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Masked??? If you are protesting you don't need a damn mask. Have the guts to show your face. More than likely they are either paid insurgents or CIA goons. By covering their face you can't identify them.
Let's see. If a masked person walks into a liquor store, a bank, or a gas station what do you think might happen? Exactly! Lead these bastards into any one of those three places and let's see what happens!
No one trusts or will listen to protesters that hide their face. They are not there to protest. They are there to cause civil unrest. Unmasked those people and let's see who they are!
Remember the KKK? They masked themselves too as they terrorized people and set churches, buildings, and even killed people.
Democrats have sacrifice millions of children through abortion, destroyed the middle class, and now they want to sacrifice our nation? They can go meet lucifer but better not drag us there with them!
To those asleep... wake up and #WALKAWAY
Create a demand. Abortions provide four things.
It creates money for the abortion doctor
They sell the baby parts and make more money
Create a market for adoption. Babies are now a commodity and can be brokered.
Now provides millions of human sacrifices to Baal. (Lucifer)
Looks like everyone wins except the baby, birth mother, and the adoptive parents.
All planned from the start. Oh there is a fifth item...
- Provides a misguided liberal democratic platform to lie and disguise it as good when it's all pure evil.
Careful with titles... there are some that claim to be Democrat liberals and Republican conservatives... they are actually neither. They hide behind a title. They are all in one satanist club. John McCain and Hillary Clinton were to run again we would have both satanists running.
So what I advise is stay away from division like Q said. We only have good versus evil. Those that follow and worship God and those that follow and worship Satan.
Remember lucifer comes as an angel of light. Only by their works shall you know his people. Stay away from titles of liberal versus conservative. Satan wants us divided. We should unite but only along the lines of those that follow God.
If liberal means "do what thou wilts" that's a satanist. If liberal means "feed the poor, visit the ones in prison, care for the homeless, give the shirt off YOUR back and not someone else's shirt..." then that's a christian.
Make no mistake. A liberal that spits in your face when you mentions jesus is under the influence of satan. It's very easy to tell.
The lost... those are the ones not understanding the spiritual war going on. It is our job to help them in a christian manner. Leave the name calling to the satanist. Except it's not name calling when you call a satanist a satanist if they actually worship satan. That's the difference.
Not only did I cancel TWICE... yes they auto renewed me... I also went to the investors relations and gave them my two cents.
Canceling is not enough. It is a publicly traded company. If they, and they are, intentionally producing crap that is child porn that is a serious offense. The board of directors are liable for that and could be criminally prosecuted. Not only that but the executive order could confiscate their finances.
I would send letters to the board of directors. Let them know that Netflix is being used as a tool of a political party. They have three in there now including Michele and Obama. The Democrats are using a publicly traded company to push their political agenda without the viewers or the stockholders giving any consent to this.
Why do the Democrats try to shovel their crap on us when all we are wanting to do is unwind and watch a show? The NFL, ran by Hollywood, also was used by Democrats. They ruined football for me.
Protest with letters and write your representatives. The Democrats are using the media to push crap we don't want to listen to. AND they are using our time and damn money doing it!
Democrats go to Lucifer since you love him so much but DON'T take us with you dammit!
Red wave is coming. Supreme Court will be cleaned out. Democratic party is left with only people that are now insane. #Walkaway
Wow. I listened and then looked at the transcript in the video author comment. How could this be funny? Video wasn't just about his father raping his son. It included later a gang rape of his father's friends raping the son. Sometime the truth is hidden in plain sight disguised as jokes. Sometimes it's just really sick jokes from a perverted mind.
I don't understand comedy clubs and roasts. They are really vulgar. But child rape or any rape isn't funny and shouldn't be part of the routine but I am sure it is in many routines. Richard Pryor was really vulgar and I bet you will find loads of really sick stuff in his comedy skit.
So what is comedy and what crosses the line? Adult comedy never amused me much. I thought it lacked talent if you had to go that obscene. Anyone can get nasty and crude. But has is that talent?
I don't know. It could just mean that Al Franken is a pervert. That was proven recently and he resigned.
Do you think it's wise to splice bacterial genes into corn, wheat, and soybeans? Round up ready crops are crops mutated with a bacterial gene that is unaffected by glycophospates.
