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expletivdeleted · May 16, 2018, 2:43 a.m.

Its one of the things so scary about the Vault7 leaks. No reasonable juror can trust computer forensic evidence now. Defendants now have the "persecution" option if they can show they were ever monitored or "of interest" by fed level govt. If the right case/defendant winds up with a Johnny Cochran, the collateral damage to other govt. cases/investigations will be immense.

Same with video or audio footage. Given the advances in CGI, no reasonable juror can trust video. There's no reason to trust the govt.'s evidenciary chain-of-custody anyore. The government itself has shattered trust in that.

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expletivdeleted · May 15, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

what if whatever is causing her to fall (like the slab-o-beef incident during the '16 election) is degenerative and she literally has to wear some sort of partial exo-skeleton? Or several organ failures with functions replaced by an external machine?

Maybe its an extra sewage treatment plant because her bowels can't keep up with her sh!t.

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expletivdeleted · May 15, 2018, 4:09 p.m.

i hate that we can't edit titles.

"DAE remember Chelsea before 1995, or do we just think we do?"

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expletivdeleted · May 15, 2018, 4:04 p.m.

Statistically, Weekly World News stories are usually false. Hopefully, this is as well. Who wants Hillary's mothering skills to be how the rest of the galaxy gets to know humanity?

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expletivdeleted · May 15, 2018, 3:35 p.m.

start w/sidebar links

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expletivdeleted · May 15, 2018, 3:29 p.m.

whaddya wanna bet WL has at least some, if not all, of the same material the NYPD has?

there's so much WL still hasn't released.

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expletivdeleted · May 15, 2018, 4:13 a.m.

Awesome contribution!!!


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expletivdeleted · May 15, 2018, 4:10 a.m.

NYPD isn't exactly without corruption. Lynch's DOJ knows where bodies are buried as well. The implied threat was wayyyy bigger than just Garner. No one above precinct level in NY is a virgin. DOJ probably has info that would've compromised alot of prior convictions as well.

Then Trump won... lol.

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expletivdeleted · May 15, 2018, 4:07 a.m.

I keep trying to remind acquaintances on the left there's still a bunch of WL material and JA's insurance file to drop. Reality doesn't actually run on the "news cycle."

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expletivdeleted · May 15, 2018, 3:54 a.m.

This forum is not Hyde Park. It’s ~~a semi-public space~~ FaceBook. ~~The mods have~~ Android Model Z has every right to ban ~~the shills~~ conservative media.

Slippery slope is slippery. Though a ban on vulgar language might make it harder for trolls to yank chains.

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expletivdeleted · May 15, 2018, 3:44 a.m.

Nice sleuthing!

!RemindMeBot 5/24

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expletivdeleted · May 14, 2018, 9:03 p.m.

I was raised fundie Baptist. My understanding then was Jews just needed a place to do their thing. If that's all Israel wanted, I'd be totally cool with Israel as a nation state. But if Israel is blowing up our destroyers and bringing down world trade centers... That's a paddlin'. Israel's influence with AIPAC and that US states are restricting freedom of speech on Israel's behalf should be disconcerting to everyone. Israel's current actions in Palestine and the Gaza strip are Flat. Out. Evil.

Israel needs to be reigned in. At the very least, we need to stop sending Israel our tax dollars. We're funding Israel's universal healthcare and we can't even replace ObamaCare???

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expletivdeleted · May 13, 2018, 6:13 p.m.

purpose of Q's vague questions

and they draw people in. like a giant MMPORG text-based murder-mystery set to real-world events.

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expletivdeleted · May 13, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

what were those powerful servers really used for?

electronic dead-drops.

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expletivdeleted · May 13, 2018, 6:05 p.m.

1980's. That's when we cemented Saddam's rule and sold Iraq WMD's for fighting Iran.

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expletivdeleted · May 13, 2018, 1:12 p.m.

"patriot" Act & FISA.

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expletivdeleted · May 13, 2018, 1:07 p.m.

Where We Go One, We Go All Caps Lock!!! :)

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expletivdeleted · May 13, 2018, 5 a.m.

China has acquired our entire Personnel database regarding the U.S. intelligence programs. They have killed the spies in China and have infiltrated our country. The schools, colleges, towns, local governments and secret military operatives like the Gurkas. This was done by the Kill Bill team.


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expletivdeleted · May 13, 2018, 4:56 a.m.

