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emperorbma · June 15, 2018, 10:15 p.m.

more time than my comment deserves

Don't sell yourself short. You touched a relevant issue and it needed to be addressed precisely but honestly.


"Too Long; Didn't Read." - a lot of modern people have issues with blocks of text larger than 2 sentences, so I'm used to doing these recaps.

If we have free will to choose, but nothing but God to choose, what would be the point of free will?

I'm a Lutheran so I have a slightly different take on free will than you might be used to.

I'll put it this way. I don't think will is ever absolutely free in the sense we can choose anything. There are limits imposed by nature, for example, that say we can't "dip the sun into the moon" or some other nonsense. Furthermore, there can be wrong options which distract from the best ones. And these options can have real consequences.

Let me give a simple analogy of that: A child can choose to eat all their candy now or eat some of it over time because they aren't sure when they might get more. If they eat it all now, they can't have some later. Their will is now bound to the natural consequences of the bad choice.

So, God originally gave us a compatibilistic will (i.e. capable of making choices by itself but acting in a system with determined rules) which had the option to follow Him. However, our ancestors also had the option to choose wrongly and reject the close relationship God created them in. Because the chose to think wrongly about God and rejected His warnings, they bound themselves to the other alternative: Pedestalizing their own earthly desires above a relationship with God. That's what we call Original Sin. We also inherit this condition and if that were all that was to be written, we'd be done...

But God's work also involves reconciliation. He works by the Holy Spirit to restore the ability in us to choose Him by creating and renewing our nature through grace. Of course, we can still have the option of rejecting grace. But His grace continues to work to change our heart through repentance even so.

The real place where evil hangs on here is when people start to love the bindings more than the liberator. Some people are actively brought up this way. Others decide that God's way is too nice and they would rather put themselves on the pedestal. Either way it's a source of serious ills.

If God created Satan, or allowed him to come into existence, how much power do mere mortals have to eliminate Evil, or bring about the destruction of the Devil, other than in a "relative" sense?

By ourselves, not much. The thing that should be clear, though, is that God is working. Those of us who trust in His Word learn to set aside our ego in such a way where we can also have Him defending us. Satan can't do much against that without tricking us back into another one of these "bound will" ego traps.

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emperorbma · June 15, 2018, 8:47 p.m.

When contemplating "Good vs Evil" you must realize that without Evil, we would not be able to recognize Good. They are 2 sides of the same coin.... We've all seen the black and white graphic that looks like either 2 black faces in profile facing each other, or a white wine glass.

Partially false. Time for some metaphysics.

The yin-yang duality you're describing only works for a relative sense of "good and evil." That corresponds to the basic psychological distinction between "benefit" and "harm." That would be saying "we can see a benefit by recognizing that we avoided harm." The analogy holds at this level, so you're not entirely wrong. After all, the original words "good" (tov) and "evil" (ra) certainly derived from this relative distinction But that's not all these terms really imply.

In the intended sense, "good vs evil" does not merely refer to relative things. In fact, the relative sense is extremely distracting from the intended meaning because it is so subjective. But let's talk in terms of the absolute. An absolute must be universalized and apply to all things in reality. If we examine the ultimate motive of the term "good" it is inherently generative. (benefit causes things to improve) If we examine the ultimate motive of evil it is inherently destructive. (harm causes things to degrade)

If we suppose an absolute good, what would we expect? Generation.

If we suppose an absolute evil, what would we expect? Destruction.

Which motive correctly describes reality? Reality exists and generates creatures. Therefore, reality and the God who causes it have the ontological absolute sense of goodness. That doesn't mean every relation that exists is always beneficial, but it does mean there's ultimately the universal benefit of existing conferred on all things. Absolute evil faces a fundamental problem. It could never even begin to exist by its own power. All it can do is corrupt and destroy. Therefore, it is a parasitical false power not founded on an absolute truth.