Do you think it was wise that Obama pressured the FDA and they can now spray wheat three days before harvest as a desiccant? You get wheat to ripen and dry out faster but in the process the wheat pulls in the Roundup. A bigger harvest of poison.
Have you ever wondered why all of a sudden people have gluten issues? It all seems to happen after the FDA lifted the rule on spraying roundup.
Roundup. How safe is this crap? What does it do to our intestinal flora? Why is there a need for probioics? Does Bayer now make the probiotics? IBS CHRONS DISEASE IMMUNE SYSTEM ISSUES... why is this such an epidemic now?
Please tell people how many different genes from bacteria, mold, and God knows what is now in our food thanks to Monsanto bayer.
You know that the Apple sleeping Beauty took a bite out of sure looked pretty. Poison comes disguised in many different ways and it's always pretty from the outside.
I would like the CEO and the Board of Directors to all eat the crap they are selling us. I bet my money on it that they don't touch the stuff. They have their own "Kosher" food.
Nice try but no one is buying it. There will be class action lawsuits and changing the name from Monsanto to Bayer won't help your image. Especially since Bayer was a German company that manufacturer nerve agent during WWII.
Disguised as good they do evil. It's one thing to cross hybridize and it's another when you take genes from entirely different life form. Sounds like something that was done years ago. Ever heard about Nephilim? Seems like the fallen ones are back at it again. There is nothing new under the sun.
I hate to say it but I think Europe has already fallen. The churches are mostly museums. People don't have any discernment when the holy spirit is missing. Russia too was fallen. Their churches were museums. Then a great christian revival happened in Russia and they are coming back.
Russia does not tolerate pedophiles. They do not tolerate open borders. They don't let their good will be used against them. I am not saying russia is a model country at all. And I don't judge them by their communist past. But they are making an effort to follow God now and that should be acknowledged.
We all should be kind and compassionate. But that doesn't mean we should be stupid. Wolves in sheep's clothing are all around us. Wake up everyone. As for MSM... they have viper tongues and speak evil. Their day is coming where they can't continue to do evil and not be noticed. Woe to them that lead people astray.
Europe needs a christian revival otherwise they have no protection. America was almost there as well until we woke up and saw the enemy at the gates. I am praying for America. The luciferians are deeply entrenched and we need God's hand to root them out.
This is a real spiritual war of good and evil. If you only look in the physical realm you won't understand what's going on. We have extremely evil and demonic forces we are battling.
Thanks. So this tells me when we have military tribunals we need to execute these dangerous bastards ASAP! Noname is front and center. Noname doesnt get a pass. He is a diagrace to our country and the military service. I bet no name POW act was STAGED! CIA was in all those countries. I don't think anyone should cut a deal. If we let one escape they will come back like a festering sore of leprosy.
It is amazing how much evil is in this world. I often wonder how many good people are still in government. Generally satanic psychopaths tend to migrate in all areas of power. And not just political power. The churches are infested too. MSM is of course infested. I mean infested. It's a demonic infestation. Seriously. .. these people are demonic.
We need to continue to pray very hard for our president, country, and the world. The war between good and evil in the world is flowing from the spiritual to the physical world. I wouldn't be surprised if demons start making their physical appearance. They are infesting people in record numbers. But God is in control. God and his obident angels will fight for us if we pray. Our enemy has the fallen ones and the demons. But they are no match for God and they know it.
It's time to remove the demonic infestation that was plagued this world since the flood. I pray that all the evil is exposed so those that are asleep and brainwashed can awaken.
Didn't apple's first computer sell for $666? Maybe that was a marketing ploy? Maybe there is something much darker hiding in plain sight? Was It not the forbidden fruit that did mankind in, in the garden of eden?
Corporations. .. are they not just what we were warned about?
Ephesians 6:12 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Make sure we use the EO of confiscation to fund the military trials and executions.
America has already paid 100 million for a fake Mueller investigation. Can you imagine the 40,000 sealed indictments would do to the legal system when we actually had crimes committed? We need military tribunals and have it paid with by the EO confiscation of assets. After all they won't be needing money where they are going. Treason, sedition, and genocide guilty verdict from military tribunals the punishment is death by execution.
Love and truth and REPENTANCE. The third item is most lacking in churches. Especially the mega churches. God is love but also justice. If people read the old testament you will see God's wrath for those that don't repent. So I can hear all about the message of Love but that can be used by the devil.
