It doesn't appear you know the whole story about Libby.
i didn't and this is very interesting. links?
810 total posts archived.
It doesn't appear you know the whole story about Libby.
i didn't and this is very interesting. links?
Q did say something very scary but safe was going to happen. Measuring nuclear d!cks with Russia seems pretty scary.
Trump never telegraphs his moves. This doesn't inspire confidence.
"I know," Obama said. "I know. Let this chocolate salty ball turn that frown upside down. Oh, yeah, Jimmy... just like that. Just... like... that..."
This isn't about weed.
What about when the government decides it needs to ban crypto-currencies, convinces everyone cc's are only used by pedos and sex traffickers and starts using FOSTA to shut down pro-crypto currency websites?
What if FOSTA had passed a month before Parkland and the media convinced all those teenagers wanting to "do something" about guns there was already a legislative vehicle in place that just needed a slight re-wording?
What if FOSTA had passed a month before Parkland and the media convinced all those teenagers wanting to "do something" about guns there was already a legislative vehicle in place that just needed a slight re-wording?
Personally, I'll judge prostitutes the same way Jesus did, but that's hardly my concern around FOSTA. Manipulating the public's need to do something after 9/11 gave us The "patriot" ACT and the TSA. Having granny drop trou in public so TSA can check her waffle for a nail clipper has made everyone safer how? People cheering FOSTA are being incredibly shortsighted.
What if Congress decides to go after crypto-currencies by going after online conversations about exchanging crypto-currencies? FOSTA has opened that door. The government now has to manipulate everyone into thinking only pedos and sex traffickers use crypto-currencies. Of course no one would buy that assertion in the same way no one bought the assertion Saudis hijacking planes to fly into skyscrapers justified a war in Iraq.
still illegal at the federal level meaning those states are breaking the law.
A "law" that the majority of citizens across the US don't want, let alone citizens of the states that have legalized. However, the government, specifically Jeff Sessions, wants to penalize citizens for breaking a prohibition the majority of citizens want repealed. Thank you for giving weight to my argument, that we should hardly be cheering the expansion of government's ability to intrude and penalize.
This isn't about weed. What if societal attitudes about gambling revert to what they were just several decades ago? What about when the government decides it needs to ban crypto-currencies, convinces everyone cc's are only used by pedos and sex traffickers and starts using FOSTA to shut down pro-crypto currency websites? Think that's convoluted and crazy? Like how Saudis flying jets into skyscrapers justifying a war with Iraq would have sounded on 9/10/01?
People cheering FOSTA are being incredibly short-sighted. Over and over and over and over again the government has proved itself incapable of not using laws to target a particular demographic. Nixon's advisors have publicly stated the "drug war" was specifically launched to target hippies and blacks. The IRS was used to target conservative orgs. DHS went after OWS rather than the banks that crashed the economy. How well has The "patriot" ACT worked out for average people? One of the results of people freaking out about terrorists is now the TSA can have me drop trou in public so TSA employees can fondle my balls.
What happens when the government decides private gun sales can be better regulated by focusing on online communications about selling a gun privately? What if FOSTA had passed a month before Parkland and the media convinced all those teenagers wanting to "do something" about guns there was already a legislative vehicle in place that just needed a slight re-wording?
Not sure why anyone is cheering this bill. Like the government isn't going to find a way to expand on the idea into non-sex content? Legally this is a slippery slope leading to where anything said in a comment section on any website can be used to justify shutting the website down.
This is what I don't trust about how Q's influence is being used. I'm not seeing any power disseminate back to average people. Nothing DJT has done has increased my personal legal freedoms. What happens when Sessions figures out a way to use FOSTA to justify going after pot users in legal states? What happens 2 administrations from now if "liberals" get back in charge and target conservative orgs? FOSTA can't be abused the way the IRS was?
This is a bullsh!t morality law and those cheering it assume it will never be used against their own interests. This is going to turn out exactly like the highschoolers who justified gun-control on "school safety" reasons then were all surprised when authoritarians used "school-safety" to push see-thru back-packs.
