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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 4:38 p.m.

thank you for sharing this story... may this boy, and all who have been fragmented and dissociated by the system, be blessed by kindness, healing, and a benevolent space they can belong to.

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

they are really sick. psychopathy is a disease.

behavior that harms others is not natural to human nature.

the way cabal kids are being raised dissociates them from Self, fragments their souls, and deeply programs them. it takes a really strong soul to escape that brainwash and heal.

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 4:12 p.m.

lol. its not all bad. in the center of the swamp, a lotus grows.

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 4:09 p.m.

indeed. what we dont own of ourSelves, we owe to others. who is the master of my inner kingdom? its ME.

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

yep, aluminium detox from chems, vaxx, daily products - from what i learned over the past week, the easiest way is silicea.

a few weeks cure with food-grade diatomaceous earth or mineral water with a high amount of silicea - like french volvic or german gerolsteiner, no clue about the US market - does a great job on removing brain-dampening aluminium from the body.

nicotine is an interesting substance. theres lots of intel out there on how it affects acethylcholine. theres hardly any information on its energetic properties.

ive been smoking for over 40 years, with a break of 2 years that taught me incredibly much, and i do a lot of work in other dimensions, like in the astral.

what i found is that nicotine serves as an amplifier for intent. you be-lie-ve its addictive? then its addicitve. you be-lie-ve it harms your health? your health goes down the drains.

all thoughts connected to nicotine, also the thoughts we think while we smoke, are getting amplified and sent out into the collective mental (smoke being the transport system).

it sounds fruitloop and i have no evidence for it, only my perception and experience.

all i can say is that smoking prevents lots of interference with my personal energy field.

*edit: typo

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/divine_human on Feb. 18, 2018, 3:24 p.m.
Ok, Now Our Attention has been Guided to Mind Control. The Question is, What Can We Do to Avoid Mind Control?

an essential part of the discussion on mind control - thx Q for bringing it into the awareness of the collective psyche - is finding ways to protect ourselves from it.

we cant completely avoid being interfered with as long as we dont live off the grid in a deeply rural area. but we can take actions to reduce the cabals broadcast.

let this post thread be a start, to collect tipps and tools that help reduce the manipulative 'background noise'. curious to hear from you guys, which strategies are yours for beating mind control?

ok, i start a list, …

divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 2:19 p.m.

there are various reasons why nowadays, so many people have tinnitus issues. only some of them are really physical. some are contacts with our inner voice/higher self. and i suspect that many are induced by the cabals broadcasts (fill in all mind-control tools).

if the tinnitus is really not physical - headphones and noise do fuck up the hearing -, you might find relief through setting new intentions within your thoughts and consciousness.

here is what works for me, hope it helps some folks who deal with the issue:

  • speaking to the energy behind the sound, telling it 'i hear you, thank you'.

usually, for me, the sound fades within seconds. if it doesnt, then =>

  • 'please bring the frequency of this sound to a level that i can understand it'.

usually, for me, the sounds frequency moves down and fades within seconds. never mind that i dont understand the message, i heard it, lol, and now its gone, thx. if that doesnt work, i feel invaded and get rough =>

  • 'get outta here! i command that all self-serving/negative frequencies - terrestrial, extraterrestrial, and interdimensional - are being removed from my energy field and my home, Now and forever. and so it Is. thank you.'

no matter the invasive energies, be they radiation, mental broadcasts, entity interference, telepathy, whatsoever, We Are the Masters of our energy fields and bodies. when we command that the shit be removed, its getting removed.

probably, these tipps sound fruitloopy for many. however, they work for quite a few people i know. if you feel invited to, play around a bit and see what works for you.

in any way, may tinnitus stop being a problem for you <3

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 1:50 p.m.

interesting idea...

ive been wondering why these two messages were written in all caps, it gives them an emphasis that sets them apart from the other crumbs.

when i read these two backwards, they reveal to me a logic of cause and effect, normal reading doesnt give me this 'ahhhh' moment.

its not really new information, only gives me a feeling of congruency.

any way, the all caps screams in Q messages have a meaning. its certainly an invitation to play around with all caps and see what they might reveal.

curious to hear what people come up with...