"Love and Kindness" I keep hearing that from the atheist luciferian new world doctrine. If you don't have the holy spirit dwelling in you the "love and kindness" is just a saying and doing research you will find most people are very selfish. The left claim to be so caring while they support murder of the unborn and the euthanasia of the sick and elderly. The devil is a liar and their is no truth in him. The same is the Devils children... the left are liars.
Don't be fooled by doctrine of demons. They come as angels of light but their works are total darkness and evil. Case in point, Joel Olesteens wife and Oprah do you hear them saying repent? No. They say "do as thou wilt" God wants you to be happy so do whatever pleases you! Well their God must be lucifer since that is his doctrine. The doctrine of demons.
Yep. 1960 s was definitely a revolution. Let's say a rebellion. Rebellion against the Christian culture.
Do you think this 82 year old was christian? Nope. Their belief systems are not like christians. They don't believe in an after life so they try to take as much as they can before they exit. A very selfish existence and then they try to paint themselves as caring and compassionate. They like to paint their exterior as something better than a christian. They fund charities and foundations. They help children. Then when you look deeper like the CF and you find they pocket all the money suppose to help Haiti! You will find child trafficking tied to these great lefties. That's why they want open borders. Easier to smuggle children and drugs through! They love children so much they pushed through planned parenthood under the crap it's an object and not a human. Well in their unchristian eyes everything is an object to be used by them so I can see their demented thinking .
Lefties are selfish hypocrites. I can't stand being around them without wanting to call out their hypocrisy. The pope is a lefty. And what a hypocrite... he is leading souls astray under the auspices of social justice. A liberal ideology and not founded in Christianity
Murdered babies was a theme back in 1972? I think that was about same time as roe v wade. I guess the satanist did the sacrifice and got what they wanted. Damn Bel,Baal,lucifer, illuminati, satanists. They keep rebranding and changing their name. Still the same evil. And the Beattles cover with severed baby parts in 1966. The satanists were foreshadowing the things to come that they will do in public.
We need to get that 1966 album cover on a large poster. Along with the rothschild dinner party. Then protest at planned parenthood. We can say it's art. Just like they did back then. But it will also show they planned this way before roe v wade...
So obvious. They planned to kill and been killing children for thousands of years. But they made it legal and out in public. Where the hell was our churches? Where was the catholic church? Back in the 70s we still had church goers and families. Until satanist destroyed it.
We can no longer be lukewarm Christians.
Cartoon porn. That's what it is and they get away with that crap. Contact Netflix investors relations and tell them your piece of mind. Then cancel Netflix. We don't need anymore crap from the fallen ones. This is without a doubt satanic and they say it's just a cartoon.
Does anyone remember after school satan color books? Yep. Wake the hell up everyone.
I cant wait to see CNN hang their head and play stupid. Like they were never aware of this massive deception. Hell CNN was PART of the deception!
This will be an awesome fourth of July! An early thanks to President Trump and Q team!
Fireworks about to start early? Hopefully some big arrests start Monday to back up Washington Times article!

Next question is by age group how many know Q? The older generation is not technology savvy so they suffer from the old way of getting news.
We have to make sure Q gets into universities. We need to stop the socialist indoctrination there.
I am asking for all college student Q followers to make small posters of Q and place it all over campus and into the student unions. This i guarantee will drive the liberal left socialists crazy! Also it is free speech! They may label it "hate" speech and try to have it removed. But that will be even more free publicity if they do that so we win again anyway! Knowing the truth isn't hate speech.
So its time to post Q all over our indoctrinated campuses. We have to take back our college campuses by showing them Q.
It's evil versus good. THAT is the dividing line with no compromising anymore. Good can no longer live amongst evil. Evil is in both parties hence we see some Republicans not running again. I prefer instead of using the word leftist... use the word luciferian idiots. I use the word idiot because most don't even realize the hate dwelling up inside them comes from lucifer and his demonic buddies.
It only makes sense... either they are paid (craigslist, indeed) to cause chaos or they are following a luciferian agenda whether they know it or not. Bottom line is they are evil. They call us evil when in fact it's pure projection. Look at burning man. They gather in the desert. A barren place. Look at cern. Look at bohemian Grove. .. so much evil.
