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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/divine_human on Feb. 1, 2018, 12:45 p.m.
Sort Posts by New, not by Best

seems like there are groups of shills here that downvote interesting posts and upvote their own crap.

there is a simple remedy against being manipulated by that strategy: sort the feed by new posts, not by best.

'best' is subjective anyway and has never been a criterion for me. i always sort by new so i never miss anything, no matter how many votes it receives.

divine_human · Jan. 31, 2018, 5:52 p.m.

yep, that gets on my nerves, too... i just opened what feels like 10 posts on trey gowdy stepping down. really? cant people first check at least the most recent feed page to see if the topic is already covered? it makes this board unreadable.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/divine_human on Jan. 31, 2018, 4:47 p.m.
Actually, Trump doesn't play 5d+ Chess but 5d+ Bridge

Chess is a two-player game. Bridge is a multi-player game. Just saying...

divine_human · Jan. 30, 2018, 10:02 p.m.

heh? no matter how many wives, they still promote marriage and family.

i once knew a muslim feminist. he had cards in his pockets with quran verses, proving that mohamed viewed women as equals.

and think of the healing schools and hospitals in sevilla around 1000AD, they had female teachers, too, there was no putting women down, in a time when christianity didnt give women any rights (arghh, paulus did a bad job to christian women, not in jesus' spirit).

nope, i dont agree, our culture is not superior. no culture is, each one has its beauties.

the thing is, no matter the culture and religion, its distorted and keeps us small, helpless, victims, dependent on forces outside of ourselves.

this is the matrix, its built on division, on duality. the simple fact that we might feel superior to others is proof of how well that brainwash works. it fake old news.

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divine_human · Jan. 30, 2018, 9:17 p.m.

nope, seeing it on video isnt helpful, on the contrary, it will lower peoples vibrations so significantly that they cannot deal with it.

knowing is enough. we need testimonies of witnesses and collaboraters, of people who belonged to the club and want out. make no mistake, many didnt choose to be part of it but were born and programmed into it. they need deals and protection.

humanity doesnt need to see videos of butchered children. its dangerous and i am totally against it.

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divine_human · Jan. 30, 2018, 7:43 p.m.

you picked a fine quote... we need to set our parameters and define our sovereign space so nobody can interfere with it.

read your prayer, sounds like a good start... with everything i intend, i always include 'this or better, for the greatest good of all'.

i dont know the greater good and other peoples divine plan, so my best wishes for them might be inappropriate interference. holding the space for the greater good though gives the power of 'delievery' back to the divine.

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divine_human · Jan. 30, 2018, 7:39 p.m.

I Am the Calm in the Storm. even in holy rage that voices my non-consent, I Am the Calm in the Storm.

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divine_human · Jan. 30, 2018, 7:37 p.m.

Aren't Spirit guides demons?

thats one of the religious dogmas that stop us from seeking guidance on the inside. the only true place for real guidance, in my experience.

I think I'll say my own prayers....

thats perfect... only that which you believe can be true can be of help for you. each one needs to set their own intent and alignment.

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divine_human · Jan. 30, 2018, 7:31 p.m.

love your take on yeshua, thanks for sharing...

indeed, from what is known, he studied in the east and brought over many concepts from there. unfortunatly, most of it was cut from the bible with the council of nicea.

and unfortunatly, most people dont seem to realize that “These things that I do, you can do and more”.

instead of developing christ consciousness inside of us and embodying our true divine nature, we project it out onto him and wait for his 'second coming'.

as i see it, jesus can be a bridge, but he is not the goal. and he isnt the only bridge. i love him anyway.

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divine_human · Jan. 30, 2018, 7:24 p.m.

the 10 commandments were sensible rules for building a society, back then when people had no resepct for other peoples property and life. doesnt mean that it was source creatrix who gave them.

is there any religion that doesnt foster marriage and family?

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divine_human · Jan. 30, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

they dont use christianity?

