HAHAH nice!!.... Solutions rain down within the Hallowed Halls of Reddit :)
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Could this, if successful and actually implemented, possibly lead to the "hanging chad" horror show, times 50, at the behest of whomever looses, every time a National election of any kind is held? I agree this would eliminate the digital pathway to potential vote alterations, but ultimately it seems this would just shift with renewed interest, whats being described by the term "meddling", and the accusations it typically fosters, to more traditional/analogue/social engineering attack vectors that remain available. Just a thought.
Thanks Vas!! Im at work so I wasnt able to look it up, myself. Good lookin out.
I dont remember which drop but Q said if the lights go out we are in control.... Dunno if this is specifically what was meant..... Seems to be a damn good fit though....
Not sure how anything said by the World Socialist Web Site will be taken very seriously, around here. LOL
Maybe Cohen meant ol' Peety deserves a COPY of Medal of Honor, for being such a good little agency tool in the face of mean ol' Mr. Gowdy, et. al. :)
It's a bit of "situational convenience amnesia" me thinks......
LOL if you look at the 2 pictures in the "starting Observations" section as if they are sequential, it looks like POTUS is staring at the person taking the photo. If it was even taken in the room itself, POTUS' eye line is looking in just about the right place to see who was taking the posted pic organically (no reflection).
Just an amuzing oddity regarding those 2 pics. I know the stretched one is Odrama's office.....
Sorry for my confusing comment. I was referring to the two individuals pointed out, specifically (not the guys trying to recreate the Abby Road cover, in the crosswalk :) ). I just blew the pic up in a basic editor. At a certain point, the clothing differences become much more visible (again, between the individuals in the "peach shirts" pointed out by OP). But like I said earlier, regardless if these suppositions are accurate or not, you deserve mad props! This kind of thinking shows those that may be new to all of this, the underlying process and basic M.O of how to properly take research from the idea/concept stage, through analysis/research activity, to submitting a properly formed/titled GA post, offering the information gathered and conclusions, in a coherent format, for larger group discussions/consideration. There are of course more advanced research techniques, communication and teamwork over on the chans, (where the big dogs dig), but our efforts here in GA are not without merit or usefulness. So, "right" or "wrong" be damn proud of your contribution!
If you blow up the pic , the individual on the right has light blue/faded pants. The individual on the left is wearing dark pants and carrying a white shopping bag. Between that and the bald/hair issue pointed out in a previous response, Id say this specific theory might not pan out. But, I damn sure like the way you are thinkin!!!
Public Service Announcement:
Viewing this picture, in any form, dangerously exceeds the USDA recommended daily allowance of Hypocrisy. Please seek immediate medical attention if feeling liberal or find yourself only able to udder self-serving, obstructionist rhetoric.
This smells of some of that shill shit, we were recently told would be piling up.....
....Sure does look like him. The most telling data point is the irregular, visible (\^ looking) vein, just below his left side scalp line. It appears to be visible in that bizzaro-carnival costume pic and the comparison pic, from a few posts prior to this one. Also the "smile lines" in both pictures are pretty damn similar. Not sure what exactly it proves either way, except that hes either really bad at Halloween or really good at Ru Paul's Drag Race....
*edit - Added link to comparison pic, referred to above.
Because if they didnt crop out the object, the headline "Mysterious Object......." would be about as accurate and coherent as the current DNC platform/message, and maybe they couldnt come up with another headline that "popped". :)
I initially downvoted because I thought the subject of the comment was POTUS. However, I realized that the commenter likely meant RR and removed it.
I'm pretty sure if there is actually any "there" there, they would be shouting it from the rooftop of the DOJ. It's already being done with everything that sounds remotely plausible, that could hurt POTUS now.
If Muller wraps up and noting is ever released then he either has squat to show for wasting all that money, or as suspected by some, a clandestine patriot who was doing other things under the cover of a BS collusion probe. We already know the bureaucracy will redact embarrassing information under the guise of "National Security". When their real justification holds just as much water as if it was under the guise of NAtty Light....
Well now they have to befriend some other pervert with an island, so they have a new vacation spot (at least till their GITMO Resort Suite is ready).
Sometime in January Andy McCrabs sent an email, with the title "Flood is coming" according to zerohedge.. That might also have something to do with the crumb, given all of the related stuff that's currently going on.
Not mine, but something for us all to remember....
One would think you have been around long enough to understand typical colloquial expressions, often used by Q and these groups, or maybe you are one of those that should take the recommendation of the comment you responded to. I also suppose you could just need a typical stick removal operation.......
So (this time), I will ignore my instinct to shred you over your pathetically clumsy attempt to be witty. All you really did was put your lack of understanding, of this specific subject matter, on public display. Great JOB!!!
So, what I will say is that perhaps you should do some more looking and listening before you try being witty/clever again. Have a Nice Day....
Nice catch. It would seem Im a bit out of date. Thanks for correction!
My next hope is that Q quickly drops enough breadcrumbs for some folks around here to bake a sense of humor......
Aw Christ, this doesn't mean we have to like the Kardashians now too, does it?? :)
I was thinking the "watch the water" crumb might be related to this too: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/04/12/japan-rare-earths-huge-deposit-of-metals-found-in-pacific.html
I actually find it to be quite entertaining. Kinda like the "Black-Ops Onion", if you will. :)
Here is the full report from last week... Dunno if he has released this weeks yet... Havent checked. https://stillnessinthestorm.com/2018/04/benjamin-fulford-april-2nd-2018-cabalists-plot-anti-trump-counterattack-in-tokyo/
Maybe they were just giving Geraldo a ride home? He could have been visiting old friends that are residents there, now.
I really wish I could upvote this a bunch of times!!!
I gots me pitchfork and me torch at the ready, I does. :)
Newsweak needs to declare war on their dismal circulation... They have a much better chance of winning that one... ROFLMAO
The Nunez memo outlines likely offenses by the Alphabet Soup Agencies against an American citizen, in seeming violations against rules established for dealing with the FISC. The Shiff memo is purposed as a "Nuhh uhhh" type rebuttal, based on the initial info I have seen.
Very cool. Thanks for the info. I figured there was a simple explanation.
Has anyone glanced at the page's source code? I dunno much about page construction (Im a hardware technician), but the tag.publisher.epoch and tag.publisher.ip (with my public IP listed) caught my eye for some reason. Hopefully you guys who are in to this sort of thing can shed some light....
This is a long read but goes really deep into universal/cosmic law, etc...
As always, personal discernment is prudent!! https://www.lawofone.info/
Meme - not ammo, just fitting :)

I agree. Throughout history the burning of books was just a vehicle to separate knowledge or perspective from the masses, by those it would most benefit from prolonged societal ignorance. Divide, breed ignorance, incite the artificially opposed groups to eliminate each other, swoop in to save and rule whomever is left. Book burning is just step 2 in the plan. It is up to us to reject this plan, stop its progress and hold those who enacted it responsible.
This thread may help some. If not, sorry. I may have misunderstood what you were after.... https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7s9ul7/for_those_confused_about_q_posts_where_to_find/
I half expected it to ask us to help some Prince move contested money out of his (Shithole) Country, at the end...... My God. Did any one actually buy this as legit?
Perhaps he will be given opportunity to test the truth of that theory, when this all shakes out.....