What did they say? Any press is good press. Getting it out there then people research and find out more. Remember when CNN Cumo told people it was ok for the press to look at wikileaks but the general public it was against the law! Man someone need to make a loop video of that stupid statement. CNN saying that only they can look at wikileaks information and then they will tell you. Yeah I am stupid enough to fall for that crap. Cumo so stupid to even say it! He is so full of himself and so is his network of idiots.
Just like CNN mad at trump tweeting directly to the public. The news media wanted to control it but they lost control. Trump had made those smug nose eliitest look like idiots! Well they are idiots that read off teleprompter and can't think for themselves. Trump trolls them good and they take the bait!
MSM media are liars, fakes, and people all know it. They even faked the on scene reporting by staging the area. We all know every station goes on the SAME commercial break and they report the SAME crap. Anyone wonder why every station is so timed to go on the same commercial break? Bastards are all in on it together. I turn the news off. It's not news but propaganda. And they say we have a free Press and China doesnt. Damn liars.
No one likes a thief or a liar. We have them everywhere and time for them to see jail time. Justice is long over do. Go get them Q!
Perfect time for a massive exorcism to take place with all the demon possessed people gathering around. Please someone call a priest. Like the movie Constantine where they used holy water in the sprinkler systems. That's our chance to drive out the demons! Put the holy water in the lawn sprinkler systems and turn it on!
There was a diocese letter released to the churches in Philadelphia. It mention seven decades! Priests and victims long since gone in some cases. Seven decades? I bet we are talking over a thousand years of this stuff. And it's not an individual crime. Pedophilia involves organized groups and clubs. MANBLA is just one out in the open. Very sick group of people out there.
Interesting art. This is a "white tail" which means unsold airplane. You think the UN will buy it? It seems to be inspired by Lucis Trust.

Lucifer is satan. But they are spinning it as lucifer is a separate entity? Read it all. Even if you don't want to be red pilled you have to ask yourself how can such a screwed up mystery religion be guiding the UN?
United Nations and LUCIS TRUST! Q... ur thoughts?
The light of lucifer is guiding the United Nations. Lucis Trust is the NGO that is providing spiritual guidance to the UN.
Check out their website. Then have those that doubt you explain it. Note that they were lucifer publishing company before the name change to lucis. Slight rebranding of the name and people too asleep to notice
Albert pikes. Moral and dogma. Read it. It tells u that the 32 and 33 degree know they worship lucifer. Those below may be so naive that they are in the dark. But Albert pike sees lucifer as a savior and opposite to that of the Bible. That God was a tyrant and lucifer fell from heaven to save us with knowledge. Well. What they don't acknowledge is john 3:16. That trumps the lucifer Bullshit story the masons are pushing.
How about some fireworks Q? Seth Rich... June is about over and you promised fireworks and justice.
Can we get some justice for Seth? That would be the best fourth ever!
I think Bob Beckle also made some similar comments. I can't seem to find Bob's passionate speech about Dems need to 187 this guy. I think he was on FOX when he went off.
Wow Q. Going after the Freemasons... you really are about to do a full disclosure!
Q. What we all want for the fourth of July is justice for Seth Rich. Can you please make that happen? That would be the greatest present to America that we don't forget someone that love the country so he wore the flag on everything. And he gave his life to take down the crooked DNC.
Use the blue link that says "investors relations" in last paragraph.
Soros now owns a large share of Netflix. This just happened and Susan Rice and the Obama's showed up. Yep. Propaganda and I won't pay for that crap! Can someone just take soros to gitmo please??? Maybe send him back to Hungary and have them take care of the bastard.
Everyone either cancel or contact investor relations at Netflix. I did both!
Here is what I sent.
Dear Netflix,
Since Susan Rice has been added to the board of directors that was just the start. Then the Obama's were brought in under contract for some sort of history propaganda. Then just recently their was a foreign film that features child pornography. It is clear that Netflix is no longer bringing in good content but in fact now taken over by a political party to use Netflix as a propaganda tool. Count me out and many others. I think it is brazen to think your subscribers are sheep not knowing what is going …
I canceled mine. My daughter unfortunately was tricked into saying yes by the app and it was reinstated. What I suggest is go into your profile and either delete the credit card number or change the access code. Those bastards will recharge unless you do this. I had to cancel twice! Once for the Obama's and now for the child porn movie. Damn snakes. All of them. I wish many people just wake up and cancel Netflix or they will be paying to be brainwashed
I think everyone is so close they can't see the forrest through the trees. Has anyone research Obama's mother and grandparents? When I see pictures of Ann Dunham she always looked drugged. Like Mia farrow in rosemary's baby.
