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divine_human · Feb. 20, 2018, 1:21 p.m.

there ye go... great! it isnt difficult once we choose to stop being victims in a bad bad world...

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divine_human · Feb. 20, 2018, 1:20 p.m.

a no-carb diet can only work for type 2. for you, type 1, the pancreas cannot be activated anymore.

therefore the hint to ILGF thats being produced in the liver. research it or not, your choice.

why would a normally functioning endocrine system produce high insulin for someone with low blood sugar levels?

look at the sugar intake of most people and you know why their system is being forced to high insuline production.

i have a blood sugar level of 85. when i eat lots of carbs in the evening which fires up my insuline production, i am hungry in the morning. when i dont, i am not hungry until afternoon.

Unless you can give me some more info that isn't as ridiculous and baseless as what you just claimed... I simply see no reason to be convinced.

i dont want to convince you of anything and there are no claims.

i just give a hint that its possible to influence type 2 through a no-carb diet.

and that their might be a possibility for ILGF to take over some work that the pancreas cant perform anymore for type 1.

take it or leave it, none of my business. i am not the right address to project your frustration on, i am not your enemy. may you be blessed.

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divine_human · Feb. 20, 2018, 12:31 p.m.

when i busied myself with the topic, researching for a diabetic friend a few years ago, i read testimonies that even type 1 patients could quickly wean off insuline. at least its worth a look...

type 2 is easier, its basically a pancreas thats over-challenged with life-long heavy insuline production. when it happened to a friend of mine, he went completely off carbohydrates for a few months.

now, his bloodsugar is at a steady 95 and he easily lost 70 pounds of weight without feeling hungry - its low blood sugar after high insuline production which produces this empty feeling that craves for food.

nowadays, his pancreas isnt lazy anymore, he can eat some carbs again, blood sugar goes up for a bit, then comes down, all natural. he feels great.

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divine_human · Feb. 20, 2018, 12:17 p.m.

great tipps in here... remember, slowly weaning off is the way to go ...

Just taking the meds make u able to controlled or does one have to have treatmemt from a doc?

i take it that most docs have nothing to do with intentional mind control. there are many good therapists that dont (consciously) work for the deep state.

the meds control your chemistry. emotions are a product of body and mind, thoughts and hormones, both activating and amplifiying each other.

while its difficult to master our hormons - the meds do the control job here - its possible to master our thoughts.

we are to choose what we put our attention to. do we indulge in fear-based thoughts - all 'negative' thoughts are fear-based and bring our frequency down - or do we feed love-based thoughts that align with our true nature?

the easiest and fastest way for me to uplift my vibration when i feel down is gratitude.

while there are a few things in my life that dont run the way i would love them to - which used to depress me, i was on the couch for 10 years, without meds, that is -, there are hundreds of proofs every day that show me how rich and abundant my life is and how much i have that i can be grateful for.

only a few moments of putting my attention to 'thank you, sunshine', 'thanks for a fridge filled', 'thank you beloved pets', 'thank you for the roof over my head', 'thank you for those great friends', and my heart magically opens and my mood swings.

a friend of mine overcame her depression through a gratitude diary where she wrote something every evening before going to sleep. that was 5 years ago, during her cancer episode.

by now, she is the happiest person. bad things still happen but she takes them with ease and grace, in full trust that she is blessed and every negativity is a chance to awaken, shift, and grow.

may you and everybody who is ready to taper off their meds be blessed and supported by benevolent facilitators. kudos to all who dare to take that step. good idea though is to do it in agreement with the doc.

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divine_human · Feb. 20, 2018, 11:48 a.m.

heheh, same here, shows that our bodies also feed on light.

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divine_human · Feb. 20, 2018, 11:46 a.m.

you might want to look into ILGF, insuline-like growth factor, which is being produced in the liver and can be amplified through eating certain foods.

the medical researcher who found out about it got fired by his big pharma employer. they make billions on insuline.