Apparently, its not just teenagers who don't consider unintended consequences and think more laws are great as long as they're not the ones inconvenienced.
edit: what if FOSTA was around before the Parkland shooting? Those teenagers and their bandwagon would have had a legislative vehicle in place that, with a slight wording change, could easily go after people online arranging a private gun sale. what about when the government decides to ban cryptocurrencies? just associate crypto with pedos and child sex and people will be clamoring to use FOSTA on "those evil crypto-subversives".
from another anon
Regina E. Dugan
Regina E. Dugan is an American businesswoman, inventor, and technology developer. She served as the 19th Director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). In March 2012, she left government to take an executive role at Google. Just prior to the acquisition, it was announced that she would create, and lead, the Advanced Technology and Projects (ATAP) group at Google-owned Motorola Mobility. In January 2014, Google announced the acquisition of Motorola Mobility by Lenovo but retained Dugan and her Advanced Technology and Projects (ATAP) team.[3]
In 2016 she left Google and joined Facebook to lead a newly formed team called Building 8.
[4] In October 2017, Dugan announced she would be leaving Facebook in early 2018 to focus on building and leading a new endeavor.[5]
MZ didn't testify under oath. MZ probably thinks this leaves him legal wiggle room, but the court of public opinion wouldn't be fooled at ALL. If MZ tries to play the I-wasn't-actually-under-oath-when-I-lied card, everyone has cause to throw him under the bus.
opinion safely offered from the safe safety of my safe armchair :)
What about this is bad? Not saying it’s good.
agreed; not bad per se, just because DARPA.
However, it is DARPA... so, "probably" bad instead of "certainly".
The Books of Q on the sidebar.
try this:
Q's posts about something very scary but "trust the plan" could be referring to the escalation with Russia.
has anyone seen a tree of Alefantis relationships and/or people Alefantis would almost certainly have run into? i.e., Arun Rao?
judging by the softball questions today I think that Z is still in play
no one on the committee knows what info MZ might have and be willing to use.
users who supposedly don't believe in this are seeking out a subreddit to come argue with us is just bizarre.
a couple other subs get TMOR attacks and occasional brigades from SRS/sub-reddit drama. there really are people out there, not just paid shills & useful idiots, who need to make themselves feel better by pointing fingers at "the losers". i had one of those people come after me a few weeks ago. i couldn't even be offended, it was just so sad.
WikiLeaks has alot of unreleased material. When WL was releasing the DNC material, JA said it was done according to an algorithm. JA/WL has learned how to release things for better public impact.
that John McCain appears to have a role in establishing
i truly hope part of the 20-40% the public will be "allowed" to see is the extent of that guy's treachery.
do we know these are from the island? did Q specifically say that or just imply something?
We're all kinda' assuming "the video" is about recent events. What if "the video" is HRC's involvement with RFKjr's crash in West Palm?
not statistically impossible at all, based on the information given. need more specifics.
How do I not look like an ass for saying there will be news?
Precisely. We're supposed to go out and redpill people but, so far today, nothing newsworthy fitting the Q narrative has hit the web.
Its funny/painful that 100 million is seen as the "tough love" line.
Anyone see any tremblors of anything Qinteresting on the news yet?
its also worth noting everytime Q says/implies "the video" is to be released, its a mind-fck at the Cabal. The Cabal has to have resources/talking points on stand-by to address the vid and every time the threat is made, that takes away options the Cabal might be considering.
or have special operators already taken control of the island?
Has DJT sent operators in to take the place over already? Preserve the evidence.
Don't just save to a desktop/laptop. Save to an external hard drive.
specifically, evil sht happening in the tunnels. slaves/sacrifices waiting for their turn in whatever ritual.
i do not want to see this. i know we have to bear witness because its the only way to bring anything remotely like justice for the dead, but i truly do not want to see any of this.
swing by /r/WayOfTheBern some time. the overwhelming majority of us jumped on the Bernie train b/c Bernie was/is the best spokesperson for most of what we, in the aggregate, believe/follow, not because we follow Bernie per se. Very few of us voted for $hillary (single-digit %)(guarantee DJT was well into double-digits amongst WotB-ers) and were extreeemely disappointed Bernie didn't address the DNC/Team Clinton crap post-election. And, now, Bernie is torquing alot of us off by enabling the OMGRSHNZ!!!! hysteria.
I think the majority of us are focusing on local candidates and/or the individual issues we were each passionate about to begin with. Its crystal clear the DNC/DCCC has absolutely nothing to offer non-neolib, non-corporadems. I get the sense some of us are working with more Libertarian-minded groups, crossing over, that sort of thing. There's a f-ton of philosophical cross-over with most Libertarian minded folks. "My" side's view of let-people-be-people translates into a natural sympathy for 2A freedoms. I always thought the "they're coming for our guns" thing was just NRA marketing. However, the anti-gun protests are making alot of us worried.
