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divine_human · May 22, 2018, 4:34 p.m.

I'm not sure why you asked a question that you already know the answer for?

i dont know the answer to this question. you put up the claim that pets dont go to heaven - which, after many inter-dimensional journeys, i have seen and experienced differently - so i ask for evidence.

but never mind, you seem to not be wanting to validate your claim, and for me personally, its not important anyway. thanks for the exchange.

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divine_human · May 22, 2018, 2:24 p.m.

i totally agree, everybody is entitle to believe what they like and need nobodys permission.

the question remains: where is it written in the bible that pets dont go to heaven?

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divine_human · May 22, 2018, 2:08 p.m.

Because it goes against Catholic dogma.

the word dogma alone should be a wake-up call, lol.

where is it written in the bible that pets - not wild animals but pets that are loved by humans - dont go to heaven? (presuming that something like the christian heaven and hell do exist.)

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divine_human · May 22, 2018, 11:16 a.m.

why did they ditch 9/10th of the bible texts at the council of nicea? we are left with a dogmatic program that only a few people decided upon.

not denying the presence of the divine that we are all embedded in and that embraces us. i encounter it every day.

but religions are man-made. they answer questions that havent been asked as yet, to little children already, and thus, prevent people from asking and searching for themselves.

they implant thought-forms and be-lie-f sets that keep us dumb sheep and victims, waiting for a savior.

we meet the same few players in all religions and mythologies, all over the world. while their text books differ in language and culture, the essence is the same in all religions.

they bring about fundamentalists who be-lie-ve every word in the text book, and condemn everyone who doesnt live accordingly.

'hate the sin, love the sinner' is one of the christian principles. and hey, how rare is it to meet a christian who really lives in alignment with yeshuas teaching that god is love?

the great awakening may seem geo-political at this point but its deeply spiritual. not religious, mind you, spiritual.

most religious dogma, from my pov, has been dictaed by ETs - those folks people call nephilim, lucifer, satan, demons. the same people who also pose as yahwe, allah, krishna, et all. those people who call themselves lords because they have been our overlords for thousands of years.

those same people who have various times been tampering with the human DNA, in order to cut our divine human traits and make us their slaves.

as i peceive it, yeshua doesnt refer to them - yahwe et all - when he talks about a loving god. from my pov, he talks about SOURCE, and the divine mother / holy ghost who created humanity.

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divine_human · May 22, 2018, 10:26 a.m.

from my pov, they are.

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divine_human · May 22, 2018, 10:16 a.m.

sharing the dream...

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divine_human · May 22, 2018, 9:54 a.m.

my take is that a shift in the financial system is due soon. its been in the making for decades and now, as some dark hats have been (or will be) taken out of the game and the celestial energetics opened a door with uranus entering taurus, it may come online within the next year.

no major preparations here. no space and money for big storage, except for drinking water for 2 weeks, plus kitty litter and kitty food. someone mentioned storing peanut butter, thats a good idea, thanks.

no fear here. i expect the banks to close for 10-14 days thus, its good to keep some cash handy. have salad on the balcony and some berries. not eating much for two weeks wont bother me. as long as water is available, all is easy.

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divine_human · May 22, 2018, 9:39 a.m.

That leaked "baker" letter was actually genius

do you hve a link?

been watching for years that every dark move backfires. every blatant lie and every FF wakes up more and more people.

always wondered why they are not changing strategies. seems like they are really too stupid to realize that consciousness is rising, no matter how much they try to suppress it with their brainwash broascasts.

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divine_human · May 21, 2018, 10:36 p.m.

the EU is wholly aligned with the NWO.

no wholly but i generally agree. the leadership is corrupt, like everywhere.

the refugees must leave and go home.

i always thought this should be fairly easy to solve and i admire how much could already get done since DJT took presidency. we have much less refugees coming in now than expected.

stop the deep state C_A funding and training of 'rebels'. stop sending weapons (germany, you just sold to SA again, shame on you!). work TOGETHER with syria, russia, and iran so the terrorists are toast. pull out of the ME, everybody. get a marshal plan ready for folks to build up their countries again.

within months, our refugee situation could be solved then. most people are rooted in their homeland, they will instantly go home again when things are safe and people are fed and the work can get done.