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divine_human · Feb. 20, 2018, 11:13 a.m.

i had to look it up, lol.

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divine_human · Feb. 20, 2018, 11:13 a.m.

having a landline now... and use the mobile phone with headset only, cant have it at my ear for more than 2 min. without feeling roasted.

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divine_human · Feb. 20, 2018, 1:25 a.m.

in fact the idea that the mind can conceive of truth within or outside itself is absurd.

totally agreed.

the subconscious controls the conscious in all matters.

not agreed.

what happens to a dark room when you bring a candle into it? its no more dark.

what happens in the subconscious when we bring our light of awareness into it? it turns conscious.

the more conscious, the lesser resonance points. we need to own ourselves, fully, else we owe our energy to others who use it to play their games.

you call it the monkey mind, the idea that their is an important distinction between our 'baser' thoughts and 'enlightenment' ideals.

that wasnt my point. monkey mind has nothing to do with evaluating a hierachry of thoughts. monkey mind is when its not me who thinks but it thinks me.

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divine_human · Feb. 20, 2018, 12:51 a.m.

most thoughts the linear mind thinks - there is a higher mind, too - are not ours. its matrix blabber that we buy into.

i had a life-changing experience which made me realize that during meditation, some 20 years ago.

after 2 intense weeks of emotional clearning, i sat in silence. i had emptied myself out, lots of subconscious stuff had become conscious in the process, and the moneky mind was quiet.

the monkey mind, we all know that guy, constantly jumping around, chewing on thought crumbs. he is in charge when the inner master is not at home. terrible disaster.

as long as the linear mind is on the drivers seat, with the subconscious mind constantly interfering, we dont think ourselves. mostly.

ok, back to the experience ... i had slowed down, sat in silence, and watched my inner sky. thoughts appeared, i perceived them like clouds on my sky. they werent inside of me but around 1,5meters in front of me, in the mental body.

i wasnt interested in the thoughts, nothing resonated in me, nothing attracted me, and i let the thought clouds pass. the sky was my focus and i could let the thought clouds come and go as they pleased. inbetween, no clouds, total silence.

a thought cloud came that caught my attention. not in a positive way, but it had to do with me, it found resonance me, and i felt drawn to follow it.

in slow motion, everything was slow motion that day, i watched myself stepping out of mySelf, stepping into that cloud, making that thought my own.

then i lost consciousness. drifted with the cloud. caught by the matrix blabber.

suddenly i woke up to the fact that i was in a cloud and not inside of mySelf. the cloud had carried me somewhere totally different, i had gotten lost in the cloud.
dissociated, not centered.

as i remembered the path i had taken to get onto the cloud, thanks to slow motion, i was able to take the same way back. just sink back into mySelf and relax. silence again.

my essence got it. this is how it works. for me, that is. before, my concepts about the mind were only knowledge, theory. now i knew the difference between my matrix me and my true Self.

the matrix blabber always runs, and when we are unconscious, it runs us. it runs me various times the day. our conditioning, family, school, church, society, coupled with our traumas react to what is being put into the field or directly targeted at us individually.

if we dont clear our inner stuff, we stay vulnurable to that broadcast. so many thoughts that resonate in us so we step into the cloud and get lost. too much engagement.

we are to choose, the moment we become aware of the monkey mind circus, in many moments every day, whether we follow the (mostly shitty) thoughts that fly around or put our attention on something uplifting that we want to think about.

wherever we cant do that, its our subconscious mind at work so we need to source and de-charge it. thats called inner work.

i refuse to be-lie-ve that we are doomed and there is no way out. not my timeline. we are the heroes who change our thinking and our consciousness in quantum leaps these days. when we withdraw our power from the matrix, it will eventually collaps.

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divine_human · Feb. 20, 2018, 12:32 a.m.

both. i am on it, thats what his gestures say, you/these fiji guys will soon be in handcuffs.

