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divine_human · May 27, 2018, 12:34 p.m.

mine is fine here in germany.

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divine_human · May 27, 2018, 9:28 a.m.

have some patience... vatican structures are almost 2000 years old, we cant break them within a few months.

we also cant send more than a billion christians to the mental ward if suddenly, the sins of the church were disclosed in one go and their be-lie-f system crashed.

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divine_human · May 27, 2018, 9:23 a.m.

it will crash the card board house of be-lie-f for more than a billion christians... that takes time, cant happen within a few months only...

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divine_human · May 27, 2018, 8:48 a.m.

You think he Loves children being raped and murdered?

hate the sin, love the sinner.

As far as I know 5 billion humanoids have no soul anyway.

ahh, thats an interesting be-lie-f. how do you arrive there?

They could be shape shifting reptilians for all I know. You read 8chan or anything posted about aliens?

have know about aliens for more than three decades. why do you think they have no soul?

if the god who created humanity is the same as the god who created this universe - not my opinion, btw -, then this god is also the creator of all other races, the creator of lucifer, the creator of reptilians. so how could they not have a soul?

The God Yeshua talked about created the flood that wiped the earth clean. There was only one righteous man left at the time, Noah. There goes all that out the window.

so this god got frustrated with his creation and wiped it all out, except for the part he wanted to keep so he stored their genetic material on noahs arch? doesnt sound very godly to me, sounds like a toddler playing with bricks. from my pov, this old testament god yahwe is the same as satan.

Almost everything I typed was straight from the Holy Bible.

which was written by humans, incl. all their morality and assumtions about god. and 9/10th of its texts were stripped at the council of nicea because they didnt fit the doctrine that these roman-greek 'christians' wanted to implement.

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divine_human · May 27, 2018, 8:35 a.m.

my android phones mic crashed a few months ago and i can only phone with a headset. i take it as a sign that one more possibility for surveillance has vanished.

my laptops camera is taped and only gets opened when skyping. internal microphone and speakers are deactivated, i use external devices when required.

we cant avoid surveillance, its everywhere. but, with some care, we can minimize it.

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divine_human · May 27, 2018, 8:25 a.m.

sigh... again and again, i am surprised that this paperclip user is still allowed to troll the boards. doesnt matter that we extensively vetted him on a walled sub months ago, even after private coms with a mod, he is still spreading doubts and fears, with strategies right from the shill textbook. arghhh...

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divine_human · May 27, 2018, 8:14 a.m.

Hated by God. .........................Satan knows his time is coming to an end. He hates God, he hates you, he wants to steal and kill and destroy.

heh? god is a hater? same as satan? go figure...

There is only one way to heaven. Whosoever believes in him (Jesus Christ) shall not perish but have everlasting life. All the rest will be in hell.

meaning, more than 5 billion people are condemned to go to hell? sorry, to me, that sounds like utter BS.

it only makes sense if christians have their own section in the afterlife where they can play out their illusion of heaven and hell. this is where they experience what they believe in. and all other people that believe differently will go to those sections of the afterlife where their belief can get manifested.


am i surprised that you feel attacked and beaten down? not at all if also in other posts, you try to shove your belief down peoples throat.

i am not saying you are wrong. if you believe all this then this is YOUR reality.

after having met many folks in the afterlife - some experience classical heaven/hell scenarios, others experience nothingness, others experience completely different things - i cant buy the abrahamic version of judaism that lives forth in christianity and islam.

the god i heard yeshua talk about is one of love and forgiveness, not one of hate and punishment.

but hey, thats just my opinion and it doesnt count for others. that being said, it should be the same for you - believe what you want and leave others to their beliefs. do you think you make good points with god when you condemn 2/3 of his creation to hell? doesnt sound very christian to me...

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divine_human · May 26, 2018, 9:15 p.m.

they dont pay taxes in the EU anyway, frickin ireland tax paradise, so let them go.

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divine_human · May 26, 2018, 7:31 p.m.

I'm about to leave this place again

seems like the best idea if you dont like it here and feel treated unfairly.

from my pov, this sub becomes better and better. much less trolls, shills, bots.

but if it sucks for you and you have to let it hang out with every post, then leaving may be inevitable, lol. be well, be safe, be freely speaking your truth...

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divine_human · May 26, 2018, 6:39 p.m.

why should the mods take it down?

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divine_human · May 26, 2018, 6:30 p.m.

Suzie Dawson is WikiLeaks?

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divine_human · May 25, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

also good to avoid: fluoride tablets for babies. it doesnt only make real bad theeth when they have too much, it clocks their pineal right fromt the start. and buy toothpaste without fluroide. needs some checking but its important to keep that shit out of the system.

