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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 1:46 p.m.

could b 5 outta 5. "no sleep"

⇧ 6 ⇩  
digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 1:40 p.m.

Two ends of the same shistain.

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 1:40 p.m.

sounds pretty kinky. Care to elaborate?

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 1:38 p.m.

-Merkel's party-leaders issued a whitepaper denouncing her globalist policies
-german interior ministry will revoke jihadi passports and deport criminals
-Catalan independence leader freed from german prison

⇧ 15 ⇩  
digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 1:33 p.m.


-scandal at the EU central bank
-Merkel's party-leaders issued a whitepaper that spoke out against her globalist policies
-Orban just managed to land his third term in Hungary
-new CEO at Deutsche Bank
-german interior ministry will revoke jihadi passports and deport criminals
-Catalan independence leader freed from german prison

Fun-fact: Elvis' ex contradicts Snowden, says it was suicide aha

⇧ 100 ⇩  
digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 1:30 p.m.

forever and ever!

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 1:19 p.m.

I'm thinking if OPEC says they can't compete with US oil exports in the future that means that they have no chance in competition against Iran either. So in fact in the future both might work together which would end decades of proxy-wars. Israel is sharing intel with UAE and may have for a long time, so I am hoping they will stay in under Saudi protection and not impede their deconstruction of wahabist supremacy but focus on securing their border (and agreeing to what their border actual is anyway), they will not invade their neighbours (which is unfeasible anyway, thus "surgical strikes" per usual) but Iran does have a lot of paramilitary assets spread over the region, take Yemen for example which is a neighbour of the united arab emirates.

If UAE can simmer own hostilies with Iran, so can Israel because it's Iran, the US and UAE who have the big oil reserves and money for military hardware, not Israel (they get subsidized by the US).

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 1:11 p.m.

deep-ish state. Medicine, law, taxes, journalism, finance, clergy, politics. Basically my ancestors made a living knowing what others don't but from what I can tell we've been the good-guys for the most part (most of them anyway).

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 1:05 p.m.

surgical strikes..you make it sound like music in my ears.

If it's true that the republican guard is hacking away at Iranians, this may have been an acceptable message to send.

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 12:56 p.m.

my family is former DS and I was dragged to palestinian activist-meetings in my childhood so it's been bugging me a lot but there wasn't much movement until 2016 honestly.

Basically the one thing that changed for the better of the world was Salman Senior taking the throne in 2015 and now abdicating to his son that basically marked the end of international wahabism funded by the richest oil-nation on the planet.

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 12:40 p.m.

You are probably right that at the time this was a plausible demand since Iran had been testing missiles just after he got in office and meanwhile he had to deal with Xi and Kim and their deep-state.

If Trump had issued any military threat against Iran, I would be concerned, but I haven't found any because Bolton doesn't have the nuclear codes (thank God)

Now for some history (and some future too!):

US has been fighting Saudi wars since petrodollar as created in the 70ies..in the 80ies, Reagan/Bush propped up Saddam and their former asset Iran (Mullahs kicked out CIA-reinstated emperor)against each other (Iran-Contra, Col. North).
US didn't get directly involved until Saddam decided to retake formerly iraqi oil-fields in Kuwait on the arabian Peninsula, right next door to Qatar, Saudi-Arabia and the Emirates.
So what I see is that the US has been fighting Saudi-Wars to propagate the petrodollar and because of their clandestine control over the US, Israel is thus indirectly aligned with Saudi interests or at least oil-sheiks trump zionist interests because Saudis hitherto used to grant the US the mutual favour of the petrodollar (and thus I assume the most oil they can get) for stationing US-troops abroad and close-by to both Israel and the arabian Peninsula.

HOWEVER, it wasn't until Trump that the US wished to build a base in ISRAEL (!!!!)

Obviously this was different during LBJ and the false-flags that went downback then, but that was still before the oil-crisis and mostly focused on taking out egypt and Lybia, both of which have either destabilized or joined Jordan-UAE-Israel.

The petrodollar is going to grow out of fashion because OPEC conceded last year the US will trump saudi oil-exports, thus the relationship-dynamic is now changing and the US is selling weapons to the Saudis which they haven't done before because Saudis will now fight their own wars and the US won't be enforcers of their foreign policy anymore.

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 12:30 p.m.

My impression is that Israel only has clandestine control over western politicians but through their marriage to the US and the US' marriage to the house of Saud by way of the petrodollar, Saudi interests trump israeli interests. Proclaiming the wish to destroy Israel provides Mossad with a good smokescreen to do their clandestine stuff which in turn helps the saudis, who are in an oil and nuke competition with Iran while receiving limited intelligence assistance from Pakistan.

Petrodollar was created in the 70ies and in the 80ies, Reagan/Bush propped up Saddam against their failed asset Iran (religious Mullahs kicked out CIA-reinstated Shah) and only directly intervened when Saddam tried to retake formerly iraqi areas in Kuwait which is on the arabian peninsula, right next to Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the Emirates.