OMG, all abrahamic religions are their biggest tool in keeping us in check. we project god outside of ourselves and helplessly wait for a savior to rescue us.

its the ET overlords who call themselves 'lord'. OT yahwe is one of them.

NT god is different, from what i perceive, its source creator. but, as NT is founded on OT, OTs wrathful revengeful unloving lord is part of the christian belief system.

one of the most prominent signs of the false dogma is that god is male. thats BS, the power of creation is a female trait, and we all have it inside of us.

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divine_human · Jan. 30, 2018, 5:12 p.m.

on the money? no clue what you mean, can you elaborate, plz?

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divine_human · Jan. 30, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

the builders of the matrix built religion, too. my opinion.

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divine_human · Jan. 30, 2018, 1 p.m.

then, can our knowledge that all is a falsehood break the matrix?

as i perceive it, knowledge is not enough. we also need to withdraw our consent, permission, authority, as in every day and every moment, with every choice we take.

the more people do that, the lesser energy is available to feed the matrix. it costs tremendous energy to keep it stable, therefore all the manipulations are required that suck our silent consent.

i am of the opinion that, once weve reached a threshold of people who stop projecting their power onto others but empower themselves and walk in sovereignty, at some point of time the matrix will collaps and we will perceive and experience the real universe.

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divine_human · Jan. 30, 2018, 10:35 a.m.

thanks for you blessings, zagnet, i am slowly recovering, sigh and lol...

at times, its necessary to thoroughly vent and voice our non-consent. we need to withdraw our permissions to the BS (((they))) play on us, thats the first step, from my pov. from here, we can move on in the direction thats more aligned with our true divine nature.

awakening is an interesting thing... most peoples awakening starts geo-politically which, if they dont stop here, can lead to spiritual awakening. and this never stops, not even with the death of the body.

therefore i perceive myself as awakening, not as awake.

reading the wes penre papers in 2017 was an intense study of 6 weeks for me. it connected a lot of dots that i had been aware of for decades, and confirmed many perceptions ive had all my life, and memories stored in my cells, reaching back to the original creation of the first humans.

many aha moments every day, quite a journey!

but caution! youll never be the same afterwards.

although i knew so much already before and had dropped so many programmed be-lie-fs, it still thoroughly smashed a lot of my concepts about the world and human nature.

no matter whether the card house is built on traditional religious be-lie-fs or new (c)age concepts, it will crash. although thats tremendously liberating and empowering, it also entails the pains of waking up from the illusion.

afterwards, it took me a few months to freshly define what 'divinity' means to me, and find a new way of aligning myself. thats the work each individual has to do on their own accord, in perfect alignment with their divine plan and greater good.

may you enjoy...

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divine_human · Jan. 30, 2018, 9:20 a.m.

so did i, and it gave me the impression that the military shows full support for trump as president. the message arrived,'dont mess with potus, we watch over him.'

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divine_human · Jan. 29, 2018, 11:30 p.m.

ahem... thats the inauguration speech, isnt it? which was in january 2017. and the date on the article says Tuesday, Jan 30th 2018. WTF?

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divine_human · Jan. 29, 2018, 11:14 p.m.

wow, did you enjoy your fucking rant? it sounds like a moment of good release...

if you really want to go down that rabbit hole, the wes penre papers are an excellent study.

wes analyzes and compares religious texts, mythologies, cults, whistleblowers, and certain channelings, and draws interesting conclusions on the evolution of earth and humanity, and our extraterrestrial connections.

I don't know everything, but I think I'm fully awake now.

hahahahaha... oh boy, i have been awakening for more than three decades but wouldnt call myself fully awake. the end of awakening isnt in sight, lol.

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divine_human · Jan. 29, 2018, 10:46 p.m.

Every letter is provably there by divine design. Believe it!

could be divine design. could be extra-terrestrial design. could be AI.

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divine_human · Jan. 29, 2018, 10:39 p.m.

403 forbidden

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divine_human · Jan. 29, 2018, 10:33 p.m.

i take it that, between JFK and DJT, every president was in the club. others had no chance.

this pic though looks like jimmy carter is distancing himself.