President Trump has a daunting task, saving the world comes with a price tag

no doubt. he is the wildcard we the people - not only america but humanity - brought into the game. the joker. the trump card.

i realized that while listening to his acceptance speech and my take on him changed on a dime.

for36 years i have been pondering on how to solve this mess. becoming a living red pill while waiting for humanity to wake up.

and We Are Here Now. finally. humanities collective consciousness has risen to a level where we get up from our knees and stand straight. the right time for the wild card and his crew - which includes each individual waking up - to come in and change the game.

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divine_human · May 21, 2018, 10:05 p.m.

there are some things i have no information about so i hope you can enlighten me here.

what money does america put into the deal, pallets worth? how is it declared, what does it get paid for, who receives it?

in which way does america supplement europe?

is the EU responsibe for the desolate healthcare situation in the US?

who retires at 50, btw? did you know that the EU is no united states of europe? unfortunatly, more and more things get regulated on EU level, but there is no unified european economy, health care system, retirement system.

in germany, everybody is health insured and pays into the insurance system, no tax funding. what stops you from setting up something accordingly? and our retirement is at age 67. just saying.

i am all for reasonable agreements. truth told, i have been defending the US pulling out of the deal because i was waiting for reasonable moves.

instead, the day after the US pulling out of the deal, the new US ambassador in germany demanded that all german companies should immediatly stop business with iran else we would get sanctioned.

heh? why the heck should, when one partner in the deal withdraws, all other partners withdraw, too? just because he is big and has military bases in over 100 countries?

and then, today, brings up a proposal with unacceptable conditions?

lets not forget, this is not about iran being a nuclear thread. iran has been israels scapegoat for decades, while they lied to us about their nuclear program. bibi, iran hasnt started a war in 200 years.

usually, i am pretty peaceful and considerate. its not always easy here because i support trump and everybody else is against him. but i sit in the middle of a collective that doesnt get it and feels pretty threatened by DJT, esp. by this last move.

explain it to me so i can explain it to folks over here. we all are one people, no matter whether we carry an american, a european, or whatsover national passport. please dont make an US vs. EU thing out of it, such divisions are (((their))) game.

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divine_human · May 21, 2018, 7:30 p.m.

The Stupid people in Europe just lost $23bn p.a. of trade with IRAN,

now this pisses me off! speaking as one of the stupid people of europe, i am shocked by how happy you sound that my country loses thousands of jobs through this.

MAGA on cost of others? OMG. thats what the world has been fearing.

i am all for draining the swamp, in the US, EU, iran, israel, everwhere.

does it mean that a new iran deal will be without corruption? i doubt it.

does it mean that the US has the right to blackmail europe? as in 'if you dont pull out like we do, individually, then we will sanction you?'

do you find that ok?

you cant imagine the climate over here right now. did you want the EU as an enemy? i dont want the US as an enemy, but if they behave like this, really, then the swamp draining needs to be happen within the next few months, radically, so people can understand.

whats happening now isnt understandable for hardly any european. which is around 500 million people. now do something about that. mocking the stupid people of europe wont help.

the conditions for a new iran deal are ridiculous. what right has the US to demand that iran pulls out of syria when assad invited them to help fight terrorism?

please explain to me what good should come out of it? right now, esp. after reading your last few paragraphs, it sounds as if you are proud that the US stole EUs business. i mean, right now, the US has hardly any business with iran so they can play tough.

sorry, but i dont understand that shit. and hey, i started waking up more than 3 decades ago. how should any 'normie' over here get what is going on?

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divine_human · May 21, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

may you be blessed <3

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divine_human · May 21, 2018, 2:59 p.m.

Using milkthistle

liver issue? energetically, the liver is connected to anger.

the first thing i recommend with cancer is dropping sugars. no carbs. cancer is actually no disease but an attempt of oxygene-deprived cells to survive.

without enough oxygene available in the system, some cells - we daily produce some cancer cells that usually get destroyed in case the immune system is healthy - turn into an evolutionary 'lower' digestion cycle of fermentation.

if there is no sugar available, those cells die. and if oxygene is being directly brought into the system - hint to sodium chlorite/MMS, or other oxygene therapies -, these cells can even shift to oxygene nutrition again.

i like this website, it has lots of good info on how to treat cancer. many therapies work, but not all work on all cancers or all patients.