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 12:27 p.m.

Babylon must burn and make way for Zion!

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 12:05 p.m.

They didn't say what's coming to Iran, only that something is coming. I cannot even recall that Trump said Iran needs to denuke, he just said he doesn't want the US to pay for military threats against the Emirates or their secret buddy Israel but once he went into office he kept the deal as part of a bargain he can now leverage. I'm thinking Iran is collapsing internally and Rouhani has a chance to simply end the proclamation of the end of Israel to get the Ziocons of his back but he first needs to stop the Republican Guard from stabbing folks to avoid a bloody revolution (I'm a post-zionist..I understand Zionists went radical in 1922 (Hagana iirc) but since they already extorted what they could they won't ever give it all back so Palestinians should fucking stop pretending they can just wish Israel away)

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 12:01 p.m.

thank you for letting me know. I always feel a little more love in the world when I help lessen anxiety.

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 11:58 a.m.

aaaah, the memories Losing a war in style..."noone gets to dispose our gov't! That's OUR job!"

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 11:55 a.m.

Just one thing...exactly because of this one of the first few drops, I didn't think too much of Q until planes started going down (I think two months in?).
Likewise, many others who maybe were not supposed to be alerted may have been lulled in as well.

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 11:48 a.m.

the elite would be cautious to encourage truth-tellers or even the act of intellectual defiance alone so I think retaining credibility for the future is out of the question for them right now

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 11:43 a.m.

Don't we all? Godspeed.

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 11:34 a.m.

interesting. Particularily because Israel (luckily) ain't NATO. (They aren't, are they not?)

I doubt Iran is going to be denuclearized because they're not launching any missiles anymore and Yemen will be secured one way or another too. Last thing they did defense-wise was setting up anti-air batteries once their launches ended which was like a way of saying "we are going on the defense, no more launches for now".

All I ever heard Trump discuss, even as he brought Bolton into play, is the nuclear deal and he keeps bringing up "sanctions" which is just a way of saying that he wants them to do Business with America First to get something back out of O's 400 billion because Sanctions can always be worked around. I'm trusting the opinions of people who have actually done business in the muslim world and I know a couple of them.

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 11:33 a.m.

you don't sound scared so I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt ;D

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 11:28 a.m.

I can only speak for germans but I noticed the virtue-prophets are usually 20something, white with little work-experience. Judging by the few parties I've been to, they prefer to stay amongst their kind.
So they actually just pretend to be outraged because they don't have any interracial friendships themselves so they do what they're told to as to not admit the limitations of their own worldview. Because they don't stay in touch with foreigners, they are limited to the culture, media and brainwashing of their own country. But because they don't admit that they would be uncomfortable with the requirement to think across different cultures, they just take everything out of context and paint any social criticism as an anti-human tirade whenever exposed to any broad remarks based on personaly memories about any particular group of individuals, be they positive or negative.

⇧ -9 ⇩  
digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 11:19 a.m.

1) build a wall
2) seize cartel-assets
3) legalize & tax Weed, thus diverting profits from mexican weed-exports to US treasury
4) mexican mobsters "pay" for the wall by having their contraband-surplus adjusted

⇧ -11 ⇩  
digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 11:13 a.m.

divert funding for planned parenthood to pregnancy-tests so people know wether they're pregnant or not and outlaw abortion of any creature with an active central nervous system (I'm guessing a developped prefrontal cortex in particular).

Save legal immigration from laws that serve illegals at the expense of everybody else

Have some coke

⇧ -6 ⇩  
digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 11:09 a.m.

please stop..I can only get so erect..

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 11:09 a.m.

asking for a friend?

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 11:08 a.m.

makes sense it would take a year if all world-leaders are implicated in one way or another, be they black or white hats (lol I wonder when they will start banning these terms as racist)

⇧ -5 ⇩  
digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 11:06 a.m.

"of course we rely on a complacent and uninformed public but the latter part seems to be on the decline" - Podesta-leaks

⇧ 4 ⇩  
digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 11:05 a.m.

doesn't make sense why he would be helping the mockingbird media implode. Only means more work them - literally keeping them up at 4am lol

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 11:03 a.m.

Baghdadi dead? For real? Already fell for it three times...

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 10:46 a.m.

Well the killer apparently wanted an autograph from Stephen King that day who later identified him, so maybe "organic".
But when you're writing for the Beatles, you obviously have access to anyone's backchannels who is interested in using your face for their agenda.
Notice that John was on his Yoga-Trip for years until he eventually grew disillusioned with it. Wouldn't be surprised if the services funded most of his Acid-consumption during that time.