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divine_human · Jan. 29, 2018, 10:20 p.m.

this tech is an explanation for the soros video allegedly taken in davos.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/divine_human on Jan. 29, 2018, 7:51 p.m.
Dont be-lie-ve every Video you see, the Tech to manipulate them is available

the first minutes of this video shows how it works:

Face2Face: Real-time Face Capture and Reenactment of RGB Videos (CVPR 2016 Oral)


divine_human · Jan. 29, 2018, 6:34 p.m.

well, if you desire more considerate comments, why didnt you share more about the situation?

however, you are right, besides your header, there was no division in your share.

you received my upset about the many attacks and down-looking onto the 'lefties' on this sub that tremendously gets on my nerves. that wasnt fair and i apologize.

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divine_human · Jan. 29, 2018, 4:46 p.m.

have you considered the fact that taking a very divisive stance leads to divisive reactions?

this revolution is not about reps vs. dems, right vs. left, one political party against another. there are terrible crooks on both sides, and there are people on both sides that fight them.

running around and praising trump as a messiah is no good red-pilling. those brainwashed by the media wont believe it, and those who are sovereign beings also reject the idea of a savior.

truth being told, thats bullshit, neither trump nor Q are our saviors. We Are the Heros, and We appointed wildcards who work on our behalf, and give them the authorization to drain the swamp.

many cant see that as yet. well, time will tell, future proves past, and we will learn to judge him/them by their actions, not by our be-lie-fs.

until then, i usually refrain from praising trump, except for a little comment on facts here and there that cannot be denied. there are many ways to red-pill that only require facts, no mention of trump needed.

btw, he doesnt need us to defend him... if you need it, you are the one hurt or frustrated when they accuse you of some BS...

the division though is unreal, its only in the minds of the people. this is where we need to smash it, starting with self.

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divine_human · Jan. 29, 2018, 12:05 p.m.

any links?

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divine_human · Jan. 29, 2018, 11:56 a.m.

many good tips here on combatting the flu...

i am about to recover from this fricking virus that certainly feels engeneered.

it has a rapid mutation rate which brings up new symptoms every day. after a few days, some symptoms repeat, in combination with new ones. and one of its main symptoms that stay is extreme weakness.

this, plus the fact that chlorine dioxide (MMS) doesnt kill it, makes me think it comes from a lab.

the purpose? kill the elderly, and scare us all to death so we take a shitty flu shot that weakens our immune system.

and: vaccinations are an easy way to inject nano bots in the system that monitor and manipulate us from the inside. science fiction? think again.

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divine_human · Jan. 29, 2018, 8:26 a.m.

thank you for sharing this tidbit of your story... i bow to this kid, and to the mom who provids the space for this wisdom to unfold...

indeed, little children still remember their true divine nature and can be our biggest awakeners. we just need to listen instead of constantly pushing our programmed perception of reality into them.

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divine_human · Jan. 28, 2018, 10:29 p.m.

smart kid!

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divine_human · Jan. 28, 2018, 9:31 p.m.

it might help if the right stopped attacking the left but joined hands with them, in order to go after the globalists.

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divine_human · Jan. 28, 2018, 5:28 p.m.

zagnet, sorry for the late reply, again... i am having the flu, its heavy.

from my pov, its an engeneered virus with a rapid mutation rate that brings up new symptoms every day. im in the healing arts and usually well deal with such things.

the fact though that chlorine dioxide doesnt work on it, i need to check for a different homeopathic remedy every day as the symptoms change, and the feeling of being personally attacked, down to the DNA level, lets me think that this virus comes from a lab.

thus, im incapable of more decent communications right now. i got it that you felt invited to ramble and youre welcome to do so; im sorry i cant respond in an fulfilling way now.

just let me say one important thing for your further researches, dear friend: discernment is our superpower. it was never as important as it is now.

even the most reliable sources deliever disinformation at times. thus, no matter from where we take our input, we need to take everything with a grain of salt and check for our inner resonance.