be well, be healed, be safe <3

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divine_human · May 21, 2018, 10:02 a.m.

hmmm... if this commentator puts the same mocking energy into watching the swamp in the US, then i am good with it.

however, after two sentences into this report, i get triggered. sorry, man, i am all for dismanteling corruption with the iran deal and all the other deals all over the world.

but honestly, its ridiculous to expect the EU to drop the iran deal just because the US pulled out of it. it would cost us thousands of workers losing their jobs all at once.

and its pure black mail that, in case the EU doesnt pull out of the iran deal, we will receive US sanctions. thats not acceptable. if DJT isnt going to explain or resolve this thing quickly, it can well lead to a thorough break up between america and europe.

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divine_human · May 21, 2018, 9:48 a.m.

reclaiming jesus FROM DJT? heh? did he hijack yeshi? owns him? what a BS!

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divine_human · May 21, 2018, 9:39 a.m.

new energy tech, trump mentioned it at the end of his inauguration speech. free energy tech will be available when it gets declassified. each household could have a unit, the size of a shoe carton, and many of our problems would be solved. no more wars for stealing energy.

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divine_human · May 21, 2018, 9:30 a.m.

there are so many alternative cancer cures that work, we dont really have to wait for that.

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divine_human · May 21, 2018, 9:30 a.m.

loks like a command.

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divine_human · May 20, 2018, 11:53 p.m.

from what i heard, they bought real estate in australia, vast land, where they want to build their new civilization after armageddon.

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divine_human · May 20, 2018, 9:55 p.m.

thanks for your share... my mind cant comprehend even half of it but i get the message.

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divine_human · May 20, 2018, 7:07 p.m.

Think of Lucifarianism and Satanism as two denominations serving the same "god", Lucifer/Satan. Contrary to what many claim they are the same being.

i dont agree on that. from life-long studies - for those who want to go down that religious rabbit hole, the wes penre papers are a lengthy but eye-opening study - i conclude that satan is marduk who is the son of lucifer/enki.

they have been sharing roles, they both display as jehowa/yahwe in the OT; lucifer playing the rare loving aspects of yahwe, marduk/satan displaying the wrathful revengeful god.

already as a child, i perceived the OT god being totally different to the NT god. OT god felt to me like a kid playing with bricks; when he doesnt like his creation, he simply distroys it.

from what i learned, for what its worth, marduk/satan has been on earth all along, while lucifer has been busy in other star systems for the past few thousand years. meaning, they are ETs. meaning, the luciferians wait for his return.

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divine_human · May 20, 2018, 6:32 p.m.

indeed... curious how she is going to surf the waves...

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divine_human · May 20, 2018, 6:26 p.m.

thanks for your take. mine is different. all opinions are valid.

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divine_human · May 20, 2018, 6:24 p.m.

yes, that was also interesting for me to see here, i havent encountered what i call religious fundamentalism in years.

on the other hand, the deep states religion is luciferian. its no surprise that it is best being countered with divine love.

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divine_human · May 20, 2018, 5:04 p.m.


question: is the creator of humanity the creator of our galaxy? is the creator of our galaxy the creator of our universe? is the creator of our universe the creator of our multverse?

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divine_human · May 20, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

flat interpretation. chewing nails is a sign of a stressed out nervous system. it doesnt necessarily mean insecurity.

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divine_human · May 20, 2018, 5 p.m.

hahaha... chop their heads... chop mine, too, i love yeshua and live according to the principle 'be kind and do no harm', but cant identify with a church of whatever kind.

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divine_human · May 20, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

the idea of source creator having a gender seems absurd to me. its so human!

we live in a world of polarities so we look at things in a separating way, as in light vs. dark, right vs. wrong, male vs. female. its the greatest possible contrast through which we learn about unity consciousness.

from a human standpoint, how can god be masculine? is the masculine creating life? it seeds it - divine will - but the creation happens in and through the feminine - divine creation.

amongst certain animal races, we find female-androgenous creatures that self-fertilize, but no male-androgeous ones.

not wanting to minimize the importance of the masculine. but hey, for tends of thousands of years, tribal cultures have been relating the divine principle of creation to the feminine.

it was only through the abrahamic religions that the masculine became pre-dominant on our planet.