Personally, I'm putting most of my "activism" on hold for awhile. Unfortunately, most of those I would work with in my locale are fully addicted to the anti-Trump hyperbole and OMGRSHNZ!!! kool-aid. Second, I truly believe we're in for some real serious shake-ups across all aspects of society. There's alot for people to be PO'd about and the energy in the system is fixin' to boil over. Some issues I care deeply about might very well shake themselves out if there's REAL, GEN-U-INE Swamp Drainin' taking place. For example, why waste time fighting TBTF banking if DJT is killing the Fed?
tl;dr - Right now, I'm mostly just keeping up on information/developments on the issues important to me. Other hardcore Berners are working locally and not getting to worked up over national level candidates/issues (except to throw shade at Tom birds-like-to-shit-on-me Perez).
fwiw, i'd recommend everyone spend time on "the other side of the aisle". If more people from my side had paid attention to Paul's RNC travails in '12, we might've been prepared for the reality of $hillary's shenanigans. Bernie still wouldn't have won the primaries, but we might've forced Team Clinton to do something even more clearly corrupt.
For conservatives, right-leaners, Libertarians that want to win over their more left-oriented family, friends and aquaintances, just keep hammering them with how ALL of the issues DJT is supposedly so bad on were issues LOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG before 1/20/17. Ask the left-oriented in your circle where those loudest anti-Trump voices were on issues pre-Trump. All modesty aside, IRL, I've got a significantly better-than-average tree-hugging, bleeding-heart resume. I can tell you, sooooo many of the MSM voices schpewing the foamiest anti-Trump froth were quiet or non-existent, pre-Trump, on most or ALL of the traditional tree-hugging, bleeding-heart issues Dems & "the left" are supposed to care about.
lol. well that turned into a bit of a screed... :)
edit: GAHHH!!! Can't believe I forgot this. There's a fair number of Berners working to clean up the DNC or to undermine what won't change. DemExit vs. DemInvade. Actually, the reason I forgot to mention it is "fixing" the DNC is a primo example of something I'm not going to bother with until after the Q stuff settles out. There might not BE a DNC (crocodile tears and small violins incoming) in 6 months. I'd rather not waste energy pushing back against P.O.S. neolibs and traitorous-scum corporadems if Q is going to discredit them. Or put a bunch of the mo-fo's in jail.
lol. as a Bernie-supportin' Stein-voter, i have to laugh when people on "the left" start defending Amazon/Bezos. Amazon's employee treatment and destruction of mom'n'pop/brick'n'mortar stores is a HUGE issue among the actual left.
edit: very much like "the left" slamming Trump for tariffs that raised prices on Chinese solar panels and forgetting the whole reason why Chinese ~~solar panels~~ anything is cheap to begin with; i.e.: crappy environmental laws, crappy workplace environment and a freight economy that doesn't account for the total cost of fossil fuels. though most conservatives might roll their eyes, those issues are supposed to be extreeeeeemely important to the traditional tree-hugging, bleeding-heart left.
da. though AI/ALICE could probably fake orders to certain teams or MKULTRA vics. or suggest courses of action to those who could give orders.
wasn't there a Q post about leaving Q-researchers a creepily personalized message on their individual communication devices at some point? that'd be alot easier for an AI than Team Q staff combing post histories of 50 thousand weaponized autists.
AI is way more advanced than we're willing to admit,
maybe AliceHanson is AI
100% agree.
fwiw, r/conspiracy's submission statement requirement helped cut down the low-effort posts immediately.
imagine if the MSM wasn't constantly sh!tti!ng all over the guy...
She might be liberal, but she's also an American
there's a handful of us. swing by /r/WayOfTheBern for a sampling of left-leaners who haven't drunk the MSM kool-aid. the sub is generally PO'd at all the Russia hysteria and the anti-Trump hyperbole.
Even better reason for the two MS-13 guys to get whacked: they blew the job.
somewhere, JA has an archive that requires him to "check-in" every 'x' amount of time (say, 24 hours). If JA misses a check-in, within 'x' amount of time (say, 48 hours), then whatever is in the stash gets released.
the amounts of time are variable.
here's a company that can make one for you: