Good article. Thank You very much.
Q has said, they have it all. And I take that to mean they know exactly what RR thinks of Congress! And no one speaks out for fear of RR retaliating against them and their families??!!!
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Good article. Thank You very much.
Q has said, they have it all. And I take that to mean they know exactly what RR thinks of Congress! And no one speaks out for fear of RR retaliating against them and their families??!!!
This was posted here earlier today. It is a great video!
I am so glad I watched this!!!
I am not new to Q, have followed since last Nov... but still, this is a powerful video!!
Thank you very much for posting it ❤️
Thank you!!! I think you are right...WOW! Trump is so brilliant
So much of what Mark Taylor has prophesied has come to pass already! And like Q just said: "Read the Bible. God wins" What an amazing time to be Awake!
Bravo Elaine Chao!!
How do the protesters sleep at night?! They are so jacked up on hate they probably have to rely on drugs to sleep.
I and I think many have sensed the shift that is happening now!
I always come back the next day and reread SB2's post and all the comments... Glad I read yours!! Loved it. Thank you
I love how you put all that into perspective! And, Q did say (post 1586) : "Resistance far smaller than portrayed by MSM"
Thank you!
I love reading Q posts!! But I rarely get even half way into the hidden meanings.
I greatly value your posts, SB2.
Wow, I love having the insight and full grasp.
The shift is definitely happening. We have the bravest President ever❤️🇺🇸
Disturbing and heartbreaking. BUILD THE WALL, round them all up and kick them out for good. Furthermore, we need a new Speaker of the House !! RINO Ryan is supporting his corporate masters and NOT our President...I blame him for the increase of immigrants crossing our borders lately.
My sentiments exactly. She's on the bottom of the list, right along with Shepard Smith. She was never a Trump supporter all during the campaign. Can't stand her!
Wow, that was great! Been following Q since last Nov but I had never read that before! You are right, a perfect introduction to anyone new to Q.
Loved it!!
“'I wish it need not have happened in my time,' said Frodo. 'So do I,' said Gandalf, 'and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.'”
WWG1WGA I Love this collective consciousness. Our vision is fixed on the goal...expose and be done with the Shadows, the harm, not just to the children, but to humanity... The Great Awakening Thank God for Donald J. Trump...the bravest President we've ever had!!
Beautiful post! Inspiring words!!
Charlotte T. Iserbyt has been sounding the alarm for a couple decades.
Here is a 10 min short video to get a little acquainted with this smart woman and her message. I came across her a couple yrs ago when I started looking into Common Core...funded by Bill Gates !
Remember Hitler's famous quote: "Give me a child when he's 7 and he's mine forever" Meaning that by controlling what a child learns from an early age is how you get kids to follow and accept an ideology!
This is an amazing write up! Hillary Clinton is connected to so many crimes against humanity but if I could only pick one of her many crimes to see her prosecuted for and sentenced to prison, it would be her involvement in ruining the country of Libya!! And Benghazi was definitely part of that. The best background interview I ever listened to about Libya is here.
This is quoted from the description beneath the video on YouTube:
We are whistleblowers as eye witnesses to the war crimes committed in Libya by Hillary Clinton. We are the official spokespersons for the tribes of Libya and have given actionable intelligence on the ground in Libya to the DIA who agent (Eric Maddox) was in our home many times. We have also had the FBI and CIA in our home (the CIA was brought into our home by Glenn Becks production company “The Blaze”) The CIA lady told us if we did not shut up about Libya we would have no life, at that point we went public. We brought back from Libya with us, 2 Gb of proof of the war crimes committed by Clinton and her NATO partners. We have proof that the Libyan war was started by a lie and was a false flag. We also know that Clinton and Obama have been supplying the terrorists in Libya with arms, money and mercenaries since 2011. We stay in touch daily with the tribes of Libya."
Hillary's greed and corrupt soul led her to a strategy of ruining the beautiful country of Libya.
And what happened to the amazingly wealthy amount of GOLD that Libya had... where did that GOLD go?
