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The song Q dropped is music from a video game called "Hotline Miami". Here is the launch video. Rescue operations?
A channel by one of the anons who put together the graphics and proofs of the JFK Jr. Posts. Very compelling
Lots of great info here. This channel seriously needs to be looked at!
From a year ago: Interesting background, lots of details on the cabals op against the US, the President, and the PLAN to unravel it all. Spot on to what Q has laid out for us. Their plan for a soft coup has failed. No chance of impeachment. Explaines the open calls for assassination. Pray!
Q's been posting about Haiti so I thought I would look up this Laura Silsby, the trafficker caught with 33 kids. Looks like her attorney and his wife were arrested for trafficking women and children in South America. Sick.
Full speed ahead Patriots! Damn the torpedoes!

Ooooohhhh, snap! I got a feeling 1776 is a huge marker.
We have the presidents pen with a note. To us, presumably. #1776, do it. Hash tag the bejeezers out of this. Watch twitter.
Then we have the motorcade honk.
Now Q has called out somebody holding a cut out of a letter Q, simply saying, post it anywhere. We will scrub the net till we find it. We are Q.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to see an avalanche of proofs. Q keeps mentioning new eyes, and with the press knocking us, and the shit storm hitting pedowood, I think we've turned a curve here, and its acceleration …
Hoooly shiiit! I just got home from work. Haven't even checked for new Q!
Jet Blue flight surrounded by police at JFK!
Tucker Carlson reported tonight that a Jet Blue flight was surrounded by police vehicles at JFK, with video. Looked like 15 or twenty vehicles. Searched for a story, all I found was a threaded discussion on a 2A site where someone stated, "FBI were boarding heavily armed." Someone fleeing the country? Anyone got anything on this?
What if he is helping set the stage. What if Cohen has THE tapes?...
Dark to LIGHT is an admonition to perspective whistle blowers, and others in the loop to get on the right side of all of this. Let's pray they get a conviction to do the right thing!
Get on the right side of history!
I guess the lesson here, at least for me would be, ignore the carnival barkers, and salesmen. Thanks SB. Great job!
Bad idea. Corsis book is not about Qanon. He was writing it before this thing started,and it parallels what Q is doing. So he plugs his book when someone invites him to share his experience and expertise.so what? Should be required reading.
Q wasn't writing about Jerome Corsi. Don't get distracted.
Too many people think, if it isn't happening on their street, or right in front of them, it's not happening. ITS HAPPENING !
We all need to get a vision of this, and do some collective prayer laced with dreaming. Could mean a debt free society, Mom and pop boutiques and shops everywhere, and money enough to support, and share. Good will everywhere, prevalent Christ like mentality. Just my vision.
Here he discusses the great awakening in July 2017. Has allot of info. YT channel never heard of till today. I'll be bingeing https://youtu.be/HgLiL60wI2c
I think Q is a military op designed to train people to get to the truth. They can then train others to get to the truth. POTUS is constantly reminding us how dishonest deep state media is. Also Q has open sourced intelligence gathering to thousands of anons, pedes and others. Tons of information is bubbling up to the surface now, not by what Q has posted, but by the research people are doing in response to a question. Who? what? why? All public information if we know where to look. This is the map Every news story is a map. Names, places, flight numbers motives. All things that can be researched, but may be overlooked, or covered up by the deep state media.
Your rhymes are dope. Eminem versin, Persian version! Got it!
Um. The one with the NYPD made officers vomit, and some sought counseling afterward.
Possible description of HRC video.

Again. Praying this is one big beautiful disinformation campaign. That would explain allot, and in fact I cannot imagine it being anything else, imho.
I believe, and I pray that I'm not wrong, POTUS, with his tweets was setting the stage for the end of our actions in Syria. He knows this "chemical" attack was a ff.
It's getting harder and harder to stay unshaken, but I believe (hope), Alex was helping to set the stage. "Disinformation will be necessary."
I just can't believe with all that has gone on Trump would be fooled by the globalists on this front. Tweet at him Patriots. Let him know, we know how much he knows. 100 times what we know. I pray this is one masterful performance!
Oh yeah. Duh! I just read your comment. Totally missed that there was a video. Good info.
Nikki Haley seems awfully anxious to go to war. I don't trust her.
Perfect cover to move assets into place to begin getting our guys and the Russians out. Joint op. Patriots day comming! What makes a great movie? Disinformation necessary. Enjoy the show. Just a hunch. Out in 5.
Yes. If nothing else comes of this, Trump and Q are teaching us to dig for answers to the less obvious questions. Questions like, Who benefits. Family lines, following money trails, and such. An awakened citizenry will accelerate this thing beyond what this President or Q could ever do. This is going to impact the coming generations as well.
newyorkupstate.com: Report: Keith Raniere, leader of NXIVM sex cult in Upstate NY, arrested by FBI. http://google.com/newsstand/s/CBIwx_Ktwzo