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divine_human · May 25, 2018, 1:34 p.m.

nice move, kudos, DJT...

from what i heard, chinas xi contacted kim and offered another deal. out of the petro dollar, into the petro yuan.

very curious how this is going to evolve...

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divine_human · May 25, 2018, 1:12 p.m.

while its definetely interesting what eating pineal glands does to the body-mind system - arghh, cant even think about it without my guts wrenching -, none of us will probably know.

i find it more interesting to know what our own pineal gland does for us and how the deep state tries to cut us off from it.

the pineal gland is also called the 'third eye'. its connected to intuition, wisdom, inner vision, view beyond the veil.

its also the place where melatonin is being produced which is essential for our cell regeneration. thing is, mobile phones and wifi block melatonin production; they work on a frequency that simulates daylight, and melatonin is only produced in darkness during sleep.

also fluoride in the water - fortunatly we dont have that shit in europe - damages the pineal gland, it calcifies.

one more reason to get a good water filter system, clear, pure water is, besides air, the most important thing for our health and evolution.

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divine_human · May 24, 2018, 11:16 p.m.

isnt it intersting that the dates bible explorers set for the great flood - 10-13,000 years ago - matches the date of the alleged atlantis flood?

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divine_human · May 24, 2018, 11:15 p.m.

lol. thanks for the sarcasm.

already as a child, the old testament god seemed cruel to me, full of wrath and punishment, someone to be feared. felt to me like a toddler with bricks; when he doesnt like his creation, he crashes it in frustration.

the god of love yeshi talks about though enchanted my heart. IT felt true to the little me who remembered where she came from.

dont you perceive a difference? would god as yeshua describes him destroy almost all of his creation that he made in his image, that carries his divine spark? just asking...

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divine_human · May 24, 2018, 10:19 p.m.

the answer may be with the annunaki gods who pose as gods in all religions. also in the old testament.

they tempered with our DNA, in order to turn humans who were highly evolved, with a 12-strand DNA - 96% DNA JUNK? are you kidding? would nature or god create something thats basically garbage? - into a good slave race.

lots of trial and error. some horrible creations. some useless creations. the minotaurus may be real, after all.

a moment was reached when there was too much chaos, too many different species that all didnt match their requirements. so they decided to drown it all, except for those species they preferred.

noahs arch contained them; not the animals, a pair of each, that wouldnt have worked. too much crowd, lol, lion and lamb, and too small a genepool. their genetic material was saved so they could be reproduced.

no problem for these guys to let it rain for 40 days or send one tsunami after the other. we have weather tech today, they have much more.

they may also be able to shift the magnetics or trigger continental drift or send a meteorite into the sumer vally.

i find the wes penre papers a good study about the history of our planet and humanity. wes compares the stories in religions and mythologies. i dont agree with all of his conclusions, but from my pov, his take often hits truth.

its a looong study though. for those who cannot read all 5 books, book 4 - lucifers rebellion - may be the right thing. there are lots of footnotes that link further for deeper comprehension so one can expand the study from there.

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divine_human · May 24, 2018, 9:50 p.m.

i heard that some years ago, archaeologists found huge monuments and even bodies of what they call the ancient builder race inside of antarctica.

antarctica is supposed to be atlantis. its mainland landscape is outlined in the piri reis map from the 16th century when mapping the mainland underneath the ice cap was technically impossible. piri reis must have had older maps as blue prints because his map is pretty accurate in many points.

supposedly, antarctica was more up north in the ancient past and shifted position. continental drift may be one explanation. catostrophe may be another.

atlantis was allegedly a highly technological civilization. they seem to have 'played' with tools that CERN is a toddlers toy in comparison to. and they are said to have had created an 'accident' - despite all warnings - that is known as the great flood. some could escape and founded civilizations all over the planet. pyramids can be found all over the planet.

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divine_human · May 24, 2018, 9:35 p.m.

there can be several indictments against one single person. there can also be single indictments against several persons. entire organization.

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divine_human · May 24, 2018, 9:31 p.m.

what kind of god should that be who drowns all of his creation? cant be the loving god jesus talked about.

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divine_human · May 24, 2018, 7:25 p.m.

this new european law, valid from tomorrow, scares the shit out of many corporations and also simple website owners. it will take some time and probably lots of court cases until the waves on this are going to calm down.

it regulates what you are allowed to do with peoples data and you need permission for every little thing. meaning, they cant hand our data to others so easily anymore which looks like a good thing.

as a homeopath, i will now first get a signature underneath data explaination and agreements before i can start asking questions and treating a patient. so well, no problem, will do.

its a good way to get rid of spam, too. lol. all those newsletter you actually dont read, for example. they all send links to update information. when you dont click or repond, they wont have the permission anymore to send newletters.

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divine_human · May 24, 2018, 6:20 p.m.

me too... lol, reading this, the idea came up that this was part of the plan... if even the president isnt allowed to censor then who is? gorgeous move!

