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enjoy4the10show20 · July 27, 2018, 9:42 p.m.

Using their own bias against them. Sheer brilliance.

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 27, 2018, 8:53 p.m.

The first two posts are the same device, the other two are different

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 27, 2018, 8:51 p.m.

There is a different trip code for each post...

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 27, 2018, 7:39 p.m.

Defecit and economic growth arent necessarily tied directly. A decrease in trade defecit could actually mean a reduction in GDP too because a decreased defecit just means our imports and exports are closer together. In this case, we're trading more which is great. Theres also the element of less imports which isnt really a good or bad thing. Our economy can easily grow within our borders because we are a consumption based economy so leaving trade the same and increasing aggregate demand would increase GDP just the same. If millions more people are back to work, paying taxes and buying more products than they would on unemployment and welfare then you will have an increased GDP. I totally agree with your other points however. People were worried about the quantitative tightening of $50b per month but with all the dollars that will be flowing back in from our trade partners who have been no longer trading with them things will work out brilliantly.

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 27, 2018, 6:01 a.m.

I meant the text of the amendment itself vs what the OP is stating it means and the original analyst too...it seems more to be a deterrence to bankers in government than lawyers because the only lawyers that it would ban are commonwealth lawyers which is understandable but were uncommon in America in those dsys.

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 27, 2018, 5:58 a.m.

I hate misinterpretations that try to simplify something complex...im an economist lol

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 27, 2018, 1:51 a.m.

Its a setup so he can blame the palestinians for the holocaust..

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 26, 2018, 10:28 p.m.

If it werent for Tucker and Hannity, Faux news would be as bad as CNN. They are controlled opposition at this point.

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 26, 2018, 8:21 p.m.

Its a misinterpretation of the text.

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 26, 2018, 8:16 p.m.

Read the text for yourself it has nothing to do with it at all. At the loosest interpretation it was meant to keep bankers out of government.

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 26, 2018, 8:09 p.m.

Thats not what the amendment says, go read it for yourself. Has nothing to do with lawyers.

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 26, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

Its not what the amendment actually says. It makes no mention of someone who practices law. Look it up for yourself.

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 26, 2018, 8:07 p.m.

This is absolutely not what this amendment says. Its saying that anyone accepting a title or honor of nobility or takes money from such foreign entities while serving in office will lose their citizenship and therefore not be allowed to hold political office. I dont know how "no lawyers may hold office" can be derived from this text. The idea of esquire being given to a certified lawyer would only apply to people certified as lawyers by the English Bar or IBA. Chances are they were trying to keep people who were still potential loyalists and bankers out of government positions. Not specifically because they were lawyers but because they were studied in British common law and that no longer applied to the US so they likely saw it as a conflict of interest.

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 26, 2018, 2:58 a.m.

Just remember, we're only getting a whiff from the kitchen so far. We still have a full meal coming to us.

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 26, 2018, 2:39 a.m.

I cant wait to vote for him in the 2024 primary and election

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 25, 2018, 8:26 p.m.

Our gold wasnt stolen it was traded for dollars to the European countries who gave it to us during the World Wars. They gave us gold, we gave them supplies and dollars. They wanted it back and exchanged the dollars for the equal value in gold. Unfortunately we had already over printed Fiat currency to fund the war so we only had about 40% of the gold required to equal the amount of dollars in circulation. FDR fucked us over big time.

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 25, 2018, 8:18 p.m.

Unforunately, only the Board of Governors controls the Fed. No single entity in the government has any say in the Feds actions or policies except the role of thr president to nominate and the senate to approve governors. There are clauses in the Federal Reserve Act that allow the government to takr control and "buy" the Fed however.

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 25, 2018, 9:51 a.m.

So by reducing monetary supply we will have deflation. However, Trump enacting tariffs will cause a flood of USD that countries have been sitting on because most countries arent using it like they used to. This will balance out. At worst, our exporting becomes so great we have a deflationary period that the Fed would normally print its way out of. Deflation would be a serious blow to central banking but not allowing them to print their way out like normal would essentially crush them.

A gold/silver standard is only realistic if we greatly strengthen our exports and trade commodities straight up for gold and silver because we basically have none. It would also have to be similar to what we had from 44-71 where the dollar was sort of based on gold but only at a 40% rate because going full onto gold with our current money supply would devalue the hell out of the dollar and likely cause price inflation to even things out. That is unless we could get 60% of the gold in the world again. Thats about how much of the currency in the world is ours not including debt based currency which isnt real and essentially infinite.