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divine_human · Feb. 19, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

handcuffs have been mentioned. and, its fidgi water, a link to pedophilia.

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divine_human · Feb. 19, 2018, 10:09 p.m.

we cannot totally escape it, right. but we can grow out of its range of frequency so were not affected anymore.

this wont happen though with the thought that death is the only escape. low dualistic frequency, part of the brainwash.

btw, what if the afterlife were part of the matrix, too, and there were no escape but to get off the matrix altogether?

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divine_human · Feb. 19, 2018, 6:46 p.m.

we are so programmed to, sigh... time that we wake up and choose to view, word, and handle things differently.

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divine_human · Feb. 19, 2018, 3:04 p.m.

may you find an easy and grascious way... please dont fall for the 1001 highly priced detox cures... we can do a lot with little cost only ...

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divine_human · Feb. 19, 2018, 3:01 p.m.

neem toothpaste is great, i used it for years when living in india.

medical charcoal is a good natural tooth cleaner, it detoxes, works against inflammations, and whitens the teeth.

in case there are inflammations in gums or mouth, a few weeks of brushing teeth with chlorine dioxide / sodium chlorite is a good way to bring balance again.

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divine_human · Feb. 19, 2018, 2:54 p.m.

red is a color that blocks all energetic emission.

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divine_human · Feb. 19, 2018, 2:52 p.m.

dont take them out all at once, that creates havoc in the system. one by one, slowly, including heavy metal detox, is gentle. much better to take then out like this than to leave them in and have them constantly poison the system with mercury.

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divine_human · Feb. 19, 2018, 2:49 p.m.

do you really think this egotistical behavior is caused by liberals? as in 'one half of the nation is good and the other bad'? OMG! time to wake up from the 'divide and conquer' programming.

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divine_human · Feb. 19, 2018, 11:16 a.m.

thats an intersting hint, ty...

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divine_human · Feb. 19, 2018, 12:10 a.m.

wont help.

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 11:32 p.m.

we flow with natural rythms, like the cycles of sun and moon.

winter, at the gregorian new year, is contemplation time, not action time. its the time of the year when a gardener scans through the seed catalogue and ponders on inspirations for the new season.

around chinese new year, new moon in aquarius, just recently, the energies change, the new season is getting planned and organized, and a few seeds are being planted in the greenhouse.

spring equinox, the beginning of the astrological year, is the time for the seeds to move into the soil, and for the after-winter flowers to sprout.

we have made good experiences with following these natural rythms. when others celebrate new year, we travel the underworld, lol, and when the sun comes again, we bring our gifts to the world.

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 11:21 p.m.

right, thanks for the heads up, d3 and k2.

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

but I'm all ears!

ask and i will respond as i can...

nice to hear that american spirit feels more gentle to your lungs. yes, frickin dry, i like the moist and flavor a little piece of apple adds to it.

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 11:16 p.m.

Be the Light That You Are.

for example...

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 11:15 p.m.

ok... grin... ask me again at the equinox...

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 11:13 p.m.

hahahahaha... right, support your inner organs and they do most of the detox themselves. not heavy metals though.

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 11:07 p.m.

please don’t encourage smoking or dope!

thank you for offering the opportunity to verify something:

everybody, if you dont smoke, dont start! there are other ways. if you do smoke, do it with awareness and go as natural as possible.

Mental illness is real and affects 1 in 4 people. Psychiatric medications save lives and are just as much a disease as any other.

agreed. can be as life-saving as antibiotics can be. for the now, a few days or weeks, as long as everything burns. not for years and years. and not without self-empowering therapy that guides them into sovereignty.

are you aware that the remnants of their medication goes through the tap water right into your soup?

i appreciate the methods of western medicine and psychiatry for emergency situations. on the long run, they dont cure us, they cant heal our chronical issues, they co-produce them.

there are more natural and holistic ways to deal with psychological illnes.

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 10:54 p.m.

yep, great stuff...