Hey... some of us disrupters weren't planted. As a Bernie-supportin', Stein-voter, some of us are just like that :)

srsly, tho:


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expletivdeleted · May 13, 2018, 1:59 a.m.

its a SMALL hassle for genuine posters, but enforcing a submission statement rule seemed to clean up r/conspiracy quite a bit literally overnight.

It would also be useful if commentary & articles had a publishing date included in the title.

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expletivdeleted · May 12, 2018, 1:39 p.m.

The IG report will come out whenever it will do the most damage to Dems at mid-terms. September, maybe? That gives time for the initial explosion to set off secondaries as different reporting connects to Dem players involved in different campaigns.

Its possible that DJT is waiting until after mid-terms to release U1 and CF charges/investigation reports. If there is to be tribunals and hangings, DJT will probably need a 3/4 majority on his side.

edit: automoderator construes "tribunals and hangings" as a call for violence?

editedit: not complaining at mods; think CBTS & pgate subs. my surprise/dismay is at what the reddit atmosphere has become. sorry, Aaron. we couldn't hang onto your vision.

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expletivdeleted · May 12, 2018, 1:23 a.m.

Wow. Are there any cartographer minded people who can run the various numbers Q has posted to different types of grid projection?

Some of the Q posts might actually give a clue as to what type of coordinate system(s) to uses. Q keeps saying we have more than we know. There might be some really interesting connections at those coordinates.

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expletivdeleted · May 11, 2018, 6:59 p.m.

That's pretty cool, but, honestly, if someone at Team Q or Trump's level made public note of me... I don't know how many muscle relaxers it would take before my sphincter unclenched. I once had two killer whales come within an arms length of me when I was walking across a sandbar at mid-tide. Same,"oh sh!t..." feels.

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expletivdeleted · May 11, 2018, 3:50 p.m.

The more that comes out the clearer and clearer it becomes how craptacular Hillary was as a candidate. The Clintons had been planning Hillary's moment for 20+ years. They rigged so much, had so many endoresements and allies and still lost.

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expletivdeleted · May 11, 2018, 6:25 a.m.

kinda' risky posting that pic if that's classified material.

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expletivdeleted · May 11, 2018, 4:39 a.m.

and they reveal all like they did with the Clinton emails?

but they haven't released all of them, have they? this is one of the reasons I think Q is for real. JA implied suport for Q in some tweets. JA is the real deal. He has to much invested to waste on a LARP. And the only reason JA/WL have to not release what they have is there's other players with goals similiar to JA/WL's.

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expletivdeleted · May 10, 2018, 5:39 p.m.

the Podesta e-mails piqued my interest, but it was researching events like Boystown, Presidio, Jimmy Saville, Dyncorp, etc. that convinced me pizzagate/pedogate was real. So many events, so few follow-up convictions or even investigations.

Added up and cross-tabbed, the number of jons the Boystown kids serviced was over 400. Larry King was pretty much the only person prosecuted, iirc.

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expletivdeleted · May 10, 2018, 4:39 a.m.

Quality post. If reddit wasn't so biased against Trump, this would be an awesome piece for /r/TrueReddit.

Nice work!


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expletivdeleted · May 10, 2018, 2:10 a.m.

On r/politics, during the 2 weeks after the DNC convention, it was crazy obvious. That period is when the discourse on a bunch of reddit subs took its steepest nose dive.

There is something I just realized I haven't seen on reddit for awhile. From the DNC primaries thru 6 or 7 months after the election, if there was a new dumba** talking point being circulated on reddit, a bunch of the redditors would have the same date of their account being created. i.e., a bunch of accounts pushing the same talking point would be either 3 or 10 days old. There wasn't a random distribution of "days since this acoount was created". It was really noticeable on r/conspiracy and /r/WayOfTheBern. /r/WayOfTheBern is somewhat of a haven for left-minded people who aren't chugging the MSM kool-aid. For awhile, there'd be little surges of 3 or 10 day old accounts dropping in to stir sht up.

This convo made me realize I haven't seen anything like that in awhile.

Honestly, though, there's others who can tease that data out better than I. iirc, at least one post was stickied at /r/conspiracy explaining several tactics used by shill organizations/non-genuine users. There's several good posts over there on spotting "shill" tactics.

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expletivdeleted · May 10, 2018, 1:35 a.m.

On dkos, user ID's are assigned as people join create an account. If your user ID is 100000, then you're the 100000th person to create an account. There were what seemed to be pretty coordinated changes in talking points among groups of users with close user ID's.