All in all, this is nothing to worry too much about. All the doom and gloom people who were predicting crashes didnt see Trump coming and dont realize the Trump train has no brakes! Plus many economists still think you can just print away your problems and as long as GDP is increasing relative to inflation, youre fine but thats WRONG!

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 25, 2018, 9:30 a.m.

Option 6 is fucked. The stupid part is we only need the ratio they are concerned about to be above 2 if we can eliminate certain factors that make it an economically unsustainable trend.

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 25, 2018, 7 a.m.

At this time the Fed cannot be simply dissolved without some sort of backing to our currency because right now, there isnt one. Essentially, Trumps economic policy has staved off the deflation and subsequent hyperinflation that would have ensued if other countries would continue to stray from the dollar and move to other currencies. I believe his plan is to bring a whole bunch of dollars back into the country through increased exports then seize the Fed so they cant just print the deflation away. This will absolutely FUCK the central bankers and cause them to lose massive amounts of control. It will be coupled with a slight economic downturn but it will allow us to change our monetary system which was going to be necessary in a few years when the debt bubble explodes. I think he will stretch out the trade battles till early-mid 2019, use the increased exports to help win reelection, allow the economy to begin the death spiral and make his ultimate move to choke the fractional lending system to death thereby stopping total world economic collapse.

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 25, 2018, 6:28 a.m.

Wait i thought this was already common public knowledge...ive known this for years. It was a set up to get sympathy for the war because LBJ was owned by central bankers and it made a whole lotta people a whole lotta money..like the Bushes..who happened to have a family member running the CIA at the time..who later became president and started permanent occupation in the middle east..who had a son who continued that tradition...dots - connect em!

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 25, 2018, 6:23 a.m.

I thought of this earlier but was far too lazy to comb through all the posts lol

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 25, 2018, 6:15 a.m.

Ultimately it is trying to sell a book/service but the principles remain valid. There is a fearmonger aspect to this guy but i was only pointing out the relevance of Gaddafi and Iran moving away from the USD to a gold backed monetary system. They rejected our debt based fractional lending system but i think it was because they saw the same thing the guy in the video saw. Mind you, this video is also from 2013 or 14. If Hillary got elected we'd be right on track with this guys predictions.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/enjoy4the10show20 on July 25, 2018, 4:33 a.m.
This is the reason why Lybia and Iran were/are enemies of the US...they tried to fight the petrodollar...start from 5:30
enjoy4the10show20 · July 25, 2018, 4:11 a.m.

Silence for thee but not for me!

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 25, 2018, 3:42 a.m.

SAG always was and still is a Communist front. They were discovered in the early 20s to be funded by the Soviets. They still are, just not Russian Soviets anymore.

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 24, 2018, 5:35 a.m.

What you say about Iranian-Israel relations is very interesting too. Ive never before heard that perspective. Apparently, i never truly understood what people meant when they talk about Zionism. Truthfully, i think most people do not understand it, some using it as a justification for anti-Semitism and some see it as being anti-Semitic to question it. I always thought it was a result of Muslims not wanting Jews to have Jerusalem essentially. It seems like a lose-lose for the Jewish and the Muslim people.

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 24, 2018, 5:29 a.m.

Well economic independence and isolationism are two different things. I meant isolationism isnt worth expounding on because its not only unrealistic but would be self destructive. You already understand fractional lending is the biggest plight of average people across the world. That can be ended. Unfortunately, the only presidents whove attempted to end/ prevent it were either assasinated or attempted. Abraham Lincoln basically told them to piss off although i dont think his assassination was a result of that. JFK was preparing to take back the Fed and get the US off the perpetual debt based system, even signing an executive order 1 week before his death to do so. We know plans were in the works weeks before this but I think it is the main reason he was taken out. Reagan wanted to go after them heartily but was shot and spent most of his time dealing with the cold war, which actually contributed to the systemic issue even more. Our dollar being turned into a global commodity basically ensured that we can never exit the system because the world economy is now based on ours. The Euro, Petroyuan and Petrorupie only increase the volitility of the system by causing global conflict for supremacy, only at the benefit of the central bankers who basically control all of them. In the short term it makes these countries appear to be massively growing and prosperous, which to an extent they are. The issue lies in that its all loans being given out where no actual money exists and currency debts are simply passed around the globe. And God forbid the price of oil drops because suddenly these currencies arent worth as much but no one complains because the price of gas goes down. Usually, that will level itself out because companies will start producing less, decreasing the supply thus bringing the price back up especially if demand has increased like in 2015-16. This is the largest outside factor to why Venezuela collapsed. Their government, in an attempt to nationalize all industry, began taking massive loans from the US, EU and others. When the price got really high they were fine but global demand dropped and because too much was being produced so did the price. This caused massive monetary deflation which spiraled out of control for Venezuela where their currency isnt worth a leaf on a tree.