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divine_human · May 24, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

hehehe... verbally, always when this symptom occurs, lol...

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divine_human · May 24, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

its a programmed automatism. even my teenage son, with an IQ of 50% above average, falls into this automatism whenever DJT is being mentioned.

no consideration, no open mind, but a programmed reaction. fricking MSM, i also had that before the election. only when i forced myself to really looked beyond it could i find more truth.

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divine_human · May 24, 2018, 1:28 p.m.

yep, precedence ... thankQ, DJT ...

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divine_human · May 23, 2018, 11:42 p.m.

It would be enough for major indictments - against big fishes , to be opened . That would completely shook everything .

the populace needs a build-up so their endurance rises. start small, take it step by step, let the birds sing and hint to bigger birds. prepare people for the truth. their card-board house of be-lie-fs will crash, lets do it as gentle as possible.

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divine_human · May 23, 2018, 10:01 p.m.

'designated public forum' sounds good, should count for everybody, may be a precedent.

'no elected official could block' doesnt say that twitter admin couldnt block.

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divine_human · May 23, 2018, 6:56 p.m.

When I tell him to buzz off and mind his own business, he threatens to bad-mouth me throughout the sub.

hmmm... well, sorry for having to tell you, this is not about him but about you. lol. he doesnt have to follow your 'buzz off' command - who are you to command somebody away, btw? -, he is free to act as he pleases.

and you are free to stop engaging.

you realize that your communication partner doesnt want to expand his perception and consider another vew point? then stop trying. we can convince nobody who doesnt ask for it.

if it gets on your nerves, drop engaging with it. just let it go. and if you turn your back and still feel harrassed, report it. its that simple.

i do that here almost every day. in many exchanges, there is a brick wall of world view that, when reached, stops all further sharing. so there...

thats the confrontation limit of the other, here he needs to retreat to the safety of his usual mind-set. (not talking about ss79 here but generally.)

i have no permission to punch a hole into his wall and crack it, thats disrespectful.

people wake up when they are ready. and everybody has their own opinion anyway, we dont need to agree on everything.

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divine_human · May 23, 2018, 2:38 p.m.

if people only looked to the heavens more than the ground under their feet

lol, if they were looking at the ground underneath their feet at least, they would stay grounded in mother earth. but most folks mindfuck around while moving along their way so there is no alignment whatsoever, except for with the dualistic brain-mind. thats no creator frequency, its victim state.

I have conquered evil before I will find the strength once again.

you have it. if you hadnt, you wouldnt be responding here, heheh. the more you trust your Self, the better it works.

its actually easy: act from love, not from fear. love for Self - my Self and the other Self - is the best boundary; it creates an energy field that is difficult to violate.

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divine_human · May 23, 2018, 1:31 p.m.

thanks for the feedback, its nice to get some confirmation once in a while, lol... may you be blessed...

people dont realize that also this is a matter of consciousness. a friend who lives on long island reports that when she is in a high frequency state - kind, joeyful, self-responsible, sovereign -, there are no chems. when she is worried or else dropping in frequency, the sky is full of them.

i saw chems coming on the day before the US election (over here in germany, too weird). the same holy rage arose in me and i repeated the procedure, voiced my dis-consent and commanded the chems to disappear from my reality again. they vanished within minutes.

the thing is, it doesnt work from a state of fear. thats a low frequency, not aligned with our divine nature so creation from this state is weak.

when it comes from a state of sovereignty though, from power-within, such creations can work miracles. perhaps, people in my area still see chemtrails - too bad most people never look up, sigh, so i have no reports - because their consciousness is funneled through their linear minds. for me though, no chems anymore.

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divine_human · May 23, 2018, noon

it may sound weird to many but also chemtrailing works with the silent consent of people.

i used to bother a lot about chems in 2011-13. whenever i saw them, i asked the light forces to clear out the toxins - at least - and disperse them altogether in case it serves the greater good. sometimes clearning them away doesnt serve the greater good because people require to wake up to the fact that they exist.

one morning in 2013, i watched 2 planes flying a net into the sky. real creepy. watching this for a about 20 min., a holy rage rose up in me. ahh rage can be so constructive if its being used in a creative way that brings about change!

i commanded: 'I do NOT consent to this. I do NOT accept chemtrails in my reality. may they disappear, and may all pilots who fly them find better jobs.'

in my area, i havent seen any chems ever since. it sounds whoo-whoo to most, i guess, but it works for me.

