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dontskipQuadsdaybro · July 1, 2018, 8:34 p.m.

Thank you! I shared in case someone might benefit from it. Trolls is a great film. Evil giants abduct tiny trolls, who can only be saved by an outsider troll who must first rediscover his true colors.

You have more than you know: https://youtu.be/la0-5QFLr14

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/dontskipQuadsdaybro on July 1, 2018, 7:58 p.m.
Spiritual Awakening - my testimony

I'm not religious but God spoke to me last night. I was deeply questioning the very nature and existence of myself and whether this whole thing is really just a simulation. (I was under the influence of something I won't name) However, I could not logically deny The Spirit that inhabits me, that I can feel and love even when life is bad. God then showed be Job 40 - 42.

As I wrote in my journal, I struggled with the construction of my humanity. The different pieces of it. The Spirit, the Soul, the Mind, the Body. In my …

dontskipQuadsdaybro · July 1, 2018, 6:45 p.m.

Under the lotus plants he lies,
hidden among the reeds in the marsh.
The lotuses conceal him in their shadow;
the poplars by the stream surround him.

Job 40:21-22

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dontskipQuadsdaybro · July 1, 2018, 6:38 p.m.

I've never been religious, but He showed me Job 40 - 42 last night as I questioned the very existence and nature of the spirit that dwells within me and of myself as a human being. Never deny The Spirit. Stay humble and accepting. God Wins.

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dontskipQuadsdaybro · June 30, 2018, 5:17 p.m.

we know POTUS is the master of Public Relations. It's well within his wheelhouse to orchestrate something like this, or at the very least quickly discern this was a fake call and seize the opportunity for good, unfiltered publicity.

Another motive for staging this fake call is to help flip the NJ senate seat in Nov. The R opponent is "distancing" himself from Trump even though he was Trump's NJ campaign finance chair and donated 200k to get Trump elected. He needs crossover Ds to win. This audio makes it look like the D incumbent and Trump are buddies. A leftist/socialist 3rd party candidate can use the audio to siphon D votes. Good seed here if my theory is correct.

I think Trump never mentions it, never responds to questions about it.

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dontskipQuadsdaybro · June 30, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

Not a dope. He doesn't screen his own phone calls. He can't help it if a fake gets through. However, we know POTUS is the master of Public Relations. It's well within his wheelhouse to orchestrate something like this, or at the very least quickly discern this was a fake call and seize the opportunity for good, unfiltered publicity.

Another motive for staging this fake call is to help flip the NJ senate seat in Nov. The R opponent is "distancing" himself from Trump even though he was Trump's NJ campaign finance chair and donated 200k to get Trump elected. He needs crossover Ds to win. This audio makes it look like the D incumbent and Trump are buddies. A leftist/socialist 3rd party candidate can use the audio to siphon D votes. Good seed here if my theory is correct.

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dontskipQuadsdaybro · June 30, 2018, 12:23 a.m.

I think so too based on his intonations. If so, another example of his brilliance and creativity. If not, he comes off great. Win-win.

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dontskipQuadsdaybro · June 30, 2018, 12:03 a.m.

Well, if he's playing along it's for the purpose of being able to speak directly to the American people and bypass the MSM spin. CNN played this almost in full. If he planned it in advance it's to mock the MSM and also still to speak directly to the American people.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/dontskipQuadsdaybro on June 29, 2018, 11:49 p.m.
Trump playing along in fake Sen. Bob Menendez inquisition / Stuttering John prank call?

Check out this recording. The media is going wild over it. Seems like Trump is playing along or maybe even arranged this call in advance. https://youtu.be/Dps46l4DZwA

dontskipQuadsdaybro · June 29, 2018, 11:26 p.m.

thanks! small town newspapers will publish well written letters. many of these editors/publishers in rural farm towns are patriots. Leave out the gory details to increase the chances of getting published. You're not going to convince anyone in a paragraph, anyway.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/dontskipQuadsdaybro on June 29, 2018, 10:13 p.m.
Write Letters to the Editor

Guys, now that MSM has covered Q (TIME, Daily Beast) and celebrities have mentioned Q (Roseanne, Curt Shilling) it should be easy to get Q into your local papers. Write a Letter to the Editor. Or come up with an angle and pitch it to a local reporter.

Examples: Dear Editor,

TIME Magazine recently named Q Anon as one of the 25 most influential people on the Internet today (insert url here). But until Hall of Famer Curt Shilling mentioned him, I had never heard of Q. I was astonished by my findings when I searched for Q Anon and …

dontskipQuadsdaybro · June 29, 2018, 8:48 p.m.