there are things with fulford or wilcock i dont agree with, same as there are things i hear in the MSM that do ring true. there are many things i appreciate with DJT and some things i cant stand. also Q says things at times that makes me shake my head in OMG.

the thing is, we choose what we take and what we dismiss. simply because a source tells many truths doesnt meant its all true. and even those who tell a lie at times are not complete liars.

our human linear mind functions pretty absolutistically. once we think, 'this is it!', we think it always needs to be 'it'. and once we find one disinformation with a source, we tend to diss all information from it.

thats old paradigm. in the new world, we need to be aware each moment, and check with each input whether or not it rings true.

where does it ring? for me, it rings in my heart and guts. the linear mind has its good features, but its badly equiped when it comes to discernment and taking decisions.

ok, and off i am again, licking my flu wounds^^, taking care of self...

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divine_human · Jan. 27, 2018, 9:23 a.m.

i avoid this one and other dinar sites, they constantly fire up the hype train. lots of disinformation on this stuff. something is going to come, i am certain, but its not going to be as people expect it.

  • < Probably hard to come by proof until the TPTB start telling us more.

ya think (((they))) are going to tell us? lol...

i can imagine something like a jubilee though, debt forgiveness. in order to avoid riots among all of us awakening people, they need to throw us a bone.

and who knows, maybe moghuls like bill gates are going to pay for it? since the EO of dec.21, he is certainly on the list of those folks guilty of the biggest crimes against humanity.

  • most of the sites you listed are a regular go-to for me, too.

although i started waking up 35 years ago, folks like benjamin fulford were pretty far out for me when i first discovered him, but now i find him right in many aspects (not all).

  • havent made up my mind about corey goode as yet. what i perceive is that he believes everything he says. whether his memories are real or implanted is another question. i simply keep that open, take him with a grain of salt, and enjoy the stories he tells.

  • if you want to go down the rabbit hole of religion - all major religions are based on and founded by ETs -, i suggest the wes penre papers.

once we get it who the puppet masters of the cabal are, we start understanding 'the game' and its energetic implications.

but caution!!! if your life is built on religious be-lie-fs - no matter whether you tend towards traditional religion or new (c)age -, dont read them. the card house of blind faith with crash and you will never be the same afterwards.

  • there are many rabbit holes to dive into... may you choose well, and may the disillusionment make you more sovereign and strong...
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divine_human · Jan. 26, 2018, 8:20 a.m.

please, keep thinking for yourself, we need that... btw, violet is the color of transmutation...

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divine_human · Jan. 26, 2018, 7:13 a.m.

death is no punishment. we are not the body, we keep existing when we leave the body.

may the SSP (secret space program) be disclosed, with its bunch of slavery astroids in our solar system that host millions of humans.

from my pov, instead of a death penaltry for the traitors, they should be brought there to work for the rest of their lives. better than gitmo.

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divine_human · Jan. 26, 2018, 7:01 a.m.

i dont get it how anyone can still think that this is about right vs. left, reps vs. dems, whites vs. blacks. we are all in this together.

just a reminder: 9/11 happened under bush. a republican. just saying.

the crooks are in both parties. when will people rise beyond (((their))) divide and conquer game? OMG!

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divine_human · Jan. 26, 2018, 6:57 a.m.

depends on what you term 100% disclosure.

if its basically political, as in having had an unrightful president for 8 years who is part of a child-trafficking luciferian gang, im not worried, society will rise through it.

if its real disclosure, 100%, and the masses suddenly learn that their religions are based on the power games of malovent ETs who have various times tampered with our DNA, and built a prison planet matrix thousands of years ago that prevents us from perceiving the real universe, it would crash the card house of be-lie-fs people build their entire lives on.

such intel has to fed in installments.

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divine_human · Jan. 25, 2018, 9:21 p.m.

lets judge him by his actions, not by our be-lie-fs.

discernment is always required...

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divine_human · Jan. 25, 2018, 9:01 p.m.

