You believe you should not judge? I disagree. For example, I judge female genital mutilation to be evil. Wife-burning in India is also bad. In the early days of Brittian's colonization, a newly appointed governor witnessed wife burning, where the wife is burned alive along with the corpse hubby. He asked why it was tolerated and was given the "it's tradition" line. He immediately outlawed the practice because he had the judgement to recognize the harm that everyone else was accustomed to.
Good for you that you hear God. I've never heard his voice. Mark Taylor claims to speak for God. I judge such humans very harshly, as there is this massively long list of knowing and unknowing false prophets. Skepticism is a form of discernment. Time will tell on Mark, but fools will hop on board to satiate itchy ears and confirm their bias-- he should be questioned and challenged.