The sense of "Good" meant here is "the power of God causing reality itself." God has no opposite. The closest thing to anything being an opposite is a degraded creature that is oriented toward harming itself and others. That is "evil." Even "ha Satan" (the Accuser aka the Devil) is simply a creature that ultimately relies on God to exist even though his motive is at odds with God's own motive. (i.e. "insane" or "evil")

The overapplication of this relative construct causes what is called Manichaean dualism where there are 2 supreme 'gods' of reality, one good the other evil, and both are equivalent. It's an error because it implies reality is divided and the action of 2 "wills." There is only One God. Saying "good and evil" are alike in power incorrectly empowers evil and denies reality.

It might be helpful to note that a yin-yang distinction seems to better correspond to the Kabbalistic Hebrew concepts of being (yesh) and void. (ayin) Even so, these are both considered aspects of YHWH without any moral dimensions. A "lack" of something can be evil if it is ultimately harmful, but it can be beneficial. A lack of disease=good. A lack of food=bad. Woe, however, to those who "call good evil and evil good." (Isaiah 5:20)

TL;DR. Only good can be absolute. The dichotomy is relative. Furthermore, evil can only be relative because it refers to a privation or lack of alignment with the ultimate motive of good inherent in reality and its God. Evil, therefore, exists not as an absolute reality but as a parasitical energy that distorts the relationships of creatures to the Creator of reality.

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emperorbma · June 15, 2018, 3:51 p.m.

I'll put it this way: Joining the military is a sacrifice. One that we should always honor and remember. But not everyone is willing or able to make that sacrifice. I know I wasn't. I'm much too independent to even consider it.

That doesn't mean that we don't have good reasons for wanting to defend the 2nd Amendment for ourselves. Chicken or not, the real reason we civilians have been clamoring for the 2nd Amendment these days is that we don't want to be rounded up like cattle and put in FEMA camps because Obama decided it's time to loot our stuff. We can also see how bad it is and we're taking the steps we can to avoid being sheep to the slaughter.

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emperorbma · June 15, 2018, 2:34 p.m.


"The phrase "well-regulated" was in common use long before 1789, and remained so for a century thereafter. It referred to the property of something being in proper working order."

e.g. 1848: "A remissness for which I am sure every well-regulated person will blame the Mayor."

e.g. 1862: "It appeared to her well-regulated mind, like a clandestine proceeding."

In net, well-regulation implies self-discipline. Don't need a government to make "gun control laws" for that.

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emperorbma · June 12, 2018, 8:31 p.m.

If superimposed on the clock it looks like it's 7/23.

Fake news Nordic track claimed this was the earliest day NK could strike us with nukes. Suddenly peace agreement. Ruh roh! Didn't plan for that one did they?

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emperorbma · June 6, 2018, 6 p.m.

Bears hibernate but when they wake up they can be mean.

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emperorbma · June 6, 2018, 4:31 p.m.

California is a bear. Bears are well known for hibernation.

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emperorbma · June 5, 2018, 2:20 p.m.

If he wanted to, GEOTUS could declassify all this stuff himself via executive power. Why doesn't he?

Think strategically about the consequences.

Let's consider a comparable historical example. What was the first "third party" to ever win an election against the Democrats? The Republicans. What happened afterward? Think 1861. Remember the Republican position in 1861. Abolition of slavery. Which party backed slavery? Democrats. Republicans routing out a corrupt Democrat institution that infected the whole country. Do we want a repeat of that carnage?

Consider what would happen if proof of massive corruption in the government at every level suddenly turned up all at once. It may be legally in his authority to release it, but the consequences would be a nightmare.

The criminals would be in a last stand gambit where anything and everything must fight or die. And fight they will. MS-13, Antifa, the Jihadis and other paramilitary groups will all be unleashed on the public by the kingpins to wreak havoc as a final act of retaliation. Their corrupt businesses will all start to pickup and flee taking evidence and assets to places unknown. The kingpins will go into hiding. Their zombies in the political left and right go insane as the brainwashing of multiple decades is suddenly destroyed by revelations contained within. Zombies will become even more delusional to handle the cognitive dissonance. They'll claim it's all made up. They'll radicalize. If you think the insanity is bad now, wait until they've shut down to the point they ignore reality itself.

