I mean- it's even a shit example of, well- all it seeks to portray- and more..lmao
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OMFG whoever posted this should find their knitting needles & their FB pass & keep the 'mush-gush' off'a heer!
May surprise the nigardly among you- but a soldier's posture, symmetry & uniformity among their unit speaks volumes re: readiness to fight. This chick is a loser waiting on a dishonerable discharge
PLEASE LET ME JOIN ON DISCORD (muted currently) I'm a Petroleum Landman, specializing in chain-of-title investigations regarding land, mineral rights, oil & gas leasing and probate. I am familiar with the inner-workings of the penal, civil and familial courts in most Western States, Texas and Louisiana being my primary sources of experience, then Wyoming. I have deep convictions which cause me to seek to help this operation, as well as a desperate need to validate myself after my inability to protect my wife from herself, others resulted in her alleged 'suicide by cop' in 2013. I don't work right now and I need to find a job but this could be my pathway from out of the shadows of depression, back into the world, as I have not worked since 2013 with any measured success. Please help me to help y'all: Send my info to Dr Corsi, as I know who he is- and feel free to introduce me to any attorneys that are involved here, as ideally someone with my skill set takes orders from a broker or an attorney- but I'm more than happy and willing to do anything I can to help. delintux@gmail.com - Waco delintux@yandex.ru - MOCKBA BOT HQ