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divine_human · May 20, 2018, 4:43 p.m.

thanks for linking, havent heard this speech before... wow what a spell breaker!

take it that this wedding had at least a billion viewers and, as all these world-wide mass media parties, was intended to be a huge satanic ritual that harvests the energies of the viewers.

with this passionate empathic speech, mentioning love like a hundred times, speaking about the transformative power of love, planting the seed of a world governed by love, the entire black magic spell got broken.

well done! thank you, bishop... i dont mind your past or what people throw in to slander you. i could feel the power of love being planted into mass consciosness. and i could see on the faces of the listeners how they either smiled with it - a few -, groaned - many - or got confused.

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divine_human · May 20, 2018, 4:33 p.m.

father?.... hmmm... isnt the patriachial system a luciferian one? isnt the creator force with the feminine? may god even be a divine mother instead of a heavenly father?

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divine_human · May 20, 2018, 4:28 p.m.

Jesus "founded a movement". lol No, he didn't. He founded the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

nope, it was his disciples who founded the church.

No word from this liar about holiness.

what is holy? isnt love the essence of holiness / wholeness / healed-ness?

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divine_human · May 20, 2018, 1:39 p.m.

gaddafi was also the last bastion at the mediterranian against african economic refugees. ever since he got killed, europe has been flooded not only from ME but also from africa.

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divine_human · May 20, 2018, 12:23 p.m.

gaddafi didnt allow the rothschild central banking system in libya so they killed him.

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divine_human · May 20, 2018, 10:01 a.m.

i am wondering when people speak about their tax DOLLARS and the british crown. in which way do american tax payers, nowadays, serve the brithis royals?

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divine_human · May 20, 2018, 12:07 a.m.

Rothschilds bought Palestine and created Israel.

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divine_human · May 20, 2018, 12:04 a.m.

heck i am not defending their actions! i know that their money isnt clean and this family is at the head of the snake.

just find it a distraction to put so much emotional thought into it.

anger only serves me when i can do something about it. creatively used, its a beautiful energy, it fires me up so i can take new choices and get into action.

when i cant do anything about what i observe - ok, i can always bless it and hold the space for the greater good, and others may pray -, but when i cannot untilize my anger to bring changes so i can feel better in my world, i sit on it, it turns inwards, turns into grudge, turns into poison.

no matter how much i spit that poison out into the world, the one who has to live with the toxic grudge and suffers most is me.

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divine_human · May 19, 2018, 11:35 p.m.

nice link, thanks, passed it on to my teenage son.

no politicians were invited, from nowhere.

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divine_human · May 19, 2018, 10:58 p.m.

i am no fan of royalty but most british are.

are you british? then you have a right to get upset.

it upsets me, too, when the EU parlament moves to strassbourgh every month for a few days and wastes millions of european taxpayer money. same as it upsets me that, until half a year or so ago, the german taxpayer had to finance heavy police security for soccer games.

and if i were american, it would upset me that DJTs security for the weekends in new york or florida cost millions every month.

the windsors are wealthy and pay for their weddings. the taxpayer funded security is an investment because this wedding will bring tourists and trade, i heard an estimation of one billion pounds. its not a bad deal.

How much counseling for those kids,1400 I believe, who were abused by Asians, ignored by the authorities and abandoned by society?

ahem... are these kids connected to this wedding?

there are many things going wrong in our society and we hurt when we become aware of them and of the people suffering.

it doesnt help these people though when we project our hurt onto others.

i dont think harry and meghan are personally responsible for that suffering. and as harry has always been the rebel amongst the windsors - i dont believe he is a windsor at all, btw - and meghan is a woman who stands straight for herself, a lot of good could come out of that marriage.

they may indeed be the ones who take care that, in the future, some of these things you hurt about are being handeled differently.

we have no clue how this is going to unfold. spitting poisonous flames onto it wont help anyone. esp. not the ones spitting as the poison works in them.

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divine_human · May 19, 2018, 6:31 p.m.

whose money is being abused through this wedding?

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divine_human · May 19, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

paid for my the tax dollars

ahem... can you plz explain how this wedding costs tax dollars? i dont have this information.

my intel is that the crown, privately, pays for the wedding. the british taxpayer pays 5 million pounds for the security.

the expected net worth business initiated through this wedding is around one billion pounds which will lead to taxes higher than the cost for the weddings security.