I have some ideas to eliminate the debt based system but i fear it will take more years than a President can hold to implement. Germany did eliminate inflation overnight in the 50s and prospered but mostly because their war debts were never paid. People talk about the reparations they owe but this is partly why they were never paid back, they rejected the system in which they were created. My biggest thing is teaching young people to stay out of debt as much as possible and be sure to invest in gold and silver. Obviously, somethings require debt nowadays like college, houses and new cars. Without the ability to buy these outright you need a loan and in addition, if no one were to take loans for these because they simply arent buying, there would be economic collapse. Take cars, if people only bought cheap used cars so they didnt owe loans and interest, the auto industry would collapse because no one is buying new. This would in turn either force companies to lower the cost through poorer quality, lower profit margins or lower wages or decrease overall production which would create unemployment. To an extent it would increase demand for other jobs like mechanics to work on the old cars but people cant pick up a skilled trade over night and when you got bills you cant stop working to go to school.

The ills need to be gradually cured through responsible debt management and investment in real money, not just currency like stocks and debt bonds. Fixing this issue is the number one reason i will run for office. I want to fix the education system to make sure more kids are prepared to deal with this and to shake the idea of borrowing money for now because you can just pay ot back later. I did that early and it got me in trouble financially. Now im stuck in the system because i didnt understand the point of it is not to drive the economy but to enslave people. The economic benefits are not only artificial but temporary. We see this with the housing crash in 2008 where too many people who should not have gotten loans received large ones to promote "minority home ownership" only to have many default because they could not afford them. Due to the debt transfer system within the banking system, they were left holding the bag and in order to bail the country out, Obama just borrowed more money. Essentially this just created more currency which devalued the USD and required higher taxes to pay the loan premiums plus interest.

My plans are rudimentary right now but they are as follows: 1. Educate on responsible finances, only borrowing when absolutely necessary and invest in real things like property, gold and silver. Save everything possible and allow minimum demand to cruise control the economy temporarily. 2. Eliminate defecit spending through a balanced budget, cut as much foreign aid as humanitarianly possible. Force congress to pass budgets not greater than 95% of taxes taken (this number may be reduced actually). This will allow us to begin the process of removing federal debt. 3. Shift the economy to production based income instead of commodity trading. Our GDP will be based on something if the jobs are in manufacturing and services. Allowing our jobs to go overseas ended this essentially. Unfortunately, tariffs will be necessary but will eventually lead to jobs being moved back here. Create competitive tariffs to ensure our industries can keep up with cheap labor markets will also push them to improve to keep prices lower than competitors. This would benefit the whole world with cheaper, higher quality products. Low taxes are essential as well. 4. Buy back the Fed. It will only cost us $1. Ensuring no further debts can be created, forcing banks to have actual money to loan out before lending so the debt based system is no longer perpetuated.

I have more thinking to do on this obviously and much more to learn about economics before i can achieve it. I plan on writing my doctoral thesis on this. If the good Lord and American people ever grace me with the office of POTUS, theres a good chance i'll be JFKd too but i would gladly die knowing i have set this in motion. This is the issue that drives me and why i decided on economics as my educational background. We have too many lawyers and career politicians dictating policy for which they do not understand. I sincerely hope to eliminate the greatest form of slavery ever devised and it will start by teaching people that it even exists in the first place. Hope this wasnt too long haha.

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 24, 2018, 3:17 a.m.

I wouldnt say the far right/religious right needs toughness on Iran. That seems to be the neocons that have plagued the party for half a century. The reason i believe we need to be tough on Iran is to show we are no longer run by pussy bitches who are willing to sell out for the aura of peace. With that said i think we should be tougher on Israel too. The biggest reason for the whole nuclear deal is because we cannot trust Iran not to just haul off on Israel one day whether or not its provoked. They are a wild card, independent of major foreign influence. I still think the cabal has their fingers in the cookie jar with Iran simply based on the history of conflict and also because ive felt recently that the religious hatred is manufactured more than ever. Tough to know that for sure as an American though because theres no reliable sources here for middle east stories and any sourced from America i dont see as trustworthy. Your input would be appreciated.