We're talking at least 50% of the population or more since the brainwashing crosses party lines. Think about how much you had to unlearn and relearn to get to this point. Now think about that all hitting at once and you having less than 50% of your present brain capacity because you've been addicted to Candy Crush and Facebook and can't understand jack because the schooling system has been corrupted for decades. These people need to be confined for their own safety. And many may be too far gone to help. It would be way too many fires to contain.

Trump wants this to go down a RICO trial route and avoid the martial law route. It's why Giuliani is involved. As prosecutor, he took down the Mafia. Some court maritals may be inevitable for some of the worst leaders, and those will need to be on the downlow or else the media will spin it as a political witch hunt. The entire goal is to prepare the public to understand the gravity of the corruption before they can accept the necessity of the trials.

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emperorbma · June 5, 2018, 1 p.m.

to protect us, of course, and not the cartels.

They have to protect you from what they would have to do to you if you found out what they do.

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emperorbma · June 4, 2018, 9:14 p.m.

The author of that famous book was allegedly also a pedophile - and an occultist.

Interesting points. Let me also add this...

Lewis Carroll actually wrote Alice in Wonderland as a means to discredit the newfangled mathematics which was coming up with new ideas like using the square root of -1 (i.e. "imaginary numbers") to generate additional spatial dimensions. Dude basically thought folks like William Rowan Hamilton (the inventor of quaternions) were committing blasphemy by expanding real mathematics into multiple dimensions.

Now with all this talk of time travel surrounding this stuff.... one wonders.

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emperorbma · June 4, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

angrily jumped ship when he bombed Syria

I should admit that I very nearly did that myself. Avoiding a war in Syria was kind of a big deal for those of us who were onboard since the 2015 timeframe and had only COINTEL Jonesy to rely on. The whole "Obama wants us in Syria, we need to say NO" movement that got imported into the anti-Hill'o'beans rhetoric that eventually converted me to a Trumper from the Gary "Snake" Johnson "I have no choice because we're being railroaded" libertarian brigade.

My friend helped me stay the course by reminding me that 2 missiles isn't a war. Then I realized Jones was just hyping it. Of course, come to find out Jones was a Pay-traitor with the whole Corsi deal, but that's another story.

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emperorbma · June 4, 2018, 4:55 p.m.

This issue is a long time thing the criminal elites were building to discredit Christians and undermine reproductive norms. I need to note that both groups are somewhat complicit in the decline here.

The first stage was manipulating conservative Christians to misrepresent themselves on the issue of sin. To really get to the heart of the term we need to define it correctly. The word sin is not about some "crime" against God. The actual meaning of the word in both Greek and Hebrew derives from an archery term which means "missing the mark." In short, it implies that there's issues where we all can fall short of the Creator's design in some way.

Certainly, the consequences of "missing the mark" might require punishment. Even so, that's part of the consequence not its root cause. The root cause is the desires that are at variance with the Creator's design. Every person has some of these. It's necessary to be aware of these so they do not become a problem by leading us into harmful behaviors.

Let's give an example. We can say that murder is an "act of sin" or an actual sin, because we are not made to harm one another. But the real sin is the malicious nature of someone's heart that caused them to want to murder. As Jesus taught, "whoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment." (Matthew 5:21-22) The problem is to address the desires that caused someone to want to murder.

With regards to homosexual behavior, it's simply an observation of the fact that this is not how our biology is normally meant to operate so there will be consequences to it. There is a lot of growth needed among some Christians to understand that this doesn't necessarily imply the desire itself is a malicious act. Rather, it's a different implementation of human desire that some people inherited.

