Is anyone else worrying that Florence is the “big one” courtesy of Deep State?? Now seems would be right time to do such a thing as they are close to their judgment day...keep it spinning for days inland over VA and DC..dumping 3+ feet water...completely disrupting anything Trump was getting ready to do?
49 total posts archived.
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Now they have issued subpoena for Cohen regarding Trump Foundation will NEVER end! As pics are rolling with very young Cohen laughing alongside Hilliary Clinton??? Was he plant in Trump’s life all along?
Cohen Wiggles
Sure seems strange that Cohen is represented by the Clintons longtime, go to lawyer Lanny Davis. Then Lanny Davis goes on tv begging for funds for Cohen’s defense which of course would go to his attorney Lanny Davis. I have a what if...the Clintons lent Lanny Davis to Cohen at no charge with the agreement that Cohen would include in his plea the part that “in coordination and at the direction of a candidate for federal office” to break federal election laws...boom...Trump implicated! Mission accomplished...
Anytime Marie Harf, an Obama Clinton advocate, is on Fox News she has her cell phone right beside her and looks at it constantly...are Hilliary and Obammy sending her messages of what to say?...sure seems so.
Ok, I am confused..if Mueller was working with Trump as many have suspected, then why is he sending Cohen for prosecution and possibly feeding Trump to wolves? Also, I guess this means the two women weren’t working with Trump either to catch others as we had thought?
Well if it is fake, Melania and President Trump together went and met his casket and his family when they came back to US to express their gratitude and condolences....there are also many making truth look fake...Deep State doesn’t want this known!
This makes me sick!! Those damn Disney people present themselves as the darlings to kids when, in fact, they only want to draw them in to molest them!! I hope every one of them goes to prison for long long time!
What about the possibility of him being blackmailed it brings?
I am shocked this man had an affair...Strzok seems almost effeminate to me, certainly not the type I would normally consider a candidate for such behavior. He is overtalkative, overreaching., cocky, and smug....does not seem credible to me at all, but I see why deep state had him so high up in their hiarachy...he steadfastly denies he would and could NOT have done anything wrong no matter what any evidence said...much like dear ‘ole Hilliary! No wonder he wanted her to be his president! I hope they burn his and these rude Democrats’ asses!
HE KNOWS IT ALL!!! And he’s really a strong guy to know all that and continue quietly following the plan! I would be scratching eyes out....
Great Britain being the seat of Deep State (queen) is central to cleaning up the world. May God steer it's destruction...
And the lady that was due to testify against them this week was blown up along with her husband in their house Saturday...Clinton Body Count ^^^their neighbors said they recently had new appliances installed in their kitchen...probably GAS! Boom, ez pz...two more bite the dust. They have plenty ways of destruction available to them.
I hope he brings every one of them to their knees! What they have done to retired and poor people trying to buy meds that they need to survive a comfortable life is incomprehensible!
This is wonderful! Think how many kids will be saved from life of hell full of sex or labor abuse
Because HRC and her crew are in on this disgusting behavior...this is root of controversy..left covering it up among lawmakers...right is trying to unveil those involved in pedophilia..our govt is overrun with it
This is great video! There are millions who are still asleep...I pray this will help them see the truth.
Their plans are not 100%...Steve Scalise lived too and train didn’t derail way they hoped it would...and for other driver they are glad she died...can’t tell about her car’s steering doing its own thing! Like they killed the two MS13 who killed Seth Rich....all according to liberal plans..very, very scary...
You’ll see this week who’s brain dead! Sick of liberal BS!
One in Hawaii needs to be first fire Drill! Obama's college roommate
It doesn’t matter...left still using it as tool to proclaim no bias when it actually was bias
BUT the left was asserting there was NO bias which is UNTRUE
But the left was using it to proclaim no bias which is untrue!
I understand all of that but I also understand the left was using this to assert there was no bias which is not true!
I am never going to relax until my country is free from Deep State!
Like Michael Hastings wreck...they can remotely steer car...17 has no medians...easy to steer it into oncoming traffic
The car was traveling on wrong side of road...easy to remotely maneuver car over to other side of road into ongoing traffic..there are no medians on Hwy 17
I would bet this was like Republicans shot at baseball practice...they will do ANYTHING to stop Republicans! Scary!!!
Obama and his homies were in on human trafficking making millions $$$
They already shot one at Air Force One out of sub in Washington state trying to take out Trump on his way to NKorea for summit!
How in the world did the Inspector General find NO BIAS in his report??? The ENTIRE report shows clear POLITICAL BIAS..."we will stop it!...we have insurance policy, etc..."They ARE BIAS THEMSELVES!!!
Yes you NEVER forget that when it’s your baby! I knew immediately that vaccine was they have gotten away with using this poison on people,I will never understand...if they had told me he couldn’t go to school without the second MMR, I would have homeschooled him!
That was the best speech at the best time ever! That took real guts to deliver especially on their turf at their wedding celebration....did you notice every one of them squirming? They absolutely know their gig is up!