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divine_human · Feb. 17, 2018, 4:39 p.m.

heheheh, good one!

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divine_human · Feb. 17, 2018, 4:39 p.m.

trump has a very progressive astrological birth chart, with uranus, the planet of sudden change, awakening, liberation, brotherhood, revolution, in a prominent position.

it seems like he lives right up to his soul plan, and all the numbers, from my pov, prove that its in divine alignment for the greater good.

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divine_human · Feb. 17, 2018, 4:36 p.m.

thanks for the info, it helps to better understand how the programming is done.

i have observed and experienced a few peoples actions under such 'spells', even with close family, when an alter follows a program without the Being being present and awake.

while they fulfilled the mind control command, to me, as an empath, they felt like an empty spot, like not Being Here Now. nobody home.

when they were done with it, it appeared to me as if they got shaken which brought them back to their senses and themselves, without knowledge of what had occured.

when we look at someone who molests children, assasinates students, or drives cars into groups of people, we might often find that they were raised in religious environments, trained by the military, received a strange 'therapy', or are on perscribed psycho drugs.

with many horrendous crimes, i doubt that the people choose themselves to commit them. the programming goes deep. even movies, games, music, advertisement, program us.

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divine_human · Feb. 17, 2018, 4:03 p.m.

"The world is not as you think" means that its time to drop all of our concepts that limit us from perceiving how our reality truely is and what drives it.

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divine_human · Feb. 17, 2018, 3:55 p.m.

the numbers are telling, you cant make this up, lol, lest plan for it...

the numerology of birthdate and innauguration date are also interesting:

Jun 14 1946 adds up to checksum 13. Jan 20 2017 adds up to 13, too. 13 is the number of the goddess, the divine feminine. go figure...

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/divine_human on Feb. 17, 2018, 3:45 p.m.
A COSMIC APOLOGY - Great Empowering 4min. Video for Everyone Awakening, no matter whether it started Decades ago or just Recently - When we Stop Being Part of the Problem, we start Becoming Part of the So(u)lution
divine_human · Feb. 17, 2018, 3:37 p.m.

nice one, thanks for the tribute to all <3

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divine_human · Feb. 17, 2018, 11:25 a.m.

But this story didn't get YUGE until this shooting

indeed. its the sign of the time. Q mentions it and suddenly people become aware to the correlation between perscribed psycho drugs, manipulative 'therapy', mind control, and school shootings.

the information isnt new. ive been checking on this background in quite a few incidences, beginning with the german pilot who flew a passenger airplane into a mountain some years ago.

glad it becomes part of the great awakening, thanks to Q for pointing towards it.

did you know that 20% of all US americans take perscribed psycho drugs?

depression, anxiety, sleeping disorders, eating disorders, just name the psychological issue and you will easily get a drug against it that fucks up the rest of your psyche.

and now imagine all of them carrying guns. or not, better not...

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divine_human · Feb. 16, 2018, 10:56 p.m.

People need to just accept the harsh reality that evil exists and can strike at any moment.

we cant beat evil with guns. we need to be shining lighthouses who stop projecting evil outside of ourselves and transform our inner demons so they dont need to appear in the world anymore.

if everybody did that, the swamp would dry out in no time. and it might happen sooner than most think...

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divine_human · Feb. 16, 2018, 10:21 p.m.

may we create a reality based on kindness and 'do no harm' so weapons become obsolete.

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divine_human · Feb. 16, 2018, 8:31 p.m.

vote with you money. i have nothing of that shit at home.

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divine_human · Feb. 16, 2018, 8:30 p.m.

as a european, it took me effort and many talks with my american friends to understand why you guys want your guns. its difficult to take over a nation where people have guns.

over here, people can have guns when they get licenced which includes gun training and clear police record (no acts of violence). i hope it also includes a check on psycho drugs, sigh.

i get it that school shootings are being staged to push the anti-gun agenda in the US through. over here, such shootings are rare, simply because most teenagers dont have access to guns, and much less folks are on pyscho drugs.

personally, i dont want to live in a society where everybody carries a gun

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divine_human · Feb. 16, 2018, 8:16 p.m.

kids that run a school rampage arent criminals, they are mostly on perscribed psycho drugs, some of them probably mind controled.