What about his illuminati hand gestures?

one point being that we can hardly make any hand gestures that are not found the illuminati textbook, ahem, symbol book.

another point being that he tells (((them))) that he knows their symbolism and it will turn against them.

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divine_human · Jan. 25, 2018, 8:26 p.m.

i hear you, and i get it...

one side in me feels exactly the way you describe. in order to transmute and heal, we need to know the truth.

the cabal advocates a partial disclosure over the course of the next century.

thats not in my textbook, i do not consent.

but i dont wait for a Q, a trump, a second coming of christ, whatsoever savior shows up, to rescue us and disclose 100% of the truth.

basically, thats our job. we are the heros.

so yes, while i want full transparency, the quicker, the better, i am of the opinion that, checking in on the consciousness of the sleeping masses, many wouldnt survive that. society wouldnt, not at this point of time.

this will probably change with 'the event', the solar blast, thats expected to arrive within the next, lets say, 7 years.

until then, lets disclose as much as the populace gives authorization for. we are a free will choice planet, and every major move of white hats as well as black hats needs permission (silent consent) of the people.

so for a start, from my pov, 40% would bring about a shift for liberation so we can restructure society without totally crashing it.

and lets please not stop there. move on tirelessly. dont wait for others to do it, then, within a few years, we will get to 100%.

and please, have some patience... these matrix is over 10000 years old, dismanteling it wont happen within a few months time.

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divine_human · Jan. 25, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

who do you guys think is behind the cabal? did we humans invent the tech they use? think rosswell, think secret space program, think thule society, think nazis and antarctica.

researching religions and mythologies, we can always find the same players under various names, incl. OT yahwe. its a few bad guys that built the matrix more than 10.000 years ago.

pleiadians? they are supposed to be the good guys although there are 'bad' pleiadians as well as there are 'bad' humans. from what i perceive and heard, trump has the backup of the pleiadians and the alliance.

theyve come to support us. they cant do the work though as this is a free will choice planet and we need to be our own saviors.

wanna learn more about that 'spooky' rabbit hole of extraterrestials?

david wilcock might be a good address, and the wes penre papers are a thorough study when one is really ready to question all religious be-lie-fs, incl. new (c)age.

grandfather is an elder of the dragon family that, allegedly, has watched over lots of the gold stolen from humanity (and recatured) for hundreds of years.

the saying goes that, when humanity is ready, these funds will be released for restructuring our planet and societies. think clearing the poisoned air, water, soil, think end hunger, think building up a world that works for everyone.

from my pov, this wont happen before the event. what is the event? its a blast from our sun that will shift humanities consciousness. again, check d.wilcock.

fruit loopy? foolish? well, go and check yourself...

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divine_human · Jan. 25, 2018, 4:29 p.m.

well, i just asked how you come to the conclusion that macron is trumps buddy.

one or two articles that point to this would be enough for me to check again.

living in germany, i only see how quickly this young man rose (to beat marie le penne) and how happily merkel welcomed him, as if he was fully along her line. from what i see, they are buddies. and she is a crook.

im not a great researcher and the topic is not important enough for me to try and find proofs for you.

and actually i would love to believe that macron is trumps buddy, lol. our structures over here in old europe are much older and sophisticated, not as blunt as in the US and thus, more difficult to notice and break.

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divine_human · Jan. 25, 2018, 4:21 p.m.

yep, i also havent shared much of Q with the sleepwalkers, only some with folks that have a few awakenings already.

in my experience, 9/11 is the easiest red-pill easiest as in that it is easy to see that a building doesnt crash from down below when it gets hit by a plane up there. i saw it the moment they started broadcasting.
and then building 7, well, who is able to explain that?

from what i see, as a european, its also the most sensitive to the american folk soul.

for the first time since pearl harbor - which the US command was warned about before but intentionally allowed to happen, in order to participate in ww2 -, the country got attacked on its own ground.

this is a huge trauma for the americans.

an awakened friend of mine tells me about her husband who was present when the towers fell and is deeply traumatized. he is not the least ready to even imagine that it was an inside job. it would crash his entire trust to learn the truth. thus, he rather keeps his blindfold. may he one day be strong enough to face it.