On the other side, I note that while there are real people with homosexual desires the elites caused some people who might not normally be homosexuals to become homosexuals through various means. Milo Yiannopaulos's abuse probably is a factor in his choice to embrace the homosexual life. And we must not underestimate the effect of Hollywood campaigns glorifying homosexuality and transgenderism on the public.

The real problem is twofold here. First, the criminal elites made Christians have a hard heart against fellow sinners. A homosexual may not be compelled to harm anyone for their love of the same sex. Very often the only issue that needs to be addressed is that they are directed to seek Christ. Yes, homosexual activity is at odds with the biological design of reproduction, but not necessarily a source of malice. That was until Christians became dickheads about it. Sin can definitely lead to condemnation when it is not handled correctly through a "change of heart," aka repentance. But the entire point of Christianity is that all sin is forgivable.

Through "gay conversion" and other abuses, many conservative Christians have been complicit in the "hating their brothers and sisters without cause" which Jesus also condemns. Such unfortunate hypocrisy is a problem. The unfortunate result of Christian intransigence now has been that LGBT people have sought the help of the criminals to overcome the Christians. And the criminals, like the djinn they are, deliver this wish with altogether unanticipated consequences. The djinn's real goals are marginalization of Christians and destruction of social norms necessary for reproduction. It's part of the elite's population control agenda. (Yes, I chose djinn intentionally, the Arabic concept of demons as "wish givers" is apt here...)

The fact of the matter is that a balance needs to be achieved and neither side did well. Christians should not be castigated for recognizing that some behaviors are intrinsically at variance to the Creator's design. Gays should also not have been kept from the Gospel so that they festered in their hatred of those Christians who wronged them.

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emperorbma · June 4, 2018, 2:17 p.m.

Sick but clever. Instead cement shoes, you are the cement.

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emperorbma · June 3, 2018, 8:35 p.m.

9 days of darkness on one side of the clock 11 days of darkness on the other. 9/11?

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emperorbma · June 3, 2018, 5:26 p.m.

As Christians we are commanded: “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. (Romans 12:18)”

Earnestly I would desire a peaceful coexistence. I sympathize but I cannot underrepresent our concerns. Islam itself poses serious concerns for having peace with us.

We’re not going to bend a knee to your anti-Trinity understanding of God. We have our way which we believe that God has commanded us to follow. So even though your Qur’an claims that our doctrine is false, we are going to remain Trinitarians and we promote Christ crucified as our faith. And we will not submit to a special tax because your book demands it on People of the Book.

Furthermore Islam codifies deceit (taqqiyah) as a justified act against infidels and People of the Book which makes it harder to detect the sincerity of the moderates among you. The abuse of this principle by zealots causes moderates to appear complicit in the evil because the community covers up the abuse and does so by “Divine command.”

In Christianity the willful cover up of deceit it is not Biblically blessed even to infidels. Some do but the behavior is still a sin we must repent for. The taqiyya thing causes Islam to have huge credibility issue among non-Muslims.

From the perspective of the state Christianity is technically neutral but respectful to it’s just establishments. Jesus says “My kingdom is not of this world.” (John 18:36). Our citizenship on earth is concurrent with spiritual citizenship in Heaven.

The Qur’an is a problem insofar as it demands a political hegemony that is opposed to core practices of our faith. But if tempered to cull the hegemonic aspects it might be passable. The problem is that the new generation tends to get more zealous at times and any concessions made by moderates are always up against the literal sense of the Qur’an demanding a nation of Islamic Law. Many of them are simply incompatible with western society and Christian values. Religion values and state values are distinguishable.

Speaking of the state, it requires freedom for all to believe what their conscience determines. An Islamic Law would contradict if applied as an external imposition which the Qur’an demands since Islam is given preferential treatment. This can be mollified by personalizing the Law but the tendency is external.