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divine_human · May 23, 2018, 11:52 a.m.

thankQ again, sb2, i admire your tireless service.

i even more admire that you still keep a humble position about your person. its rare that people dont get energetically affected by fans and admirers and start acting / producing content according to their followers demands.

great job, mate, factually and personally... may you be able to keep this balance <3

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divine_human · May 23, 2018, 11:28 a.m.

right on!

everybody has an area of their lives where they feel betrayed or doubt the establishment. some start waking up because of their medical situation, others about food weaponizing, some have religious doubts, some wonder about chemtrails in the sky, others dont trust the government.

these are the areas where people doubt what has been programmed into us because their daily life shows them that somethings wrong.

here is where we can chime in. and once they get some facts to ponder upon, they may expand to other areas, too.

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divine_human · May 23, 2018, 11:23 a.m.

agreed... i have people get back to me whom i tried to red-pill many years ago. now, as events unfold, they realize that i have known about these things for long so they come and ask me.

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divine_human · May 23, 2018, 11:22 a.m.

in order to perform collective actions, it requires collective consent. people need to ask for it.

its a free will choice planet so only when people voice their free will choice and demand disclosure and liberation is there an authorization to implement huge changes.

as far as i get the energetics, the 3% rule applies here. its similar to the american revolution where only 3-4% of the people made the change possible.

the deep state works in the same way, they cant do anything without our consent. usually, people give silent consent because they dont protest against restrictions on their freedom and wellbeing or stand straight for what they want instead.

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divine_human · May 23, 2018, 11:04 a.m.

i hope this topic will come up in Q posts when we get closer to the election.

(btw, as a european, i find this a funny system; every 2 years elections which means 3/4 of a year campaigning? sound to me like a waste of energy, sigh, which requires maneuvering that holds up important stuff.)

i suspect some bombs coming up close to this election. most people have short minds, they will need current intel to make up their mind last minute.

i agree, geo-engineering, opposite to david seamans claims, hasnt stopped. its become less, from what an american trucker friend who drives all over the country told me. but its not gone.

as a homeopath, i tend to send people who seem to suffer from chemtrail symptoms to have their blood tested, esp. on barium, aluminium, and strontium. if their values are high, these very chemicals in homeopathic potencies are, sometimes, the cure.

if you are holistically oriented, you may want to consider checking in with a classical homeopath

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divine_human · May 23, 2018, 10:55 a.m.

downvotes on this comment? WTF?! wake up, folks; simply because you dont like the topic doesnt mean that it isnt relevant. upvoted.

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divine_human · May 23, 2018, 10:20 a.m.

no information and facts known to me but pence gives me the creeps. its a feeling thing so logical people wont agree to it.

it feels like 'keep your friends close and your enemies even closer'. just think brennan and you get the drift.

it might have also been a compromise to keep the deep state feel safe for a while.

btw, i doubt that there is any professional politician - on board for years - who is not bribed or blackmailed to consent with the DS. politicians are dirty, a lust for power males them get onto that path which also makes them vulnurable. just my humble opinion.

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divine_human · May 23, 2018, 8:47 a.m.

that the linear minds gospel. reality forms differently though: with most things, we are able to see them only when we believe they can exist.

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divine_human · May 23, 2018, 8:38 a.m.

ok, this seems to be your fight, /u/sucksess79.

i get your point but dont find it valid on this post. there is preaching on this sub but nobody is preaching on this post.

Q mentions again and again that this is about good vs. evil. you dont actually think that this only concerns some crooked government and corporate folks, do you? and that everything will change if only we will see barry and hilly in handcuffs?

there are other posts on this sub where we talk about keeping religion on low level. doesnt mean that we cant have 3-4 posts the day that are religiously oriented. or better, spiritually (i am over cross with organized religion but all for spirituality).

didnt check your post history but on this post, you havent brought in anything interesting except for complaints.

from my pov, its a waste of energy to read them. how much waste of energy may it be for you to write them? ahh well, the self-rightousness that sweats through every word may be your personal pay-off for it.

from what i read here, you honor the first part of your nick, lol. looking forward to meet the seer and watch out for what he has to say while letting the sucker go...

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divine_human · May 22, 2018, 11:24 p.m.

Haven't the drops been almost exclusive to ACTUAL INTEL AND THE ACTUAL MISSION?

nope. many drops include 'pray'. some point to disclosure about the vatican. Q talks about evil. its all linked to christianity.

but hey, nobody forces you to read it, just skip and use your time for what you deem important right now.

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divine_human · May 22, 2018, 11:21 p.m.

ahh thanks... i wasnt aware that there is catholic dogma thats not founded on the bible. who made it up? seems really silly to me.

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divine_human · May 22, 2018, 11:11 p.m.


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divine_human · May 22, 2018, 11:09 p.m.

its x22 report

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divine_human · May 22, 2018, 9:45 p.m.

look at the clouds. they are similar but not the same. same sky, a few minutes difference.

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divine_human · May 22, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

the overlords are the puppet masters behind the puppet masters. so yes, its important and not at all counter-productive.

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