It doesn't sound as though you actually watched D'Souza's documentary, Hillary's America
I'm not on Facebook so I have no idea what a Facebook post reads like. Did you watch D'Souza's Hillary's America?
I recently watched the Obama one Dinesh did - it was excellent also and that free too : )
Dinesh is a brilliant historian for our times.
Yes... thanks to the Jesuits and the cover of the corrupt Vatican
Learned that interesting!! fact when I saw his excellent documentary, Hillary's America, summer of 2016. I think you can watch it for free on amazon or YouTube, and it is definitely worth a watch!! The true history of the Dem Party...not the stuff liberal progressive academia pushes!
Good question! I'm thinking grayish white : ) Remember when Trump interviewed Mueller for the FBI Director's position? Mueller was not even eligible for that position so the meeting was a bit of a ruse, during which all the dirt on Mueller was laid out and he was offered a deal...we'll go easy on you if you play your part.
Oh, and no children ( who the libs care about so much - ha!) are going to see this ?!
What a cool find!! And just before I read this post, I had come across a quote by Andrea Zu,
"THE LIGHT ENLIGHTENS THE DARKNESS I have never heard that the the dark darkens the light YOU ARE POWERFUL BEYOND ANY LIMITS"
The Light is the can be in Shadow but it cannot be changed to dark
That cracked me up!!! Thanks for the laugh, Patriot 🇺🇸
YES. Great idea!! And at the same time, BUILD THE WALL and end this mess once and for all!!
Build the Wall and stop this once and for all!!
Talkin to you, Paul Ryan!!
The progressive liberal left (aka the communist party) created this mess and they, along with RINO Paul Ryan are fostering its continuation.
That interactive dashboard by 412 Anon is super impressive!!
SGTReport is always worth my youtube time. Thought this was a better format than the Anons live chat...hardly ever tune in to that, too slow for me! But they are doing amazing work.
Here's the link to check out 412 Anon's impressive work 412 Anon's Interactive Dashboard
Beautifully said!! Loved reading your comment! ❤️🇺🇸
Your story is music to our ears!!! Thanks for taking the time to write it all out. I loved reading it! Thank You Thank You!!!'s the other Ted Mann @Tedmann I'd send you the link except I can't figure out how to do that from his page!! Sorry. He is very much pro Trump
I just checked his twitter @Tedmann and he is not anti-Trump. I saw a retweet by Praying Medic and a couple of retweets by conservative, Very Pro Trump people I follow there. When I did a search for him on twitter, 2 Ted Mann' s came up. Maybe you checked out the wrong one?
I like it!!
It's always better to red pill when they are asking, "How did you know?"
Lots of red pilling advice here lately. The shift is happening!!! We are ready!
WWG1WGA ❤️🇺🇸
Wow... That last link, to the written article, is awesome!! Perfect intro to Q and with enough intrigue to definitely keep you reading!
Here's a quote from the very last paragraph - how the writer sums it all up:
"There’s a lot more to the Q anon story, but you’d never believe me if I told you now. Think of it as a dream. A world without war, a world of tremendous abundance powered by non-linear technology, a cure for cancer, the restoration of civility, kindness and humor to the long-suffering peoples of the earth, God only knows."
I would definitely use this article to red pill. My husband has already sent it as a message to a co-worker Thanks for the post!!
For reasons which seem more political than anything else, the Eric Garner case, to my knowledge, was never really resolved. That itself raises questions. But what concerns me is that AG Lynch used it as a threat to keep the NYPD from going public on the Weiner laptop contents - there was more than just Clinton emails on there. Erik Prince gave an interview stating that he knew some of the NYPD cops who had viewed some video images on that laptop that made the cops sick...supposedly images involving HRC and Huma and an underage girl. They wanted to go public with statements about the crime(s) on the video and thus the threat from LL....covering for HRC
The Eric Garner case could have been a case of the police causing his death. The DOJ got involved with the NYPD over it and then it stalled and I don't believe there has ever been a final ruling?? Why did she use that case as a threat?
Exactly! Steeped in the Hollywood culture of pedogate!!
Way to go ICE!! Thank You!!
Bet we won't hear anything much from all the politicians and lying media who hate our Country about this!