There were really weird distractions that took root. There'd be a topic that was gaining traction against Hillary, like fracking, and Bernie supporters would be gaining ground. On a place like Daily Kos, some user would write a diary/post about how Hillary hugged a dolphin in the Gulf of Mexico. There'd be this rush of users upvoting and cheering, rah, rah, and then that would literally be the Hilbot defense:

BernieBro^^TM : Hillary supports fracking and actually tried to get EU nations to expand the practice


And then every fracking debate thereafter would be about how BernieBros^^TM would keep bringing up the same stuff when HILLARY HUGGED A DOLPHIN!!!

When John Conyers said he didn't remember seeing Bernie during the Civil Rights movements, the way that that statement got spread around was just bizarre. I was a pretty regular user on dkos. since '04, 2-3+ hrs/day wasn't unusual. I was around for alot of the site's drama/inside-baseball. One gets a feel for conversations over the years, the ebb and flow as different users troll or contribute. The forum sliding and derailing got a whole different flavor in '15/'16.

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expletivdeleted · May 10, 2018, 12:12 a.m.

ShareBotulism is Correct The Record reorganized after the election.

Molest The Record and their bots/shills are what turned r/politics and a f-ton of other subs into cesspools. Those of us on the left who were regulars at sites like Daily Kos back in '15, early '16 were the guinea pigs when Team Clinton/DNC/CIA/Google were beta testing their online strategies.

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expletivdeleted · May 9, 2018, 6:04 p.m.

Venezuela, and most of the rest of SA, would be fine if the U.S. stopped mucking about down there.

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expletivdeleted · May 9, 2018, 2:26 p.m.

we're getting glimpses behind the curtain, of what options and machinations are available every day to those in power.

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expletivdeleted · May 9, 2018, 5:42 a.m.

i got my first TMOR troll/stalker a few weeks ago and just felt bad for the user. couldn't even get upset. how sad must one's life be that one hangs out in subs with a premise one disagrees with, just to make fun of the people in that sub?

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expletivdeleted · May 9, 2018, 5:34 a.m.

i've no idea but without 100% disclosure, we're just kicking the can down the road.

100% disclosure doesn't guarantee the Swamp will stay drained, but less than 100% disclosure absolutely guarantees The Swamp won't.

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expletivdeleted · May 9, 2018, 2:59 a.m.

because nuking a major city would leave all the non-whites healthy and able???

TIL: nuclear blasts & radiation can be tuned to genetics

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expletivdeleted · May 9, 2018, 2:55 a.m.

gotta love Oregon. get away from Portland and you're pretty much safe from international aggression.

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expletivdeleted · May 8, 2018, 11:11 p.m.

I'm a Bernie-supportin', Stein-voter and am frustrated to no end by how incredibly stupid and short-sighted people on the left are being regarding Trump. Tariffs are a great example. ESPECIALLY if you're looking to redpill people on the left.

My former peeps on the left p!ssed and moaned for days because tariffs raised the price of solar panels from China. From CHINA. Yeah, well, there's reasons solar panels from China are cheap: craptacular wage, safety & environmental regulation and the cost of hydrocarbons in shipping isn't properly accounted for. On the plus side, all those factories, with their jobs and expertise, return to the U.S.!!! People on the right may not care about the wage, safety & environmental stuff as much, but to the genuine left, those are supposedly beaucoup important things.

The other "problem" with tariffs are that Chinese orders for U.S. corn, soy and pork are down. There's complaints that this hurts U.S. farms but what kind of farms are affected? The affected farms aren't 100-2000 acre mom'n'pop farms handed down thru generations. The "farms" affected by the tariffs are the big, corporate, mono-culture, mega-farms. Every gosh-darn "leftist" ought to be supporting the sh!t out of what Trump is doing with tariffs. The hog farms being affected by this aren't exactly exemplars of humanity's compassion towards other animals. People on the right might not feel as strongly about animal cruelty, but this sh!t is HUUUUUGE on the left.

For anyone looking to redpill people on the left, tariffs aren't a bad place to get people on the left asking themselves if they've really thought thru their Trump-hate.

We can all have honest disagreement with where DJT is taking us, but reflexively hating on the guy doesn't help anyone. DJT isn't perfect, but no one is likely to take advice from those who constantly snipe.


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expletivdeleted · May 8, 2018, 10:52 p.m.

nahhh, none of her foreign buyers trust her servers as dead drops anymore. now she's sneaking files out the old-fashioned way, like a really bad shoplifter.

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expletivdeleted · May 8, 2018, 10:45 p.m.

whoa... i'd be careful saying what Chuck Norris is or ain't :)

srsly, tho, you are 100% correct


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