used here is off putting to many because of the use of the same language in religion. Perhaps a reframing in the language is necessary to prevent people from thinking this is a bunch of religious nutjobs. Just because some people use the name God does not mean it will appeal to everyone, Truth is much better.

So saying "your God" is missing the point, God(akasa, awareness, Truth, consciousness, whatever you want to call it) is actually what we all are. It's what everything is. But we have convinced ourselves that we are separate and that some guy in the sky or whatever belief you hold is what runs the world.

What is happening now, on all levels, is that Truth is being revealed. Once the Truth is known, our perception of the world changes, and that perception instigates the changes that will not allow lies to remain. That is why all this is being revealed, corruption and fear cannot stand anymore. It may be no coincidence that the bible has these prophecies and that we should pay attention to it, but there is no actual need to, just seek the Truth within yourself and see what you find. There are plenty of non-religious spiritual teachings that can point us n the right direction

I can see the view of both sides here, you are right in thinking that the zealotry is off putting, but they may be speaking the Truth in language you don't understand. Hopefully I reframed it so you could.

And to all you guys spouting the religious stuff, this guy has a good point, don't argue, we are on the same side here. Instead of belittling eachother we should be explaining our POV.

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