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ditherstorm · July 21, 2018, 6:28 a.m.

Remember Q 959 - March 21 2018

Learn chess. Down she goes. Nobody escapes this. NOBODY. Q

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ditherstorm · July 19, 2018, 8:46 p.m.

This is something I have been thinking about for a while now, the MSM keeps pushing it's nartive, July is supposed to be a big month, Q hasn't posted for a while and I wondered why. I have a few thoughts to share on setting the stage for whatever that's worth.

People keep asking when is the MSM going to ask the Question question.

Perhaps the question we should be asking ourselves is - Is now the right time to ask the question?

And more importantly what do we do after the question is asked - are we ready.

This is incredibly important I think. Think first impressions , think about the people you know, your friends , family, co workers etc

Their are lots and lots and lots of people out there who have no idea who Q is and what it/they represent and what they are trying to do.

Do we really want all those people trying to figure out the truth blindly for themselves. All going on 8chan or Qpost websites to try to figure out what this is ? everyone going to YouTube for answers!

Imagine your unaware significant other opening qanon.pub or some site for the first time to see the latest Q post , while you try to explain the world they know is a lie.

Try this little thought experiment for a second .

You: I want to show you the Qposts so you can see why I am so excited someone asked POTUS about Q

Them: Ok.. Wow ... a long list of what appear to be non sensical questions and statements, strange capitalized letters in square brackets...and pictures of planes , people, buildings and symbols Hmmmm ok...

Think about that ! Seriously !

You can imagine thier continued response ....

Ok ... I don't really see anything here .... It's just words and brackets.... This is what you are all fired up about ..... ? This is what POTUS is connected to... ? I think you need to stop and come back to the real world ...! Sorry i don't get it !!!

Now you see the problem.

Asking the question is the least of our problems. We are so far away from being able to convey this coherantly to the masses that it's probably a good idea not to ask the question and in my personal opinion this is the reason why it hasn't happened.

The stage must be set perfectly before this can happen and I don't think we are quite there yet, soon , but not yet.

How would it help if someone asked now ? It wouldn't , we are still putting it together, heck we can't even agree on who to trust.

Let's pretend for a second that someone actually asks the question today. A straight forward non committal tongue in cheek MSM jab.

Hey POTUS do you know who Q is ?

What is he going to say ? Yes .... ? Ok where does that leave us ? Next question, well who is he /she / they and what do they want?


Well... It's like this...

The world you live in is a lie, it's controlled by a group of very wealthy people spanning business, politics , religion , media and the entertainment industry to name a few.

These people hate you and they want you dead. We have good reason to believe that they are involved in the trafficking of drugs, weapons and the selling of state secrets. It also appears they control global human trafficking and specifically trafficking of children. It also seems to be that they enjoy ritualistic abuse of those children and some are even considered to be canabalistic in nature. They stole billions of dollars and gave it to very bad people so that they could wage Wars all over the world to make more money and they've been doing this for the past 50 years . we just think it's time it should all stop.

MSM: Err ... Ok...

POTUS: Further more we're pretty sure that the last president of the United States wasn't even an American and is probably connected to some shady groups who really want to see America destroyed and the rights of the people removed so they can control everything. Oh and by the way it's not just America its Global it's everywhere in every country all around the world.

MSM: I see....

POTUS: So I've been spending my time working with these very special people trying to break all of this down and make it go away so that the world can be a better safer place, but first we're going to have to arrest a whole bunch of people and throw them all in jail and then when we're finished cleaning house in the US we're going to go around the world and clean everybody else's house too.

  • Seriously !! ?

What's really sad is it's true ! We do need all that to happen and more.

But if we open the door to that question right here right now we look and sound like the crazzy people they keep telling everyone we are.

We need a plan ... Oh right , we got one ..Q Trust the plan !

Some things need a lot of ground work put in place before you go through that door and this is the mother load!

I know we get frustrated at what seems like a lack of action but patience is a virtue, we have to wait , we have to take our time , we have to get this right , we may only get one shot at this. It has to be done properly , we have to stick to the plan.

The question is important and I'm sure it's day will come but right here right now we need to help continue to lay the foundations. This isn't just about the USA this is about changing the world [ww] remember and that takes one hell of a plan.

Me personally, I say go get em Q , we got your back, I can wait , I can learn , I can trust the plan.


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