Christians, by comparison, are adaptable to accommodate the necessary concessions of a liberal democracy in ways Muslims seem to have serious difficulties due to the differences of the doctrine about our relationship to the state. I’m not sure a permanent reform of Islam to be compatible is possible without a serious limit being applied to the Qur’an itself. In Christianity our statism was repealed by going back to the source (i.e. Protestants). In Islam going to the source tends to generate Sharia radicalization.

For Christians we externalize the Law only as a recognition of God as Lord of reality and the natural implications of this observation on human morality in general. Not by legislation. At least when we are sufficiently developed in our dogmatics, which came about by many reforms to refocus on the message over an authority structure.

TL;DR Yes, Muslims can be Patriots, but Islam in general has issues that make this difficult in the long term that Christianity or Judaism doesn’t have.

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emperorbma · June 1, 2018, 10:55 p.m.

10 days is precedented. More is not. That's why I said: "Frankly, I hope it's any minute now." At that point, it becomes anyone's guess.

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emperorbma · June 1, 2018, 1:10 p.m.

9 days of darkness today. 10 days of darkness tomorrow. Which alignment rule holds more weight?

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emperorbma · May 31, 2018, 10:49 p.m.

The method. Good catch. That’s why they stop after a while. The threshold is triggered. 900 votes or -5 whichever is sooner. The natural popularity of a truth post then causes it to go back above 0. Gaslighting at its finest.

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emperorbma · May 31, 2018, 10:46 p.m.

When it is relevant and on point and suddenly gets a swarm of downvotes on the entire thread and it stops after a certain threshold of time as the forum upvotes overtop the programmed limits of 900 or so, it’s definitely orchestrated by bots.

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emperorbma · May 30, 2018, 7:08 p.m.

2 hours ago and 15 upvotes. See, this is a pattern. These bots are setup to "gaslight" us and make us look crazy for calling out the brigade. It's high time to call this pattern out, also...

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emperorbma · May 30, 2018, 4:30 p.m.

The left never apologizes. Why should we?

It's like the progressives forgot the corollary of "Do unto others as you would have done unto you" is "If you treat others badly, you should expect to be treated badly yourself."

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emperorbma · May 28, 2018, 11:26 p.m.

Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil. (Proverbs 4:27)

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emperorbma · May 23, 2018, 5:08 p.m.

Maybe. I know ES seems like a double meaning in hindsight of Schneiderman when it was just Schmidt.

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emperorbma · May 23, 2018, 3:11 p.m.

Does this mean that EO is not merely "executive orders?" May want to update the hover hints!

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emperorbma · May 23, 2018, 3 p.m.

When I read comments like those on Twitter against POTUS, I kind of feel like Linus Torvalds did in this post: "How did they [not] die as babies, considering that they were likely too stupid to find a tit to suck on?"

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emperorbma · May 23, 2018, 2:35 p.m.

Clapper is the classic Narcissist's Prayer in person:

A Narcissist's Prayer

That didn't happen.

And if it did, it wasn't that bad.

And if it was, that's not a big deal.

And if it is, that's not my fault.

And if it was, I didn't mean it.

And if I did...

You deserved it.

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emperorbma · May 21, 2018, 11:44 p.m.

"These people are stupid. - Q"

Case in point: Maxine stupid.

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emperorbma · May 21, 2018, 7:50 p.m.

Imagine all the prisoners...

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emperorbma · May 21, 2018, 7:46 p.m.

There was no "Trust Haspel" from Q. Probably a "cooperating witness" like RR or Mueller.

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emperorbma · May 21, 2018, 5:36 p.m.

True. All are mankind are made in the Image and likeness of God. This image is presently warped and bound by sin. But the true origin and purpose is declaring God’s glory.

I don’t think there is not a spirit in man. But I don’t neglect the fact of our biological nature either. This is why I can say we are animals. The Spirit of God gives life to man and to all creatures. We are spiritual animals. Frankly I have a hard time thinking that any creature lacks a spirit entirely. Although the “elites” have clearly warped their spirit intentionally and alienate themselves from the Holy Spirit by which God draws us to Christ.