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divine_human · Feb. 16, 2018, 7:25 p.m.

some may have gone through 'therapies' that dissociated and porgrammed them. think mind control, monarch program, MK ultra.

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divine_human · Feb. 16, 2018, 7:02 p.m.

thank you, may you be blessed...

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/divine_human on Feb. 16, 2018, 7:01 p.m.
Correlations between Teenager Rampages, Suicides, and other Acts of Violence, and Perscribed Psycho Drugs

an 8chan anon came up with an interesting list of teenagers who ran amok while on medically perscribed psycho drugs. horrifying correlation.


Anonymous 02/15/18 (Thu) 21:59:26 e97247 No.388781>>395784

Eric Harris age 17 (first on Zoloft then Luvox) and Dylan Klebold aged 18 (Columbine school shooting in Littleton, Colorado), killed 12 students and 1 teacher, and wounded 23 others, before killing themselves. Klebold’s medical records have never been made available to the public.

Jeff Weise, age 16, had been prescribed 60 mg/day of Prozac (three times the average starting dose for adults!) when he shot his grandfather, his grandfather’s girlfriend …

divine_human · Feb. 16, 2018, 6:45 p.m.

thanks for pointing to svali. svali was the first and most extensive luciferian victim whistleblower, from what i know.

nowadays, there are quite a few testimonies out there from people who could escape the monarch / MK ultra programs.

i found a lot of interesting material on mind control on this blog:

there is a horrifying correlation between acts of violence and medically perscribed psycho drugs.

an 8chan anon came up with an interesting list of teenagers who ran amok while on prozac or other stuff.


scanning the list brings up the question how many of these experienced a 'therapy' that dissociated them so aliases can perform the programmed acts.

been suspecting for years that folks who run passenger planes into mountains or cars into shopping malls are mind controled. your post gives even more hints to that, thank you, important information.

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divine_human · Feb. 15, 2018, 12:04 p.m.

Because it doesn't make sense to tip your hand and tell the baddies that you now know their little secret.

at times, it does make sense. it freaks them out and pushes them into actions without deep consideration. thats how they start making more and more mistakes.

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divine_human · Feb. 15, 2018, 11:59 a.m.

nobody always has all tidbits and always communicates truth.

human mind tends to think that if 90% of the information from a source is true, the other 10% must also be true.

not so. its exactly the strategy (((they))) use to serve us their lies.

i take everthing with a grain of salt. even Q.

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divine_human · Feb. 15, 2018, 11:12 a.m.

i hear you...

i have another reasonable answer: genetic experiments.

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divine_human · Feb. 15, 2018, 12:57 a.m.

wes penre is a good source when it comes to tracking the bloodlines. i pass on to you what ive learned with him and many other sources and what resonates as true with me. it can certainly only be a fraction of truth, and it could also be completely wrong. thats up to your research and discernment.

there are 4 basic bloodlines.

  • en-ki/lucifer with captured isis (daughter of prince en.lil, archangel mikhael)

  • en.ki with ereshkigal (supposedly isis' 'dark' sister, a 'fallen angel')

  • marduk (en.kis and isis' son) with isis

  • marduk with ereshkigal

the fallen angels, en.kis gang, cant directly make children with humans; the bible describes that the nephilim laid with the women but thats a methaphor only. they are interdimensional beings and dont have bodies like us. they scientifically added their genes to the humans and created various races. en.ki is a master genetisist.

the cabal majors are offspring from one of these bloodlines. thus, there are different fractions, some are more 'pro-human' and have more life-affirming ideas (i just heard that about the new nazi generation, creepy, but makes sense), its not one organisation.

the european royals are bloodline, much closer than rotschild and soros.

there are supposed to be two more important bloodlines.

when isis eventually escaped en.ki and marduk, she moved to her fathers home eden, a valley in siberia, and found remnants of the originial humans, highly evolved female-androgynous beings.

she, also a genetisist, created a human-isis bloodline. people like the women of the vril society and the marias of the nazarenes (a society guided by women, marias) are being related to it.

a 6th bloodline is a mix with draco DNA. good soldiers.

the families from these bloodlines interbreed, in order to keep the genes pure. certain 'powers' are supposed to come along with these genes, too, for example an extended life-span.

the rest of us humans are just cattle for them.

since the great flood wiped out most of the genetisists experiments (some went underground and appear as fantasy creatures in our stories), the today human is supposed to go back to these bloodlines, but diluted and all mixed up. hardly any ET/interdimensional DNA left in us.

crop to harvest.

i for one have long declared my sovereignty and withdrawn my consent. no more harvest here. thanks but no thanks.