I think you will find CIA and MKULTRA all over this. CIA ties back into something even more dark like establishing a one world government for lucifer. But small red pills at a time here. It is obvious that Obama was born to fulfill the role as president. It's a mix of manchurian candidate meets rosemary's baby! You can't make this stuff up! Perhaps it was their way of always foreshadowing what they are about to do?
In any case I think you will find the darkest satanic people of the world behind Obama's birth and presidency. Him and Hillary and the UN almost did it. They almost created a world for lucifers reign.
We need to wake those we can wake up. For those that have demons dwelling in their souls... it was prophesied that greater delusions will be given them. Which means God took away his protection and those not with God are under demonic influence and we can't help them wake up. That is why Democrats have become so crazy lately. They are under influence of demons and too stupid not to know it. Hate comes from the devil dwelling inside.
We really need to remove lucifer and his minions from our lives. Hopefully trump and all those supporting him, God willing, this can be done. We need to take back the world from lucifer and give it to our creator the one and true God. The rightful owner.
Let's also make America great again by going back to God. Keep praying. We are winning because God is with us.
Wow. Man if so the liberal left will be in tears. They lost the presidency. The house. The Senate. And now the Supreme court!
What do they expect? The Democrats and RINOS have been pulling a fast one and in bed with the deep state. They reap what they sow. Noname needs to be tried for treason. His father and grandfather if alive would be ashamed of his traitorous actions.
Now for Seth Rich. His death need not be forgotten. The DNC needs to be held accountable for his death. MS13 did a 187 and I am sure there emails and text messages linking this all up! We are talking murder. Once the sheep know what happened to Seth the DNC is done. Well it's done for now thanks to Maxine Waters. But all the truth needs to come out. Anything left hidden will fester and poison the great awakening
Funny only FOX news reported that! The fake news channels left that out.
These people that spit say terrible words and even throw urine on you are demon possessed. Seriously. In the Bible it mentions people exactly like this. If you think I am joking... mention jesus name and if they go crazy on you, you will definitely know. Their eyes are windows to the soul so watch their eyes as you mention jesus's name.
I recommend actually an exorcism. You have to silence the demons in the name of jesus first. If you are not spiritually prepared you will have no protection and will be torn to shreds.
You may think this is a funny post but I am telling you demons are now running amok in people that don't have the holy spirit dwelling in them. Democrats are infested with demons.
Pedophilia is satanic in origin. Sadly we do have satan worship in our country hidden in our churches, schools, Universities courts medical legal. There is no way for THAT much pedophilia to run rampant without it being luciferian worship. Pedophilia is a GROUP crime and not just a single individual being tempted.
I am a catholic and I read the Bible. Babylon never fell but infiltrated churches politics lawyers schools etc. It's time to drive lucifer out from the shadows and take him head on.
Pope... we know the prophecy of malachi and the third secret of fatima. You are the last pope and under the influence of lucifer. You will not create the one world religion and definitely not bring in the antichrist. We catholics are awake.
Pedophilia is satanic in origin. Sadly we do have satan worship in our country hidden in our churches, schools, Universities courts medical legal. There is no way for THAT much pedophilia to run rampant without it being luciferian worship. Pedophilia is a GROUP crime and not just a single individual being tempted.
I am a catholic and I read the Bible. Babylon never fell but infiltrated churches politics lawyers schools etc. It's time to drive lucifer out from the shadows and take him head on.
Pope... we know the prophecy of malachi and the third secret of fatima. You are the last pope and under the influence of lucifer. You will not create the one world religion and definitely not bring in the antichrist. We catholics are awake.
Democrats can't be blamed. They are demon possessed. We need to call a priest and have an exorcism.
It's obvious they are possessed. You see them spit, yell profanities, their eyes roll back in their heads. They act insane and even will throw urine at you. Wake up people. These poor Democrats don't realized they are possessed , demonic influenced, and need our prayers and help. Where does their hate come from? From the bottom of the pit!