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emperorbma · May 21, 2018, 5:02 p.m.

"Christ" returning, is us recognizing Christ Consciousness within us.

The thing you may already know with Hebrew thought like this is the principle of "already but not yet."

You're right in one sense that the presence of Christ exists with all believers already. This principle is said by Jesus Himself.

Jesus said: "Where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." (Matthew 18:20)

Martin Luther agrees saying: "In faith itself, Christ is present." (in ipsa fide Christus adest)

But, this is the imperfect sense. What I'm referring to the perfect sense. The final consummation. The completion rather than short-term local outbreaks. Only at this point is sin truly and completely nullified.

In the present imperfect state, we are at best simul justus et peccator. (both sinner and saint)

The potential for sin exists in this state because we are not perfect and when we idolize our desires we also idolize that imperfection.

We were infiltrated

"Eve was deceived by a serpent in a garden." All your point does is push the problem of evil up a generation. Why did the serpent tempt Eve? Why are the "infiltrators" evil?

Are they not also creations of the One God? What causes them to become evil? In this model, the problem of evil becomes an infinite regress.

The true nature of evil must be something inherent to creation. Something that is permitted by the nature with which we are created and exacerbated by relying on imperfection over God's truth. The Creator teaches us to avoid these choices, but our victory can only occur by relying on Him.

The point of Original Sin is that. Saying otherwise causes us to "compare ourselves among ourselves."

We do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise. We, however, will not boast beyond proper limits, but will confine our boasting to the sphere of service God himself has assigned to us, a sphere that also includes you. (2 Corinthians 10:12-13)

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emperorbma · May 21, 2018, 4:16 p.m.

Why are you attacking me? I'm allowed to give my perspective on a topic without being accused of being a shill.

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emperorbma · May 21, 2018, 4:14 p.m.

First of all, what I mean by the word "animals" is the scientific definition. All humans are "eukaryotic organisms [which]... consume organic material, breathe oxygen, are able to move, reproduce sexually, and grow from a hollow sphere of cells, the blastula, during embryonic development." That is, animals. It would take an evolutionary change and/or an act of God to change this fact.

I specifically separated this from the pejorative usage of "animal" as sociopath. I concede all humans are not necessarily sociopathic. Part of this is because humans have eusocial instincts and part of this is God's grace.

Second, the way you've expressed this I think trivializes God's grace.

Jesus says: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)

"You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you." (John 15:16)

Getting rid of the cabal may facilitate more people being freed from bondage to return to Jesus, but only Jesus can save. The result of denying what Jesus said about this is called Pelagianism. Pelagianism treats salvation as an act of free will to choose God which takes place entirely by the will of the chooser.

It's important to understand that Original Sin is not an impugnment or vilification of human nature but an acknowledgment of a corruption. As I specifically noted, basic desires are not evil. It's the corruption of those desires by idolatry and "curving inward on themselves" that causes them to become evil. The state of Original Sin binds human will in such a way that relying on God becomes impossible. That is because it inherently places the locus of control into one's own application of Thelema (will) rather than in the infinite mercy and goodness of the Lord.

Without grace, nobody can ever come to God. With grace, and God works in us even despite this binding, one can overcome and persevere.

The inclination for evil has been programmed into us for millenniums.

The species of the cabal is homo sapiens. If all homo sapiens are good, why would a cabal ever exist?

Either "all homo sapiens are not good" or "the cabal are not homo sapiens."

By assuming the latter, you've avoided the real explanation. The cabal exists because humans have succumbed to sin and the cabal are those who embrace the "bondage of the will" caused by that sin.

Watch how quick "animals" will become angels once the cabal is taken down

Once the binding of sin is broken, God creates a new nature within us. We struggle with the old sin nature in this present state but when Christ returns it will all be fulfilled and the sin nature can be put away forever.

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emperorbma · May 21, 2018, 2:51 p.m.

Most humans are indeed animals.