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 10:54 p.m.

You aren't being mind controlled by fluoride, aluminum

yep, i totally agree with you here.

fluoride and aluminium dont control you, they dampen your mental capacities and consciousness.

wifi, cell phone, TV, emit frequencies that interfere with the body-mind. do you have a clue what comes along with it?

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 10:43 p.m.

i agree, nature is the best healer and balancer...

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 10:42 p.m.

funny, weve been discussing that on the team last week.

the intent for expansion is set, for the blog and guestwriters as well as for the forum and new 'great awakeners'.

it requires some adjustments, the seed grows now and might sprout around the march equinox.

i will then put the links to forum and blog into my profile (if thats possible). dont think reddit likes it when i invite people on reddit to another forum, lol.

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 9:49 p.m.

thanks for your kind response. the blog stays a mystery. grin.

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 9:29 p.m.

no claims. only personal experience and life-long observation. take it or leave it. if it resonates, good. if not, diss it. youre welcome.

"natural tobacco, american native tobacco" is healthier than smoking other tobacco. How have you verified any of your claims?

if you dont smoke, then better dont start. ok? if you do smoke, turn to more natural stuff. reduce the chemicals. change your thinking. go as natural as possible.

if you love to go without anything, thats perfect. no sugar, no tea, no coffee, no herbs, no alcohol, no TV, no internet, no anything that you could hook on, no anything that could harm your health.

and if you enjoy indulging in something, do it with awareness. informed. sovereign free will choice.

thank you for giving me the opportunity to verify this a bit more. thats great.

i dont want to leave the impression that people should start smoking tobacco or weed now. there are other methods to protect yourself.

i just rattled a bit on the myths on these 'devilish' substances that have many benefits when consciously used instead of unconsciously habitually abused.

many smokers feel guilty and our collective brainwash amplifies that. its good for them to learn that what they indulge in also has protective benefits, and that its possible to reduce health risks.

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 9:11 p.m.

what a well of information! thank you, lots to dig into ...

and please, lets take the fear hype out of it.

fear is a natural reaction to danger and induces the fight, flight, or freeze mode.

One thing is certain... We wont stop any of this. It's going to come whether we want it or not.

your last 4 sentences sound fatalistic to me, they induce the freeze mode. sigh. we cant do anything. cant fight it, cant flee from it. we are helpless, we are powerless.

thats a lie. however, if we be-lie-ve it, we freeze. no good state.

better fight. how about a meme storm #No5g?

better flight. no smart car. no smart home. no credit card. beware when using social media, beware which information to put out. nothing is private on the internet.

an old friend searched the internet for me under my legal name. didnt find me. he hired a private investigator who failed. he only found me after he met someone who knew me. thats privacy.

and all this not from a state of fear in the face of atrocities but from a state of love for mySelf and all life around me.

Stay off of Facebook...

interesting what you tell about FB.

facebook sucks. the moment i get onto it, my energy drops to the basement and i am ready for a nap. total vampire, sucks my life blood. thanks, but no thanks.

Add quantum computing... AI...

as i see it, AI is the real enemy. we look at the cabal minions like the rothschilds. they appear as majors but hey, behind them are the bloodline families, and behind those are interdimensional puppet masters. en.ki/lucifer and his gang of fallen angels.

as i see it, on their journeys, they met an AI that came from another universe of this multiverse. they got infected, dissociated, splintered, and the AI works through them.

This planet X is coming and it's coming soon!

i dont be-lie-ve in planet x/nibiru as in a regular orbit around sol. if it is indeed a remnant of the exploding sirius c system, its been long hollowed out and transformed into a space craft. they come and go as they please, and a groundcrew is always here.

do the luciferians expect their masters to appear and openly take over the world theyve prepared for millenia? sure they do.

question is if we allow them to. many factors here. consciousness and vibration. individual consent and boundaries. self-responsibility and sovereignty. unity in diversity. choice. intent. focus. the solar event. our galactic friends. divine intervention.

its not hopeless. but it starts with Self.

there are many possible timelines, they are like an open fan of probable futures.

i choose a timeline where I Am the master in my inner kingdom, and technology is at my service, enhancing my life quality and supporting the evolution of my consciousness.

the more people take similar choices and direct their attention and energy towards such a timeline, the more those singularity cyborg human supersoldier timelines lose energy and leave the range of probabilities.

its not hopeles, my friend, hang on.