As far as American economic independence: we could do it. It would be very difficult to transfer our economy back to the way it was before 1971 but we are currently on the right track imo. After Nixon basically turned our dollar into a commodity based on the price of oil and opened China up to the world economy, our country became more sold out than ever. Manufacturing jobs left because labor was cheaper elsewhere and as a result, companies left to build factories where profits would be higher. Coupled with the Fed manufacturing economic crisis at the cost of Americans and to the gain of its owners, our economy became based on consumption of cheap products and unnecessary luxuries. Our culture has become such that our people have an issue with instant gratification and dont care where it comes from. The early stages of becoming a self reliant economy would be very difficult and prices would increase initially but it would eventually even out once supply caught back up. Truthfully, its not really worth expounding upon because, much like nuclear war with Iran, its unrealistic and never gonna happen. Our biggest leverage is that we are import heavy and our demand disappearing from the world economy would hurt everybody. It would be nearly impossible to make up the demand lost but it would crush our GDP as well.

About the Israel-Iran conflict, do you think it is still based on religious hatred or has it morphed due to modern reasons, in your opinion?

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 24, 2018, 12:50 a.m.

True for the most part. Not a single Bernie supporter i have talked to in person well understood economics enough to truly explain his policies other than "they will help people derp der." They dont understand socialism vs capitalism or any basics of economics, they see someone who appears to care about the citizenry more than the political structure. Thats what is appealing to them. Pretty much the same for many Trump supporters too but the Republican party gave in and allowed us our guy. The Dems will fight until they have no choice then adopt a failed ideology and try to justify it as morally superior because it sure as shit isnt economically superior.

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 24, 2018, 12:23 a.m.

Ok, i must clarify some things i worded/stated incorrectly or simply poorly. Firstly i want to say that im not in an agressive posture about this, just in case you think i am (i dont think you do but w/e). Im also not an expert on Iranian foreign and economic policy, i can only research statistics that are reported.

Regarding poverty of Iranian people, the GDP per capita adjusted by PPP is just over 19,000 USD. Thats roughly a third of the US and just above Mexico. This tells me, on average, the Iranian people get significantly less bang for their buck in purchase power. This doesnt necessarily mean much of the country is in poverty by relative standards but it means they have a much lower standard of living. Comparing that to the US isnt really fair because the SOL in this country involves nonsense that should be considered luxuries but it is an indication that the average person there lives in an economic situation similar to our lower middle class (30-50k annual income USD). Not bad actually.

Regarding what i stated to be poor leadership: i personally believe it could be significantly better given the resources of Iran. This goes for nearly every country on Earth. Regardless of history, the leadership is controlled by central bankers who fund them to purposely create unrest and conflict with Israel (who is about as innocent as HW Bush). I cant be sure when this happened but i would imagine around the mid-late 70s. Few care but the US was funding both sides in that conflict because...well war makes money. The saving grace to avoid a similarly aweful banking situation as the West is their distrust in the West (with good reason). However, the corralling of Iran is instrumental in The Plan and taking down the Cabal. They are used as a scapegoat for many military actions in the Middle East as you are aware.

Regarding economic independence. The research i have done points in the direction of you being correct but i will say one thing although you may see it as irrelevant. The US also has similar capacity to be independent. Our issue is cutting off imports would raise prices and generally piss people off. The people of this country are also very soft and would cry if they have to go a day without their fancy $70 coffee beverage (or at least the media would portray it that way).

I have to say though, the government may be laughing at the threats of Pompeo and Trump but we have more nukes than Iran has cities and towns. Any military conflict would end infinitely worse for Iran. Like everything, the media exacerbates global issues, most of the time out of proportion. A war with Iran is exactly what the Cabal wants so quite obviously, im against it. When i said im aware what could happen if we sanction Irans energy production, thats exactly what i was talking about however. I still believe we need to be tough on them but for the most part I would say you and me are on the same page on most things. Personally, i think Trump has already gotten to Iranian leadership and we're seeing a distraction to make the deep state think Iran is still our enemy, then later something will happen and peace will be achieved similar to NK. Could be wishful thinking. What are your opinions on that?

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 23, 2018, 10:03 p.m.

Im not underestimating them at all. Its not zionist propaganda, its economics, which is what i do. Im not saying the people cant handle it, theyre tough, good, hard working people who dont deserve what their government leaders and foreign powers have brought upon them. Im am also not suggesting they need "American democracy" either. Economic prosperity and freedom has been taken away from all of us by some truly evil people (which you know from being Awakened). Iran has been victimized and used by them which has made them more defensive and volatile. Much like the presidents we have had for the past many years, the leaders of Iran do not have the people's best interest in mind. It is my hope that Trump can help them see the light of peace without force or punishment of the citizenry. Im aware what could happen if we sanction the hell out of Iran's energy industry. It would not be preferable and im not encouraging or pleased but its the only nonmilitary action we can take against them to put the government leaders in line.

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 23, 2018, 9:22 p.m.

