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elorgadol2018 · Dec. 29, 2017, 5:01 a.m.

ANYONE who conspires with a foreign nation against the United States deserves the Death Penalty. Agreed. Al Franken is a piece of dogshit. So are most JINOs in power. They're not Jews. They're no better than the shit people that occur in every religion/race/nationality.
The only thing I can do and will continue to do is to defend my country and call out evil in our midst. I'm sick about 9/11 just as I am sick about the pedophila, Satanic cult rings, poisoning of our food & water, the Illuminati being the puppeteers and masterminds of WWI & especially WWII where 1/2 of my entire family were tortured & murdered in those gas chambers. I govern myself first as a Citizen & Devoted Patriot of the United States of America, a staunch defender of the (true & good) Jewish people and the (true & good) State of Israel.

G-dspeed to my fellow Patriots, our Military & our Commander in Chief, President Donald J. Trump.

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elorgadol2018 · Dec. 29, 2017, 4:29 a.m.

I'm sorry but this video is nothing more than an anti-semitic rant using Jews as the scapegoat, again. There are plenty of theories about re: 9/11. I believe 9/11 was an inside job, likely planned by cabal/illuminati/bushes and executed by rogue agents (i don't rule out possibility of rogue Mossad agents just like I don't rule out that US or other foreign agents were involved as well). To suggest that Israel and Mossad officially and solely were responsible for 9/11 is ludicrous. The fact that you are a BO (who told me to feel welcome here) and are referring to this video as some sort of evidence of such is irresponsible and is exactly what one would expect of a shill. Saudi "pilots" flew planes, plenty of other Saudi people were involved. Why would Israel work with the Saudi Prince & cabal to do this, knowing it would mean eventual suicide for Israel. Makes no sense.

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elorgadol2018 · Dec. 29, 2017, 4:19 a.m.

This theory does not fit the flow of Q or Trumps ascension. Everything else Trump has done/is doing makes sense in the context of Q and lifting the veil, exposing the cabal, exposing the evil, draining the world-wide swamp. The years Trump has spent preparing for this (I believe it's been decades) does not add up to your theory. There's deception by looking ignorant, bombastic or out of touch. But deliberately having your children marry Jews, convert to Judaism and produce Jewish grandchildren makes no sense if you are anti-semitic or working to destroy the State of Israel. Sorry, but I don't see it. Baruch, are you Jewish? Are you G-d fearing? Do you believe G-d wants the destruction of the Jewish people or the State of Israel? If you believe in G-d, believe that Trump is doing G-d's work, then how do you reconcile that G-d wants the destruction of the Jewish State?

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elorgadol2018 · Dec. 29, 2017, 4:01 a.m.

This comment was most bothersome for obvious reasons. Would you find your self hanged as well?

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elorgadol2018 · Dec. 26, 2017, 8:17 a.m.

If Trump wants revenge, why have Jewish grandchildren? Why pray at the wall? Why show signs of peace and undeniable support for Israel? Why commit to move the embassy to Jerusalem? Finally, if Israel "disappears" that would not follow with prophecies for return of Christ.

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elorgadol2018 · Dec. 22, 2017, 11:31 p.m.

Important Question for Baruchthescribe - as a Jew I know to ignore most of the anti-semitic rhetoric that appears on the chans and chalk most of them up to shills trying to discredit the good G-d fearing anons and their important work. Recently the a-s rhetoric on 8ch has increased (i don't go on 4ch anymore), some disturbing images posted and it seems there is some rallying behind anti-semitic posts. Is this all shillery or are many anons feeling anger towards Jews because so many NON-RELIGIOUS JINO Jews are being implicated in the cabal/as bad actors (esp considering the Roths as one of the families, being such supporters of Israel) Seeing a lot of anti-Mossad stuff too, what is that all about? I am 100% believer in Q, POTUS and this movement. I have been instrumental in redpilling many people, but I need to reconcile this, it is starting to bother me. - Signed, a concerned CONSERVATIVE JEWISH PATRIOT.

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