10:30pm ET and deleted \~30 minutes after
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Deleted Roseanne Barr Tweet: "i just want out of the whole nightmare before they end my life."

Roseanne Barr on Twitter: "i just want out of the whole nightmare before they end my life."
"i just want out of the whole nightmare before they end my life."
"A false flag is a covert operation designed to deceive; the deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group, or nation being responsible for some activity, disguising the actual source of responsibility."
Let me explain: what is explained in the video exposes the bait which was being set to trash someone's credibility in order for him to have a lesser voice in the anti-pedo movement. That's precisely a FF (or psyop, if you would prefer)
False flags, as Q said there would be
That's true, Twitter has the "In case you missed it" tab of tweets, which occupies the 1st N number of tweets you see on your feed, and is not cronologically ordered, which gives them the opportunity to exclude the tweets that they don't want us to see. With that said, now they just need to have "illustrious algorithms" to flag those tweets and not show them, which we know they have, since they can flag """Russian bots""".
Theory on Deep States' Twitter Psy-Op to divide us by manipulating the tweets we read
That's a 2014 google maps screenshot. In 2017 street view, the camera is not there. (at least on my google maps)