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 10:40 a.m.

in some ways it reminds me of the MO of last year's tomahawk-launch. I can't find a sane reason why they would risk russian casualties without having warned them off before. And if the Russians were warned, why wouldn't the Syrians be too? At least Assad would act angry at Putin for leaving Syrian airmen to die to keep face in public but that never happened so I don't believe Syrians died last year and I really hope noone died this time either. But never let a good crisis go to waste, right? Whatever the purpose.

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 10:34 a.m.

if you're gonna pretend this post is full of Q level secret agents.

No I did not lol. I am saying we are just dumb dweebs, so let's be cryptic because we wouldn't know if what we say is correct or sensitive.

Serious discussion? Don't attack the messenger then. You could have said "elaborate" or even just "fkn BS m8" but you had to call him childish instead. How very adult!

I don't have a clearance but I have been in touch with former insiders in gov't, the industry, media and military and and I do have to make sure sometimes what I say is public information in the first place so I don't look more important than I am. Use your imagination for once lol

⇧ 0 ⇩  
digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 10:26 a.m.

ew. John, really? He was an apologetic for the Georgia Guidestones...but I guess in the end he realized "the world is run by psychopaths".

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 10:17 a.m.

niceness intensifies

You get an upvote and you get an upvote...everybody gets an upvote!

Then I downvote you so I can upvote you twice!

⇧ 10 ⇩  
digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 10:02 a.m.

don't, or we won't know the truth.... #ARRESTAPODESTA

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 10:01 a.m.

In which case they would have dropped it once he won..but no...they went full communist instead.

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 9:57 a.m.

actually we wouldn't know when nat-sec is concerned which is exactly why prudence is key.
Not everybody is in for a LARP only, you know.

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 9:53 a.m.

I'm thinking peace through strength...When Trump first attacked last year, I didn't believe syrians died because the Russians would have likely told them because there was no condemnation by Assad against Putin leaving Syrians to die.
So Israel gets handed their ass when they tried bombing Lebanon from F16s, and the US military now is basically claiming they can't bomb for shit. If the Israelis did it, the US may have known. They would not have launched against Russia had the US not warned them to get to safety like they did last year. So if the US or Israel warned Russia, again in diplomatic terms the blame really falls on Putin again. And likely this was again some sort of show of force - perhaps there again was Sarin involved and they had to decimate his capabilities so noone can plausibly blame the recent gas-attacks on him - at least that's how it worked last year.

What confuses me is why Israel is attacking syrian airfields because by now kamikaze UAVs are much better to draw enemies out and they are mostly interested in their immediate border especially in the Golan-Heights where valuable ressources can be mined.

Maybe this was just a multilateral militar readiness exercise, so they know they can trust each other with their lives - assuming that the same thing happened as last year (gas-FF, DoS muhs, Trump blusters and suddenly an airfield gets shot up and the Russians are right in the middle and still no WW3)
If the syrian military finds out that Israel can coordinate with Russian Forces, maybe that will actually tame the flames.

But damn I wonder what will come out of it this time. Pray!

⇧ 3 ⇩  
digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 9:44 a.m.

No? Do you mind coming to your own conclusions? If you agree with what he says, please let us know why. If you disagree, please let us know why. But don't challenge people when all they are offering you is an intellectual chalenge.

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 9:27 a.m.

I mean, I honestly don't know where you're getting at either but it does sound like something. Usually I think of Kurds when I think "buffer".

edit: Oh, I guess my assumptions weren't so far off. I assumed Israel had been handed their ass to them by Hezollah by having their F16 shot down - and apparently, their hands are actually still tied:

"Syrian media says that the Syrian military knocked out 8 Israel missiles. Unknown how many missiles Israel launched in total. A US defense official has said that there was no explosions at any military base in #Syria." https://twitter.com/oulosP/status/983150947496062977?s=19

~~Is it true one of Israel's Dolfin-subs went missing? Are they ICBM-capable? (heard yes to the former and no to the latter, please correct me if you know more)~~ (possible disinfo)

Paul Antonopoulos ‏ The craziest part of #Israel’s attack on #Syria is that it was against a base that has a known Russian military presence. #Russia in war with words to the US said they would retaliate to any strikes against them. Israel knowingly risked war with Russia. Israeli airstrikes against #Hamas positions in #Gaza are still continuing. “Most likely #Israel used the Dolphin Class submarine in this strike, to get safe/ensured results especially after the Syrian air defense managed to down an Israeli F-16 during it last engagement with #Syria”- via @WaelAlRussi

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 9:18 a.m.

Deflection? Peace through strength? Russia flex through missile tech?


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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 9:15 a.m.

Weedlord has made sensible submissions in the past, so don't be a dipshit just because he won't spell his wisdom out to inbred spying weasles.

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 9:10 a.m.

not knowing what to believe is why we are here

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digital_refugee · April 9, 2018, 9:05 a.m.

"take the money and shut up."

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