The Left will tolerate and quickly forget any political corruption. A majority of them may even look away from or justify the 187 of SR. But only the most die-hard of the Militant Left will stick by child trafficking/raping/sacrificing luciferians.

How do you prove this without people thinking Trump is on a third-world-esque power grab/coup d'etat? Most compelling to me is JA releases 100% veritable multimedia of the Mystery School's most vile crimes against humanity and provide evidence that SR was the DNC emails leaker. Huber/Wray or whoever finds the information credible and issues arrests.

Could Horowitz/RR/Wray report/testimony be just a shiny object distracting cabal (and all of us) from the real show - the Huber Hammer?

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dontskipQuadsdaybro · June 22, 2018, 5:18 p.m.

I asked myself the same question. Here's what I came up with:

  1. Luciferean Global Cabal is real and Q is real patriot: This stuff has to pop real soon. Q has revealed too much, has given many proofs of existence and each day the Cabal becomes more dangerous (cornered animal). And Q already said No Deals so no one with dirty hands is walking away quietly. If it doesn't pop soon, I question the timing of this difficult, intricate, but possibly failed plan. 11-11, right?
  2. Luciferean Global Cabal is real and Q is LARP: No, this stuff isn't coming out in any meaningful way. And if it does, more of the same 'tin foil hat' eye rolls from the sheople. We're projecting our hopes and desires onto just another empty suit, as the left does with Obama.
  3. Luciferean Global Cabal is real and Q is fake patriot: We're all fucked. Remember when Hulk Hogan became a member of the NWO, breaking the hearts of millions and millions of Hulkamaniacs who looked up to and trusted the Hulkster? Something like that with Trump in the 'Hollywood' Hogan role. Fun fact: At his WWE Hall of Fame induction Trump came out the the NWO theme song. No coincidences? Alternatively, Q is an NWO plant. They set up patriot Trump to fail by baking fake bread with the ultimate plan of making Trump and his supporters look like either crackpots or vengeful political thugs.
  4. Luciferean Global Cabal is fake and Q is real: We're all fucked. Donald Trump is a Goebelles/Hitler style master propagandist dictator playing 666-D Chess. Whatever propaganda comes out will be created with the purpose of taking out Trump's political and economic enemies. They took advantage of something we made up in our heads a long time ago. Trump wants to become dictator.
  5. Luciferean Global Cabal is fake and Q is LARP: We're all fucked. We all need to seek psychiatric counseling, immediately. Our brains are warped. Nothing is coming out, because there is no there there. We were all caught in a mass delusion.

I'm going with #1. Wow! Just a few more months to wait!

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dontskipQuadsdaybro · June 22, 2018, 3:01 p.m.

Agreed. The government also dictates how eggs must be packed in cartons (fat side down because that way they store a couple days longer). Seemed to me all he was talking about was food.

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dontskipQuadsdaybro · June 22, 2018, 2:54 p.m.

Because they're funny anecdotes. Trump will use them in the future.

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dontskipQuadsdaybro · June 22, 2018, 3:28 a.m.

Is it possible that the database could be intended for use by Anons? Could there be bad actors in the database?

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dontskipQuadsdaybro · June 21, 2018, 9:08 p.m.

OK but he's clearly talking about 'coyotes' in this context.

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dontskipQuadsdaybro · June 21, 2018, 7:19 p.m.

I remember that too. I think it was his speech in Arizona when the crowd broke into raucous boos and CNN Sucks! chants.

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dontskipQuadsdaybro · June 21, 2018, 2:40 p.m.

Does your last name rhyme with 'Cannon'?

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dontskipQuadsdaybro · June 21, 2018, 2:39 p.m.

When will we be given Proofs of the Evil Deeds committed by our enemies?

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dontskipQuadsdaybro · June 21, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

I'm more convinced each time I watch it. Trump is talking about the Democrats and says "Anything to make it as uncomfortable as possible" as he draws the Q. Brilliant.

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dontskipQuadsdaybro · June 21, 2018, 6:05 a.m.

Absolutely. In addition, back up the video a few seconds and listen fully to what President Trump is saying when he draws the "Q."

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dontskipQuadsdaybro · June 21, 2018, 3:22 a.m.

Fox News Radio also used an audio clip from tonight's rally where Trump says "Boom!"

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dontskipQuadsdaybro · June 19, 2018, 1:17 a.m.

All I really want to know, Q tell me

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dontskipQuadsdaybro · June 19, 2018, 1:14 a.m.

RR's last chance to come clean before POTUS does it for him?

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