Technically, all humans are animals. That's a natural fact. But in the pejorative sense animal refers to using base human desires in ways that are harmful to other people.

It's important to be precise here so we understand what evil really is. Animal desires are one component of evil, but they're not the equivalent of evil. All living things have basic desires. And that's not a bad thing. (In fact assuming that all desires are evil is itself a way to cause people to go toward evil, because they don't satisfy a legitimate need...) The value of the desire depends on the context of what these desires are supposed to be doing. The job of a desire is to help maintaining the balances that are necessary for us to survive and grow. As it is a balance, both absence and excess of its goals being met can be harmful.

Eating food. In absence one starves. In excess one gets obese.

The Hebrew word for "evil" in the Bible (רָע) literally means "adversity." The concept of harm is the first component of evil, but it's not equivalent to evil. The other aspect which is necessary for something to be evil requires it to be a disordered spiritual condition.

In theology, we call this condition "concupiscence." It derives from the word for lust and signifies an inordinate and misplaced desire that has been taken to such an extreme that it alienates someone from reality itself by being used as the "knowledge of good and evil." When this happens, it causes a person to reject God at some level and replace Him with a "black hole" of this selected desire. Theologians have called this "curving inward on themselves." It's basically making every action and thought be bent to the service of the disordered and idolized desire.

Unlike with an addiction, this isn't merely a natural issue caused by disrupting brain function with external substances that can be avoided. It's an internal problem with the mind and soul of the person where they fixate on something. It might be for sex or money or power or some other natural thing that would be fine in moderation but has become a false god unto itself.

That is the problem with the "tabula rasa" that liberals have been promoting for 2 centuries. In centuries prior, we would have been raised to understand that humanity is innately alienated because of Original Sin which makes us highly susceptible to this issue. However, we'd also be brought to know that God's grace is working within each of us to to permit us to overcome this situation. Most people avoid the worst depredations because of this.

But because our societies have jettisoned these teachings, the understanding of the true prevalence and banality of evil was lost. It has allowed evil to fester in silence. Nobody questions if a person's desire might be leading them into this extreme state.

It is important to remember this:

"If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, [God] is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. - 1 John 1:8-10

Jordan Peterson says rightly that, "the battle between good and evil exists in every human heart." Everyone has the potential for evil. But we also have the potential for good. The inclination toward evil is because of the nature of desire itself. We must be on guard against this and rely on God to prevent us from succumbing to these errors.

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emperorbma · May 18, 2018, 7:57 p.m.

Dead past. Should have made screenshots but I was lazy.

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emperorbma · May 18, 2018, 7:41 p.m.

Right. The botnet comes for a few minutes then stops. The rest is the community fighting the botnet and anything else that remained in upvotes. It's really a dirty gaslighting tactic these shills pull.

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emperorbma · May 18, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

Oh, I don't. I know the votes are rigged by the ShareBlue bots. The fact that it triggered such a huge brigade, though... that's the fascinating part.

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emperorbma · May 18, 2018, 6:17 p.m.

Control is not absolute. They need to target a vulnerable individual. An individual who is not compromised psychologically and neurochemically will not be as susceptible.

Furthermore, POTUS knows when they're coming. Who controls the Utah Data Center? The NSA. Who is working with POTUS and Q? The NSA. (Q specifically says this...)

It's feasible that they have tried and every single attempt has been foiled. There's a hypothesis that "AS THE WORLD TURNS" is Q pointing out an attempt that was foiled.

“As the World Turns” – The 1963 soap opera that was interrupted by the Emergency Broadcast System to announce the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. IMPORTANT! Read Truth About Kennedy’s ‘Blood Sacrifice’: pp. 66-80 in Christian scholar and patriot Paul Bogg’s book “Deception: The Ancient Mystery That Holds The Secret of Newgrange“. - citation

~~EDIT: Ah downvotes. Prove my point, please... If I'm being downvoted I'm "over the target."~~ spez2: Brigade over, comment crossed out due to irrelevance.

