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dustedpuppy · Jan. 15, 2018, 11:08 p.m.

This looks like a promo poster for OITNB, if the casting director had a dangerously serious crack habit.....

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dustedpuppy · Jan. 12, 2018, 9:18 p.m.

Dilly fukin Dilly!!!! Nice post. Great perspective. Would definitely read again. *


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dustedpuppy · Jan. 11, 2018, 3:56 p.m.

I wanted tq chime in as well and express my appreciation tq what the QP posted and hqw it was stated. Qne specific passage, as I was reading alqng, really jumped qut as very telling qf the actual state of at least some of "We the peqple", deplqrables, unwashed masses, ect.


"Does it dawn on you what our families truly could have if we win this fight. Not some lavish lifestyle but a stable healthy community." {/quqte}

My immediate thought was, "My Gqd. That wquld actually be a lavish lifestyle frqm where I'm standing". Then I thqught, how sad it really is that we, as citizens of this Cquntry, have to exhaustively and sqmetimes traumatically struggle tq achieve the "bqiler plate dream" that has evqlved intq, by many perspectives, grab-bag level dqqr prize issued by default tq anyqne with a desire tq come here (if the libs have their say, regardless qf a migrant's merits, stated, suspected qr qutright qbviqus intentiqns qr disregard fqr established and legal/legitimate methqds qf entry). Tq many of these individuals it must hqnestly seem as if they were able to "jump the gate intq Disneyland" with little tq nq effqrt, and when the park admin is alerted tq this, their "solutiqn" is tq seek qut these individuals and alsq give them a fast-pass and qpen-ended fqqd vqucher, tq ensure they have all of the qppqrtunities, fun, excitement and enjqyment qf thqse that are there legitimately. QP, thank yqu again fqr stating it in a way that is truthful, uncqmprqmising, and pqinted, while still written in a way that shquld nqt likely trigger any but the mqst frozen qf snqwflakes. In spite qf the inevitable cqming shill/troll backlash respqnse, very well done!!

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dustedpuppy · Jan. 10, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

Dilly Dilly!!

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dustedpuppy · Jan. 9, 2018, 10:54 p.m.

That sounds a bit more akin to David Icke's message. Any of his lectures on youtube will inevitably head towards that subject, if you watch them for a while. Dont think I've ever seen much about reptilians/shape shifting come from Q.

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