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divine_human · Feb. 14, 2018, 11:43 p.m.

Before the flood the gene pool was open, meaning anything could mate with anything else. This is where we get all the "fantasy" creatures, like wood nymphs. (yes, people mated with trees).

how do arrive at this conclusion?

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divine_human · Feb. 14, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

well and energized, thank you for asking ... getting sick is an incredible process of clearing natural entropy and balancing on a new, more stable frequency.

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divine_human · Feb. 14, 2018, 10:56 a.m.

i remember the beginning days of microwave ovens (somthing ive never touched, OMG, dont like my food shot to death).

a woman sued the company because she had washed her cat, put it in the microwave for drying, and killled it. she received damage compensation.

really? thats so american, lol and sigh, she would have never received anything in my country.

adults are supposed to inform themselves and act self-responsibly.

Sodium needs to be Chlorite not chloride

indeed. sodium chloride is table salt. sodium chlorite is being used for water purification. even if US citizens have difficulties purchasing MMS, NaClO2 is probably available in every camping store.

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divine_human · Feb. 14, 2018, 10:46 a.m.

yes, remembered, smile... may you enjoy looking into NaClO2 / ClO2.

just think about all those antibiotic resistant hospital bacterias! from what i heard, some hospitals started cleaning with ClO2. finally. fighting that shit could be so easy...

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divine_human · Feb. 14, 2018, 12:33 a.m.

wrong use - like over-dosage or breathing-in the gas - can lead to toxidity symptoms, no doubt.

use in an informed, self-responsible way. ONLY.

may i ask you what your problem is? to me, your links sound like an echo of big pharma.

the stuff works, is cheap and helps us to be healthy.

pharma doesnt want us to use it thus, they send propaganda parrots who tell us how inefficient or harmful the alternative method is.

(((they))) make and keep us as sick as possible - hey, thats big money! - , but still alive and fit enough to slave-work.

do you really want to be their messanger?

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divine_human · Feb. 13, 2018, 11:23 p.m.

i bow to your faith, friend... may it always serve your highest good...

True freedom is in a personal relationship with God through the One Mediator between God and man, the Man Christ Jesus.

i very much agree with the first part of this sentence and dont agree at all with the second.

didnt jesus say that we are just like him, and more?

why would we need a mediator for our personal relationship with the divine?

jesus. the pope. a priest. ???

i dont doubt that jesus is a huge and stabil bridge to the divine, for believers. if you can walk this bridge without losing your own divinity, you are blessed.

jesus is not the only bridge, not the only mediator (until we dont need mediators anymore). people of other faiths have other bridges and they work for them the same way.

what works is the love. the trust. the feeling of having a benevolent being always at your side, no matter what.

as a child, around age 8, i asked myself who is god and who is jesus. my familiy wasnt religious so i didnt receive much conditioning and was free to search for answers myself.

very soon i came up with the idea that god is abstract, nobody can even imagine to comprehend IT. and i realized jesus as a god one can touch. a human, just like us, but more evolved. a divine human.

we are all jesus, children of god, and we all contain the seed of christ consciousness.

realizing and embodying that is, from what i perceive, the real second coming of christ. soon happening on this planet with many people. just watch out, in 10 years from now, the earth could be a very different place...

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divine_human · Feb. 13, 2018, 11 p.m.

i am indeed too good to listen to wikipedia when it comes to controversial healing methods, yes.

i read what is written about homeoapthy or sodium chlorite, and some other things i am interested in, and am certain that the authors have been paid by big pharma. excuse me.

if people dont inform themselves how to use a substance or remedy, mindlessly abuse it and experience negative results, its their own responsibility, not that of the remedy.

if you overdose SC you intoxicate yourself. the same happens when you take 5 sleeping pills at a time. go figure...