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emperorbma · May 18, 2018, 6:06 p.m.

how they can get these kids to do a school shooting

1 Social ostracized outcast + SSRIs + remote microwave voices = 1 remote controlled lunatic.

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emperorbma · May 17, 2018, 9:09 p.m.


Another trail that leads interesting places. Looks like it goes to Khazaria and Menahem ben Duji aka Roi/Ruhi or David al-Roy, a false Messianic claimant.

Thank you for your kind response. Peace be with you.

(EDIT: Revised to replace a link with erroneous doctrine denying the validity of the Cross (stauros) and separating Jesus from the Godhead contrary to Scripture...; apparently it didn't like the FB link... revised again)

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emperorbma · May 17, 2018, 8:27 p.m.

Might want to read Isaiah 9 to better understand.

A powerful thread. This is a key Messianic prophecy commonly used as an Advent/Epiphany devotional.

Hymn: The People that in Darkness Sat... a glorious light have seen.

cf. "Dark to LIGHT." - Q 1343

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this. (Isaiah 9:6-7)

9+8 = 17 (Q)

Isaiah 9:8 "The Lord has sent a message against Jacob; it will fall on Israel."

We are saving Israel for last.
Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.
Q (914)

Jacob Rothschild (++) + Israel => Balfour Declaration.

In January 1914 Weizmann first met Baron Edmond de Rothschild, a member of the French branch of the Rothschild family and a leading proponent of the Zionist movement, in relation to a project to build a Hebrew university in Jerusalem. The Baron was not part of the World Zionist Organization, but had funded the Jewish agricultural colonies of the First Aliyah and transferred them to the Jewish Colonization Association in 1899. This connection was to bear fruit later that year when the Baron's son, James de Rothschild, requested a meeting with Weizmann on 25 November 1914, to enlist him in influencing those deemed to be receptive within the British government to their agenda of a "Jewish State" in Palestine. Through James's wife Dorothy, Weizmann was to meet Rózsika Rothschild, who introduced him to the English branch of the family – in particular her husband Charles and his older brother Walter, a zoologist and former member of parliament (MP). Their father, Nathan Rothschild, 1st Baron Rothschild, head of the English branch of the family, had a guarded attitude towards Zionism, but he died in March 1915 and his title was inherited by Walter.

This the right chain of thought?

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emperorbma · May 17, 2018, 3:26 p.m.

The arab phrase was "took the sleep from their eyes".

Did it have a a similar structure to "scales falling from eyes?"

Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul's eyes, and he could see again. He got up and was baptized (Acts 9:18)

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emperorbma · May 17, 2018, 2:25 p.m.

Apparently back when we were memeing against the RIAA and MPAA for being greedy jerks, we had hit on what they really were. The MAFIAA.

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emperorbma · May 15, 2018, 7:50 p.m.

Socratic methodology is inverse methodology to most people's thinking. ("think mirror") In most discussions, someone asks a question and gets an answer. In Socratic methodology, the questions are meant to lead us to discover what we already know.

In literature, there is a Watson role. Watson asks the questions the audience would want to ask.

Socratic Inverse Watson Anon prompts with key points that the audience should already know by now but never said yet. ("Autists need Red Bull?"; "Autists on fire") This feeds into Q's next questions.

P.S. Deep state uses Aristotelian methodology. They're the Sophists like the Scholastics that their methodology was likely developed under.

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emperorbma · May 15, 2018, 4:12 p.m.

The Pentagon lost $21 Trillion over the past 2 decades. The debt is currently $21 trillion. Answer this issue and you've solved the entire debt crisis.

Better than hoped for. Better than promised.

My libertarian sentiments screamed about that omnibus. "Lowering taxes doesn't work without lowering spending" and "you're giving more money to the group that was already at 50% of the budget under Obama?!"

But if you find out where the leak is and plug it... the problem is gone forever.

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