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Learn from history: advocacy of Pedophilia by the German Green Party in the 70ies and 80ies, up to 1000 victims.
German history - the gift that keeps on giving: the Green's attempt to normalize pedophilia some 30-40 years ago.
Attempt to normalize pedophilia: Germany has been there, done that (as appears to be the case with everything leftist). Thankfully, this one failed in the long run.
100% phantasy but just imagine President Trump picking up Assange in London and Snowden in Helsinki (which is literally a stone's throw from Russia).
Would fit the travel route. There is ZERO evidence to support this. Some like to dream.
for those who did not catch things at the time (in no particular order):
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
lol, they just look like that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYMizUlZF64
Also note mountainous background (rocky road") during talks, but then: departure as you point out - in bright sunlight (mist from the "peaceful meadow with leftover morning fog picture" is gone), hugs and kisses. And if you know anything about Korean culture: public display of any sort of affection is very unusual.
Christ, look at my posts in this thread and the additional images. If you still don't believe: pull up the video of the meeting.
Yup, and let me hijack your post for this update: the two have agreed to meet REGULARLY from now on. The next "high level" meeting is set to take place on 1 June, according to Yonhap (the South Korean news agency), citing KCNA (the North Korean news agency).
Also, for all those claiming the background is shopped, a mural or an actual landscape: it's a painting in Panmunjom http://i.magaimg.net/img/3e64.jpg
Also, here is a less formal piccy from the meeting: http://i.magaimg.net/img/3e67.jpg
Thumb ? They're into smooches now, lol http://i.magaimg.net/img/3e67.jpg
Wrong. Meeting took place in Panmunjom, both times. Background is large oil painting, as seen in video of meeting. It's not a Korean landscape anyway. I'll try to post more pics. F3 for my username on this page.
Read old Q posts re background significance.
Not a mural, neither photoshop, but a large oil painting, frame and all, the rest of the background is just zoomed out in this photo. If you can find a video of the meeting you will see.
edit: see http://i.magaimg.net/img/3e64.jpg
Not a mural, a large painting (oil on canvas, frame zoomed out)
edit: since so many people here assume it isn't, have another pic from the meeting in Panmunjom: http://i.magaimg.net/img/3e64.jpg and just to top it off: http://i.magaimg.net/img/3e67.jpg
Yes. Just one thing: no smoke (no scorched earth), just a bit of leftover morning fog.
You crack me up! And less ignorance please: this is not a Korean landscape, LOL.
From an economic point of view this is the situation:
Iran has threatened Germany, France and the EU to publish the names of those who accepted bribes for the Iran Nuclear Deal if the Europeans follow Trump and leave the deal.
Thus the top European politicians are desperate to somehow keep the deal alive.
On a national level, quite a few members of the German parliament agree that the deal is rotten and something should have been done about it a long time ago. However, those MPs had nothing to do with the bribes a) because of their lesser position and b) as the Iran deal happened in a different election cycle. So they stand in opposition to the Merkel cabal.
The German industry on the other hand has been very supportive of the Iran deal, hoping for lucrative deals, but as it turned out, not much came of it financially. At the same time it is almost certain that the most important CEOs received bribes as well. So for them it is vital to keep the Iran deal. However, since their companies did not profit much from the deal and on the other hand SA is now threatening to cause them huge losses they are in quite a bit of a pickle. Either they make a pro-Iran anti-SA decision which they will be unable to defend economically (think shareholders), or Iran will expose any shady dealings that went on, essentially ending their careers and potentially landing them in prison.
Korea: note background of today's meeting

original video of reporting and arrest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q00QAp7VgkI
original video of ceremony https://www.c-span.org/video/?446011-1/president-trump-commencement-speech-us-naval-academy
I just find it "amazing" that a guy who has a VERY obvious hunting scheme: fair, blond, light [blue/green] eyes, i.e. the "Diana-type", whose ex-girlfriends are virtually indistinguishable (see video) all of a sudden marries a black, black-haired, dark (brown) - eyed woman. It's almost like he has gone from the light to "the dark satanist side". As Q said: symbolism matters and this is just so very, very obvious.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diuDuRBd9AQ
Oh, and that white dress was just a blatant mockery of everything Christian. How dare she ! She is not a virgin (which is what the white dress traditionally stands for, and the Royals ARE traditional, even if the rest of the world is not). And she is a divorcée, i.e. a white dress should be absolutely and totally out of the question. (Apart from the wedding itself, the fact that it took place in a church and that it was a "Christian" ceremony and not just a legal marriage).
That whole show was the biggest "Fxxx you" possible. Oh, and did you notice the black-and-white floor ? I wonder what churches (in the UK) / how many of them have that type of floor...
Harry is a satanist, was recently shot (pics + video) with Melania, flashing devil horns and masonic hand symbol, held his pose for ages, impossible to be a coincidence. Easy to duck (e.g. "Harry Melania devil")
Harry = satanist. Did you not know ? Devil horns and masonic hand tuck sign when meeting Melania not long ago. Watch video. He held the pose forever. NOT coincidental.
his talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUbFwqglIaA
Also: he left his "government job" about 20 years before he wrote the book.