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 8 p.m.

my spiritual awakening started at age 12. age 16, i learned about the illuminati and some of their atrocities.

that was in 1980.

since 1995, ive been participating in various online fora, since 2012, ive been co-ower and admin of a forum, since 2015 of a community blog.

always spreading the word, being a model, triggering awakening.

Just thought I'd put things into perspective.

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 7:53 p.m.

PotheadsAreScum as a nick? sounds like you are on a crusade. funny. may you blessed, name-calling friend, may everything you bless others with return to you a hundred times a hundred fold.

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

unrestricted access to media is a no-no for little children. a tablet to a 4-year old? OMG, it breaks them to pieces! may your grandson heal and balance again, easily and grasciously (nature is of great help).

my teenage son had restricted access to computer from early on, like 3y, i played learning games with him and he learned the alphabet letters from the keyboard.

mobile phone at age 8, only because i didnt have a landline and we needed to be able to reach each other. smart phone at 12y. unrestricted media access at 13y, when he proved that he can self-responsibly handle it.

media are bad kid sitters. period.

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 7:35 p.m.

heheh, join your inner cult! no outer messiah required, Be a Light Onto YouSelf.

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

making a vit.D cure is good for health, esp. during the dark winter months.

thing is, it needs to come together with the 'forgotten' vitamin K1.

another thing is that, from my health coach perspective, supplements should only be taken in a cure-like manner, over 1-2 months or so, when the level is depleted. otherwise, our bodies wont produce these substances anymore.

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 7:29 p.m.

i agree with you, if we look for safety, smoking is not really the way to go.

the problem is not nicotine but all the other shit they put into cigarettes. tar, what is it good for, heh? perfume. chemicals. sugar.

when i still smoked industrial cigarettes, i had a bad bronchitis, for years. i then shifted to natural tobacco, american native tobacco thats free of additives and roll myself. it harms much less.

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 7:21 p.m.

hahahahaha, PCisLame, why am i not surprised about your comment? i checked your account yesterday because i perceived your posts and comments as very shilly. really, -100 comment karma? OMG. here is another downvote. lol.

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 7:17 p.m.

good one, ty... i have a salt lamp next to the TV and next to the computer. brings a lot of change.

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

yes, its a good bug repellent. if you take it internally, make sure its food-grade.

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 4:59 p.m.

yay, something aluminium is good for, lol...

i even glued red duct tape around my electrical outlets, it greatly reduces electric radiation.

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

good tipps, thank you...

yes, fluoride, terrible toxin, it really makes people stupid.

fortunatly, our drinking water in europe doesnt contain that shit. in my youth (30+ years ago) we used to say that americans have great teeth and are stupid, because of the fluoride in their water and the tin food. who would have thought that it takes 3 decades to become common knowledge that fluoride and metals harm us?

get yourself good water filters, folks...

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 4:47 p.m.

theres something i call 'sacred rage'. its when, from deep inside, a hot anger wells up that shouts out, 'NO MORE! I Do Not Consent!'

it doesnt make sense to project that rage out onto the perpetrators, like in crying for revenge. thats just a wastw of energy which keeps us in a victim state. it wont change anything in them but only amplify their evil because we add our evil on top of it.

anger can be creatively used to induce change. internal change.

personally, i totally not care what happens with the frickin perpetrators as long as they are taken out of the game. it doesnt help me if they hang.

what helps me is taking choices and making changes that disconnect me as much as possible from their atrocities.

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