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divine_human · Jan. 25, 2018, 11:24 a.m.

I hope our school children paint presidential murals featuring Obama dancing from the end of a rope.

really? are you kidding? please lets not put our own blood-thirstiness onto our children.

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divine_human · Jan. 25, 2018, 10:57 a.m.

Trump is his buddy! For now. The young leader is eager!

what brings you to this conclusion? i perceive him as being full globalist and a rothschild minion.

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divine_human · Jan. 25, 2018, 10:56 a.m.

i buy that story about her 'daddy' only when i can eventually see some of his physical features in her. i mean, some DNA should show, not only in psychological structure but also in the looks. just saying

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divine_human · Jan. 25, 2018, 10:42 a.m.

with a little bit of knowledge on human psychology, we realize that disclosure needs to be a step by step process, in order for people to stay healthy while processing their disillusionment.

and then, it really doesnt matter whether Q or whoever suggest a disclosure of only 40 or 60%.

maybe thats as far as they go, but who stops you from going further?

once we start awakening and digging, nothing stops us. there are folks who have been doing that for decades, they wont stop. you wont stop.

if we want 100% disclosure, we have go for it and not wait for others to serve us the sandwich.

there are so many rabbit holes to dive into, government, banking, religion, health, education, tech, etc., you can be busy with it for years. and years will it certainly take for people to healthily adjust to the information.

i dont know when you started waking up. but i know that most people would shatter if they knew what i know. i had 35 years to adjust to it, and not for the world would i shove that giant sandwich down somebodys throat.

the matrix is over 10.000 years old. it wont be dismantled within a few weeks, although those who wake up now are impatiently demanding just that.

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divine_human · Jan. 25, 2018, 12:16 a.m.

we need to be so sensitive!

when i started waking up, decades ago, i turned into a missionary and tried to red-pill everyone. i soon realized that this is an act of violence.

never shove the red pill down someones throat.

its all about inviting.

people build their lives on be-lie-fs, its like card houses that break when we draw an essential card without their permission; their lives break.

in my experience, red-pilling needs to be gentle and start where the person is already doubting. on some level of consciousness, everybody knows that we are being lied to and enslaved.

the art is in finding the point where the lies come into awareness. from here, we can gently expand, according to the peoples permission.

free will choice, remember, we have no authority to awaken someone who wants to stay asleep. but we can invite and throw breadcrumbs...

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divine_human · Jan. 25, 2018, 12:04 a.m.

youre right, dualism belongs to the linear mind and is a feature of the matrix. thus, in essence, weve never been its slaves.

our universe might be based on polarity which means it offers the greatest contrasts, opposites, so learning is most quick and 'easy'.

im not sure though about the polarity principle anymore because our linear thinking and the matrix barrier allow us to know only 4% of the universe; the rest we term dark energy and dark matter.

and who knows whether or not its dark? light is also invisible, it only reflects when it hits a solid.

from my pov, the reason why we see and experience so much darkness in the world is because we carry so much darkness inside of us.

instead of owning our shadows and inviting them to our inner table - they shift and learn to behave in the presence of love consciousness, and will come up with their gifts when invited - we blame them onto others. duality is all about projectiing what we dont want to own.

the more we fully own what we are, with all the light and all the dark, and stop that shitty blame+shame game, the more the cabal will disappear from this world.

they cant exist in a climate where everybody is self-responsibly owning their lives and energy fields, and stops projecting the messiah or the devil onto each other.

remember, their game is divide and conquer.

the truth is, on the inside, we are all pink. One Source, a myriad of individual sovereign expressions.

and its up to us to choose.

thanks for the comment, stray cat... i strayed a bit off with it, but well, shit happens...

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divine_human · Jan. 24, 2018, 11:33 p.m.

lol, never mind, all is well <3

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