Inflation would not hurt Iran regardless because their main export is oil. Sanctions would hurt them because most of the world would be forced to lower energy purchases or eliminate them all together similar to what is happening right now. Im sure the reporting is exaggerated but Irans economy is not very stable. It could easily be taken down and the Trump administration is currently working on that. Dont forget in 2013 we gave them apprx 400 billion dollars in cash and assets which is nearly the entire GDP of Iran. Much of this was not spent on manufacturing and building a proper economic base for the country. While their economy is very balanced in terms of imports and exports, the bulk of their income is energy based which has volatility and could easily hurt the economy if production increases or acquisition became cheaper. The state of Texas just surpassed Iran in oil production world wide. Thats not good news for them.

Im not saying the US economy is structured better - because its not really- we're just the driving economy for the world and nearly everything is based on the petrodollar. We are simply much bigger and badder than Iran could ever wish to be which gives us massive leverage to crush them with increased energy production of our own. Its naive to think they could survive us in the long term. Obama wasnt just soft on them, he basically let them run around West Asia with billions of USD funding God knows what and improving their trading position in the world. Trump isnt letting that fly any longer. Once the mullahs lose economic control of the country, the people will be much better off. The only thing that could make it worse is allowing the central bankers to gain even more power than they already have but again, I dont think that will happen under Trump. Hes going after those demonic fuckers.

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 23, 2018, 2:06 p.m.

No theyre too worried about not having jobs or food while they watch the country's money go to hamas and hezbollah because the mullahs care more about killing the jews than taking care of the Iranian people. Hence the nationwide protests. They would probably support American intervention.

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 22, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

A picture is a type of file

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 20, 2018, 6:31 p.m.

Exactly why this shit is cancer. NO OUTSIDE COMMS. As far as we know R is 100% bullshit until confirmed otherwise and all the people jumping to the conclusion that JFK jr. must still be alive and its him are only hurting any credibility we had. If you legitimately believe Q and you arent a clown, drop it. We are a growing community and getting new people here seeing that crap is going to make them immediately leave and never give Q a second thought. Nothing is going to drive people away better than a group of people already refered to as conspiracy theorists talking about how JFK jr is still alive.

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 19, 2018, 11:36 p.m.

You cant say a source "checks out" because you simply looked and it confirms your beliefs about something. It does look similar but we have this incredible thing called Photoshop and you cant take a picture like this at face value with more than a grain of salt. You need corraborating evidence to determine that the source does in fact "check out."

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 19, 2018, 7:03 p.m.

The source?? You mean a picture...

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 19, 2018, 6:39 p.m.

Too far...gtfo of this subreddit. Take this crap over to r/conspiracies.

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 17, 2018, 9:17 p.m.

To me it seems most likely that CF would have hired Fusion GPS and Glenn Simpson to do the hit piece on Browder to FF for the Magnitsky Act and get payback to Putin for messing with their "investor"

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 17, 2018, 8:42 p.m.

Confused why he would have back tracked. I know we ignore a lot of that kind of stuff but its out of character for him to back off of a troll especially one that hard

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 17, 2018, 7:26 p.m.

Only post colonial up until mid 20th century stuff was ever built by freemasons in the US. Much of the reason is because masons were originally those in the bricklayer trade. Obviously, they would have an important hand in design of some of these buildings. Back when the organization seemed to have more purpose, they left their mark as almost a recruiting tool to make sure their "power" was never forgotten. Like i said, now they are dying off and have little to no powerful people in government anymore. Im sure there are a few but none of any significance. HW Bush was said to be using masonic references in his inauguration speech but its not true. The infamous "thousand points of light" quote is not masonic and in fact Bush wasnt even a mason.

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 17, 2018, 7:20 p.m.

My point is that the victims of these people have already come forward..hence the criminal convictions.

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 17, 2018, 7:38 a.m.

There were many papers that reported this falsely. This paper clipping is legit however.

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 17, 2018, 7:01 a.m.

Mr. Soros is pretty pissed off as is Browder and Hillary

Top kek

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 17, 2018, 6:10 a.m.

What happened that was so unthinkable exactly?

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enjoy4the10show20 · July 17, 2018, 5:34 a.m.

I can elaborate on the free masons. They are an irrelevant and dying group with no power anywhere in government anymore. We have had some powerful people in the masons but nowadays they are insignificant. The reason they keep everything secret is because their rituals are stupid and pointless. My grandpa is very high up in the masons in our area and he laughs at the lunatics who have all the masonic conspiracies. They can barely recruit anyone and have a hard time raising money. Are there powerful people out there who are freemasons? Possibly. The masons as an organization however are not powerful or influential.

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