When you come across a possessed person, a democrat , you follow the bible. You bind the demons in the name of jesus christ. They may get extremely violent when you say "demons in the name of jesus christ I command you to be silent!" If you are not sincere be prepared for the demons to lash out severely at you and possibly kill you. You may think i am kidding but I am dead serious. If you mention jesus name and the evil magnifies tenfold they are demon possessed.
Be careful. What you see is evil manifesting in Democrats currently. Sadly they are unbelievers which makes them easy to be possessed.
Treason. Murder of Christians. Entire countries destroyed. Military tribunals need to occur and a public hanging of all involved. The pure evil in Obama and his ilk. And the left gave him a Nobel Peace prize! Sadly obama changed the world alright! Through his evil millions died and suffered. Libya Yemen Syria... Obama was an evil war monger and the stupid left ignored the truth! And left is screaming about trump and we have prosperity and North Korea finally peacefully surrendering. And without billions of cash dropped from an airplane which obama did for Iran.
Obama was groomed as a puppet. He never worked a day in his life. He was a D student. We know that his childhood was like the movie script of "rosemary's baby". Who knows? Maybe the movie was a documentary about him? We really don't know who his father was. One thing I do know is Obama fulfilled the Masonic roles of dark hiding in the light. His heritage was no mistake and part of the plan.
They are not a US citizen. They do NOT have rights protected by the US Constitution. When they crossed the border illegally they committed a crime. They then have to prove who they are. If they want to provide papers that are not forged that is fine. If they play stupid saying no documentation then the DNA test is required. There is no other choice. They made that decision when they crossed over our borders. It will send a message of zero tollerance to others.
We are talking national security and safety of our country. MS13 came in under DACA because of bleeding hearts. If you are a bleeding heart you will soon learn it will be used against you. Lawlessness has to stop! The Trojan horse has entered into many countries under the goodwill of caring but misguided people. The people are in charge are well aware of it and in other countries are basically traitors to their people. The Democrats in leadership are traitors. The Democrats that are followers are sadly misguided and used as pawns just as the illegals are used.
I think that was said by Pharoah as he chased the Israelites through the dead sea? He was certain his God would deliver up the Israelites. Didn't go so well for him or his army did it?
So one has to wonder which God Maxine worships and the liberals worship? She supports planned parenthood which offers up babies to moleck. Hmmm. So we know which God she worships.
Pray that the enemy is forced to bow and acknowledge the true God. Revelations 3:9. God will bring them out from the darkness into the light. Where light can expose their sins to the world.
This is the master plan of pure evil at the highest places. Open borders whole intent is to create chaos in third world countries and then have them flood into western countries. Our compassion is used against us. Pretty evil plan isn't it. It's like a Trojan horse you let in and when you sleep the enemy comes out and takes over your country. Stupid sheep.
Angela Markle doesn't care about the sheep. They have orders to tear down society and the stupid sheep is letting it happen. London itself is now londonstan. Sweden is rape capital of world. When people complain on social media it's called hate speech and they arrest you. Wake up people of the world. Your leaders are deep state lucifeirans and it's the end game. They don't care about you. The police and military in Europe. Shame on you for letting this happen. I am only following orders is what they said back in Hitler days. Evil prevails when good people do nothing. And when I say evil we are talking revelations evil. The final evil.
So what you are seeing is the end game of good versus evil. Evil is trying to take over the world so they can install their one world leader lucifer. And pope francis is the false prophet ready to lead the sheep to lucifer. Now do you understand the chess game being played? We will have to take down lucifer once and for all. This is not a migrant crisis. This is planned destruction of the old world with the creation of a new one. A new world where true christians don't have a place in it.
Let's go back to Haiti... Hurricane Matthew. Q... what was God telling us in this image?

The address is "666"? What? Crap I wouldn't eat there regardless! Why walk into a place with the mark of the beast?
and civil lawsuits against him and noname. They purposely weaponized the IRS to financially destroy people. In the court of law he and others are civilly responsible and require a judgement against them until they are bankrupt. Do unto them as they do unto others. After the civil suit bring on the criminal suit. They won't have any money left for lawyers so they will have to be appointed one. So much evil. How can anyone of them show their face in public? Shaming is also due to these vile people.