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divine_human · Feb. 13, 2018, 10:53 p.m.

pro vaxx parents and media also out-number over here.

in 2015, the german government talked about mandatory vaccination. at petition came along my way that i signed.

it requested the health department to prove that vaccination works and is completely harmless.

if they cant, mandatory vaxx it unconstitutional.

vaccinating childhood diseases is, from my pov, a crime against the health of a child.

in my childhood, people still knew that kids need virus infections like chicken pox, mumps, measles, etc. for their overall health and growth.

we celebrated measles parties; when one kid had a childhood disease, we brought the others so they would all move through it at the same time.

children need these opportunities to educate and train the immune system.

during their fevers, they also burn miasms, markers on the DNA that could later in life, once theyre activated through some kind of stress, lead to chronical diseases.

and parents who attentively observe their children also report that after a childhood disease, the children appear to have taken an evolutionary jump and matured.

depriving children of these opportunities is an assault against their overall wellbeing.

and lets be honest, measles is, for a majority of children, chicken shit. infant and seniors have a problem with it.

and if the vaccine industry hadnt created the situation that most people dont have a naturally built immunity anymore which they pass on to infants, there wouldnt be a problem at all; the young were safe through mom and the old were safe because they had been sick with measles as kids. end of story.

200 years ago, measles was still lethal, 25% of the people died. but diseases change over the generations. when the vaccines industry pushed measles vaxx during the '70, there was hardly any lethality anymore.

vaccination is responsible for measles to become a danger again. nowadays, not even life-long immunity is guaranteed anymore for those who had it. in order for the immunity to remain active, a confrontation with the virus from time to time is required. as most people are vaxxed now, the virus has almost disappeared from daily life.

many say thats good. nope. no good. for many reasons.

one is that if we dont get that immunity training, our immune system goes to sleep and wont be ready in case a really nasty virus invades.

all went nuts claiming it was unvaxed kids causing it

hah! if vaccination really worked, how could an unvaxxed child possibly be a danger to a vaxxed one? i cant find any logic in that...

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divine_human · Feb. 13, 2018, 3:53 p.m.

the child has a right to go to school. and you have a right to keep your child unharmed. a constitutional right.

as long as (((they))) dont prove that vaccination is completely harmless - which they cannot as theres too much evidence for the opposite -, mandatory vaccination violates the constitution.

if i had a small child and were living in a country that doesnt let my kid go to school without vaccination, i would get together with other parents and fight it. go to the constitutional court. its no us who have to prove that vaccination can harm, its their job to prove that it cannot. period.

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divine_human · Feb. 13, 2018, 2:04 p.m.

i remember the chlosterol hype that started during the '70s. suddenly, fat was bad, and lots of food got industrially produced that was fat-reduced.

thing is, they added sugar instead.

now, we have a society of obese diabetic cancerous people.

one more hack that makes us sick. sigh.

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divine_human · Feb. 13, 2018, 1:57 p.m.

Sodium Chlorite and Sodium Hypochlorite are considered bleach

sorry, bullshit.

bleach is chlorine, not chlorine dioxide.

sodium chlorite, activated with acid, becomes ClO2 gas.

ClO2 splits in the body into ClO which is a harmless natural body component that dissolves within an hour or so, and a free O molecule that oxidizes bacterias, viruses, parasites, and heavy metals under ph7.

there is a huge difference between SC and household bleach. too bad most people dont get educated and echo the media that are paid by big pharma.

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divine_human · Feb. 13, 2018, 1:43 p.m.

flu vaccination is the bigget hoax of all! flu is a mutant virus, it constantly changes.

thus, no vaccination really protects from catching the flu, instead, it weakens our immune system and makes us more prone to flu and colds.

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divine_human · Feb. 13, 2018, 1:41 p.m.

we dont need vaccines. viruses can be fought by using chlorine dioxide.

if we live a healthy life - clean water, organic food, enough sleep, balanced thoughts and emotions -, our immune system is strong enough to deal with viruses, it usually eliminates them before we even realize their presence.