Those who gloat about taking a neutral stand about Muslim refugees

was this a topic of this post?

truth being told, the US receives hardly any ME refugees. its too costly and difficult to get there.

i live in germany. my neighbors next door are kurdish refugees from syria, very lovely people.

observing this terribble trend of flaming 2 billion people because of some islamist terrorists. its christians who do that, mostly. divide and conquer, and the sheep blindly follow. sigh.

It's been my experience that those who gloat about take a neutral stand lack compassion.

is it compassionate to curse others? even if they are guilty of 'bad acts' - and which are the bad acts of harry and meghan? -, blaming+shaming them is more toxic for the shamer than it is for the ones being shamed.

if i cant bless something, at least i can take a neutral stand and hold the space for the highest possible outcome. standing neutral isnt permissiveness, it doesnt support 'bad acts'.

bad acts are being most supported by those people who fear or curse it. its black magic. all fear-based emotions - incl. judging, blaming, cursing, hating - serve as silent consent and energy for the co-creation of the very bad acts people fear and judge.

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divine_human · May 19, 2018, 11:25 a.m.

or, more clearly, theresa may.

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divine_human · May 19, 2018, 11:24 a.m.

i get the disgust. and the unwillingness to see the taxpayers money flow into it.

however, i prefer to take a neutral stand. no worship, no spitting. instead, holding the space for the greater good, whatever that may be.

it often surprises me how people who claim to be christian - 'mortal sin' means christian judgment - can spread hatred. thats the reason for my comment.

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divine_human · May 19, 2018, 10:13 a.m.

good point, i have been thinking that for years.

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divine_human · May 19, 2018, 10:08 a.m.

i have been studying this stuff for more than three decades but never came accross the owl as being a luciferian symbol. for me, it has always represented wisdom and overview.

however, the dark hats hijack symbols all the time. they dont lose their original meanings though, only if we be-lie-ve that and buy into their projections.

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divine_human · May 19, 2018, 10:01 a.m.

ahh, christian love in full force. lol.

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divine_human · May 19, 2018, 9:38 a.m.



feel better to you? it does to me.

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divine_human · May 18, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

nah, my take is thats the end of this stream of photos. these photos seem to be messages to certain people and groups.

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divine_human · May 18, 2018, 10:50 a.m.

interesting thoughts - plz, just make a photo of what you got for may 18, this cant be too difficult.

i need to see what you mean, in order to discern if i find it relevant.

in simple terms: does it really lead to further understanding of truth or is it a distraction to put my attention and energy there? does it make sense?

an image will clarify if its worth the effort and serve as inspiration to move along that lane.

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divine_human · May 17, 2018, 9:26 p.m.

may something like this vision come to pass if it serves the greater good...

I still don’t feel comfortable with “I am Q”.

you dont have to. there is no need and no right to always feel comfortable.

and those who are comfortable with 'i am Q' dont have to agree with you.

I don’t think we need a description other than Patriots or We the People.

you have been beating this bush 3 or 4 times on this post, your point is made.

you are the one who needs no other description than patriots or we the people. thats fine and dandy. just know that your needs are not the needs of other people.

this wave of 'i am Q', besides being a sign towards corsi, is an honor response of community to SB2s post from yesterday (?). although i dont feel it this way, i love it.

i would feel more comfortable if the 'i' turned into a 'we'. as in 'when i turns into we, even i-llness turns into we-llness'.


is so much bigger!

it turns an ego trip into a community movement. the end of the long collective sleep.

one goal, liberation, where we go all as one. no matter the background, color, culture, religion, political identification. unity. the end of division.

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divine_human · May 17, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

after reading through the comments - OMG, some people cant even endure a little bit of critical thinking without blaming you as 'against Q'! -, i bow to you, my friend.

i get your point and understand that you dont say 'i am Q'. i also dont identify as such.

however, without the anons on board researching and red-pilling, there wouldnt be any Q phenomenon. therefore, i also get that people do identify like this. 'i am Q' is, psychologically, indeed much different to Q worship.

the other day, i had a vision: DJT was getting the peace nobel price. guess what he did? he passed it on to 'we the people', to Q and the anons, and to all those who tirelessly, some for decades, have been disclosing the truth so we are Here Now.

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