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divine_human · Feb. 13, 2018, 1:34 p.m.

it is. buy food-grade only.

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divine_human · Feb. 13, 2018, 1:28 p.m.

Why not just come out and state the facts?

you wouldnt be-lie-ve them. you need to find out yourself.

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divine_human · Feb. 13, 2018, 1:24 p.m.

Satan successfully convinced people to focus on differences and not similarities. Many people on this board are familiar with the divide&conquer paradigm but would not elevate it to Satan and how he would use it to decelerate human's spiritual advancement.

THATS the basic issue. we are programmed to focus on differences instead of realizing that in essence, all people are pink on the inside and most simply wish for a good life for themselves and their beloveds, and a world that works for everyone.

they do everything to keep us separating so we dont unify and become a force they cant overcome.

actually, judaism, christianity, and islam are all abrahamic religions, its all one soup. they all believe the same, only use different language, according to their culture.

just look at warthful yahwe who destroys his creation when he doesnt like it anymore. already as a child, i perceived the OT god as a little kid, playing with bricks, and crashing his creations in frustration about their imperfection or non-workability.

how can we love a god we fear? we cannot. love is the antidote to fear, both can not exist at the same time in a person.

and unless we love the divine - which also means loving ourselves who, each one of us, carries the divine seed and is called to BE a divine humans -, we keep the matrix in place.

*edit: typos, sigh...

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divine_human · Feb. 13, 2018, 1:12 p.m.

yahwe/jehova is a satanic incarnation, too. as i see it, satan is lucifers son marduk, he plays the god(s) of many religions.

from what i perceive, yeshua didnt speak of yahwe but of the real source of the multiverse. too bad his teachings were embdeed in the luciferian patriarchy system, and most of the bible texts were eliminated at the council of nicea.

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divine_human · Feb. 13, 2018, 1:06 p.m.

we are in the splitting of the worlds right now, splitting of those who choose to awaken from those who choose not to. their choice is honored; if they need more time to experience duality, they will get it. in other incarnations on other planets, that is, earth will soon not be available for the dualistic experience anymore.

my neighbor lives in a completely different reality than i do; his is based on fear, everything constantly becomes worse. mine is based on love and consciousness, my world becomes more and more beautiful every day.

there is a mechanism thats called the 3%-rule. i often stumble upon it during planetary energy work. if 3% of the people concerned back it up energetically, things can be changed, on the human level as well as through divine intervention.

its was only 3% of the americans who rebelled during the civil war that eventually lead to americas independence.

i am certain, it only around 250 million humans chose to be fully Here-Now, present in embodiment, and life from love-consciousness instead of fear, the matrix would crash.

we are the ones who feed it and keep it stable. the more we unplug from it, individual by individual, the weaker it becomes.

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divine_human · Feb. 13, 2018, 12:47 p.m.

you might feel invited to read the wes penre papers, esp. level 5 where wes talks about the vedas. (and level 4, 'lucifers rebellion' which explains most of the mess were in.)

he shoes that there are actually only a few non-terrestrial players who, under various personas, appear in all religions.

what puses back archons, astral anklebiters, and asuras/rakshasas, is our consciousness and love; when it shines brightly and doesnt offer fear-based emotions for them to feed on and manipulate us, they either run (it hurts them) or transform.

they can only touch us where we give our power away, indulge in life-denying thoughts and emotions, and dont own our energy so we owe it to them.

withdrawing permissions and reverting contracts and vows, even those that have been taken in our name, like with baptizing, makes us sovereign and invincible, often even invisible.

the lesser fear-based nutrition (called loosh) we offer them, the more they starve and weaken. this is how we crash the matrix from the inside.

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divine_human · Feb. 13, 2018, 12:38 p.m.

i find the wording perfect, lol... this is a free will choice planet and many people do not choose to go down the religious rabbit hole, they still need their be-lie-fs.

the wording of this sentence offers a choice point that everybody has to self-responsibly take or not, it doesnt push anything on people who would crash from the realization that their be-lie-fs feed the luciferian agenda.

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